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Wolf dogs kill local women

I own a wolf and i've had her for 10 years shes now 12 years old and i have kids too she's awesome its not the dogs/wolves its the people who own and train the and that goes for any DOG!
Here's some tips on how to raise and keep these cute, lovable hybrids.


Here's some more info:

Wolf-Hybrid Attacks on Children :

The following is a list of just some - by far not all of the attacks on people by wolf dogs. As more information is collected it will be posted. The purpose for this information being listed is to try and convince the general public that these animals are a danger to children and other people that come in contact with them.

9/81 - Wayne, Michigan - Two-year-old Eric Turner killed by "Mickey" when he wandered within range of his chain.

10/83 - Malad, Idaho - Three year-old David Hammer was killed by one of his family's three pet hybrid wolves when the "boy started to run and the wolf chased him and bit him in the neck and back of the head area."

10/85 - Los Angeles, California - Two-year-old Christopher Nimitz was grabbed and had his arm ripped off by the family's pet wolves when he put his hand through the chain-link fencing of their pen.

3/86 - Anchorage, Alaska - Nicola Martin, 2 years old, was killed while playing in a yard near a chained wolf hybrid.

8/86 - Forest City, North Carolina - four-year-old Brandon Joel Ingle killed by the family's pet hybrid.

8/86 - Fergus Falls, Minnesota - Seventeen -month-old Tyler Strauch' s arm was bitten off by his father's pet hybrid when the hybrid grabbed him as the child played near the hybrid's pen.

8/88 - Washesha, Wisconsin - Eight-year-old David Hoppe pulled off his bike and dragged into a lake by a friend's hybrid; hospitalized with multiple soft tissue injuries.

8/88 - Ft. Walton Beach, Florida - Four-year-old Nathan Carpenter killed by a neighbor's recently acquired hybrid that had been featured as "pet of the week" at the shelter from which it was adopted; Panhandle Area Welfare Society (PAWS) paid a $425,000 settlement to the boy's family.

2/89 - Venice, Florida - Three-year-old Lauren Verner attacked by loose hybrid, receives over 100 stitches.

3/89 - Ishpeming, Michigan - Five-year-old Angie Nickerson was killed by a relative's loose pet hybrid as she walked home from the bus stop. The animal had been a stray that was adopted out by a local humane society and only had been with the family a short time.

3/89 - Big Lake, Minn. Alyshia Ann Berczyk, 3 yrs old, killed by a pet wolf.

5/89 - Staten Island, New York - Two-year-old Timothy Bajinski attacked by his mother's hybrid who "freaked out". Child in critical condition, required extensive reconstructive surgery to face and head.

6/89 - Kenyon, Minnesota - Five-year-old Peter Lernke attacked after wandering into yard of chained wolf; surgery required to remove 12 inches of the child's small intestine and 1/2 of his colon.

8/89 - Regina, Saskatchewan ten-year-old Clinton Goodwell loses arm after being bitten by wolves at Moose Jaw Wild Animal Park

3/90 - Otisville, Michigan - Two-year-old Tanya Elliot killed when she played within reach of a friend's chained hybrid.

4/90 - Anchorage, Alaska - Four-week-old Paul David Mahler is killed by "Kessy," a hybrid, when the child's mother held the infant out to the animal and the hybrid grabbed the child by the head.

5/90 - Denver, Colorado - Six-year-old Lewis Trujillo was bitten 15 times on his legs and groin by a loose hybrid.

8/90 - Phoenix, Arizona-Two-year-old Belinda Jean Bennett bitten by her uncle's hybrid, received over 500 stitches to repair wounds.

9/90 - East Orange, New Jersey. Two Month and 3 Day Old Curtis James Hawkins killed and partially consumed by the family's wolf hybrid while sleeping in his crib.

10/90 - Tabor, South Dakota - Four-year-old Crystal Tipton received extensive lacerations to head, neck, arm, stomach and leg when she got too close to some penned hybrids.

1/90 - Mead, Washington - Four-year-old Melonie Honodel received 30-40 puncture wounds from a friend's hybrid that broke loose from its chain and came after a group of children in a yard, biting and shaking the child until her mother beat it off.

5/91 - Bellingham, Washington - Eighteen-month-old Blake Barber has his arm bitten off after reaching through a fence to pet a hybrid owned by his father.

8/91 - Lolo, Montana - Three-year-old Elaine Sandvig had her arm torn off after reaching into a kennel to pet her grandfather's hybrid.

9/91 - Elk, Washington - Melonie Honodel, now five-years-old, sustained a second hybrid attack requiring 80 stitches to close deep head and face lacerations, and nearly lost an eye when she hugged a friend's "friendly" hybrid while she was visiting the home with her mother.

1/92 - Phoenix, Arizona - Five-year-old Quantee Walker was seriously injured when his family's "friendly" hybrid, "Wolfie", dragged him around the yard by his head “like a rag doll.”

1/92 - Greentown, Indiana - Seven-year-old Devin Dewitt required surgery to repair deep lacerations to his arms, upper chest and face after two of the family's wellcared-for hybrids grabbed his hand and arm as he petted them and then attempted to pull him through the chain-link fencing of their 8' high enclosure.

6/92 - Saginaw, Ml. Two-year-old had part of a finger bitten off after approaching an unprotected wolf enclosure at a zoo and reaching through the fence.

10/93 - Sante Fe, New Mexico - Twelve-year-old Josh Garner died from severe injuries inflicted by his neighbor's "friendly" wolf hybrid, Kodiak.

10/93 -Jamaica, Vermont - Four-year-old Brandon Pike hospitalized in serious condition with bites to his face, spinal column and testicles after being attacked by a four-year-old wolf hybrid.

10/93 - Tucson, Arizona - Three-year-old Jasmine Peterson was critically wounded by a wolf hybrid and its shepherd companion when she fell off a cinder block wall into their yard.

12/93 - Townsend, Vermont - A three-year-old child was killed when a hybrid with new puppies broke out of her pen and attacked the child.

2/94 - Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Four children attacked, three of them seriously wounded, when a hybrid escaped his pen and traveled to a local school playground during a recess period.

3/94 - Cumming, Georgia - Eight-year -old Matthew Slalom was revived by his mom's CPR after receiving massive wounds to the head, neck, and chest when his neighbor's leashed "friendly" hybrid pulled away from his owner while she was chatting with the kids in her yard.

12/94 - Manitowoc, Wisconsin - Two-and-a-half-year-old Jared Mars lost most of his right arm when he reached through the fence of a zoo enclosure to pet a wolf.

1/95 - Black Hawk, South Dakota - Two--year-old Russell Evans was killed when he entered a neighbor's fenced yard containing a chained wolf hybrid.

3/95 - Buffalo Creek, Colorado - Four-year-old Brian Oudemolen received deep cuts on his face and head requiring plastic surgery when a friend's hybrid suddenly attacked the child as he ran and played while he and his mom, the hybrid's owner, and the loose hybrid rambled across a field together.

5/95 - Deland, Florida -James Termerer, 21 months-old suffered massive wounds to his face and neck when a "friendly" wolf/malamute attacked him The owner insisted the animal was just "trying to remove a red-hooded shirt the child was wearing" and "had an affinity for the color red."

9/95 - Lynchburg, Virginia - Derrick Quarles, age seven years suffered severe cuts on his throat, back and legs when the neighbor's hybrids grabbed his jacket through the fence of their backyard enclosure, pulled him into the pen, tore his clothes off and attacked him.

12/95- Chiloquin, Oregon - Three year-old Brian Boss was attacked and dragged out of his yard by a loose hybrid. The child received 39 puncture wounds and a punctured lung and required three hours of surgery to repair the wounds in his chest, abdomen and back.

12/95 - Howell, Michigan - Two year-old Jessie Langley was nearly asphyxiated when her family's "friendly" hybrid crushed her chest while she was sleeping in her bed room.

7/96 - Kalispell, Montana - Nathan Weasetail, age eight years, received severe bites to his legs, buttocks, arms, scalp requiring over 300 stitches after he entered an enclosure containing three wolves that were used for photographic purposes.

10/96 - Rothbury, Michigan - A 12 year-old girl waiting for a school bus was attacked and dragged by a neighbor's hybrid that broke his chain She sustained severe bites all over her body especially her arms requiring seven hours of surgery.


T.J. Adams - killed by wolf Hybrid - June 2002

T.J. Adams died late last night at Kosair Children's hospital in Louisville. Authorities say a wolf-hybrid type dog attacked the boy Friday afternoon. Adams lives in Benton, Kentucky, but he was visiting his grandmother in Wickliffe when he was attacked.

Relatives say he often spent weekends at the Ballard County home. The Ballard County Sheriff's department is still trying to figure out exactly where the attack took place. They report having complaints about the dogs that lived at 918 Beechgrove Road, but no charges were ever filed against the owners.

T.J.'s relatives said he had a fear of large aggressive dogs.

"He didn't like a dog that was aggressive," said T.J.'s Grandmother, Betty Owen. "If the dog walked up to him he would pet it, but if it got active it was scared of it."

The dog's owner, Latasha Laster, 21, pleaded not guilty Monday morning to charges of harboring a vicious animal. County Attorney Michael Stacy wouldn't say whether further charges might be filed.

FOLLOW UP STORY (we received on January 9, 2004)

By Angie Kinsey [email protected]--270.575.8650

WICKLIFFE, Ky.--Latasha Laster, who was set to stand trial Monday on manslaughter charges in connection with the mauling of T.J. Adams, accepted a plea bargain from prosecutors Tuesday.

Laster, of Wickliffe, pleaded guilty to reckless homicide in Ballard Circuit Court before Judge Will Shadoan. Commonwealth Attorney Tim Langford recommended a two-year prison term. Shadoan will sentence Laster at 9:30 a.m. March 5.

Langford recommended the charge of second-degree manslaughter be changed to reckless homicide, and the charges of wanton endangerment and harboring a vicious animal be dismissed.

Adams, 5, of Benton was attacked June 7, 2002, by a 70-pound dog belonging to Laster that was chained in a yard behind his grandparents' home on Beech Grove Road. He died two days later at Kosair Children’s Hospital in Louisville.

The dog was destroyed.

"The victim's family, his mother and grandmother, were in agreement with the plea offer," Langford said. "I'm pleased the defendant stepped up and took responsibility for her actions. I hope this brings a form of closure for the victim's family. I'm also pleased we're not required to open old wounds in the trial. Time heals some things, but T.J. will always be missed."

Laster’s attorney, Gorman "Butch" Bradley of Paducah, declined comment until after the sentencing.

Laster, who begins classes today at West Kentucky Community and Technical College, remained out of jail on bond. She paid 10 percent of her $15,000 bond in 2002.


"Wolf Hybrid" Kills Child 06/02

A Ballard County woman whose dog fatally attacked a 5-year-old boy in June 2002 has pleaded guilty to a felony count of reckless homicide. Ballard Commonwealth's Attorney Tim Langford said the plea agreement reached this week calls for a two-year prison term for Latasha Laster. Laster, 22, will be sentenced March 5.

Laster's attorney, Gorman D. Bradley of Paducah, said his client was "very remorseful" about the attack, but added that she would seek probation. He said Laster, who remains free on bond, wanted to get the incident behind her and resume taking college classes.

The dog, described by authorities as a wolf hybrid, mauled T.J. Adams of Benton, who was visiting his grandmother next to Laster's home in Wickliffe. The boy died of his injuries at Kosair Children's Hospital in Louisville. Laster's defense disputed the dog's pedigree.

Witnesses said the dog, which was attached to a long chain at the time, attacked the boy in his grandmother's yard and then dragged him into Laster's yard. A Ballard County grand jury indicted Laster on charges of harboring a vicious animal, wanton endangerment and second-degree manslaughter. Langford said the first two charges were dismissed and the manslaughter charge was amended to reckless homicide. He said the boy's family agreed to the plea bargain.

Police shot the 70-pound dog after the attack.

Langford said a prosecution witness was prepared to testify based on a tissue analysis that the dog was a wolf hybrid, a breed of dog that has been blamed for dozens of attacks on people. Some states and cities have enacted laws requiring owners to control or confine such dogs, which can resemble a Husky or Malamute in appearance, but Kentucky does not have such a law. Laster told investigators she found the dog as a stray and did not know it was dangerous. Police said there had been no prior problems with the dog.

Statewide, felony prosecutions against dog owners are rare because fatal attacks are rare, said Gale Cook of Murray, president of the state prosecutors' association. She said she can't recall any felony prosecutions other than the Ballard County case.


Hi Ed,

Someone on a message board posted a link to your hybrid site as must-read literature for someone who was even considering getting a hybrid. It will be listed in my reference material for any of my future litters (malamutes) because I like to educate puppy people in all areas of breed problems. Hybrids are a problem that affects my breed.

I have come across many hybrid owners who are all proud about having their dogs...until someone of authority (insurance people, vets, cops, etc) asks them about their dog. Or worse, their animal does something, like bite. Then suddenly it's a malamute or malamute cross. That REALLY REALLY pisses me off for 2 reasons: 1) insurance companies are making it difficult for me to own malamutes because these jerk hybrid owners are passing their dogs off as mals when they bite. This falsely drives up our bite statistic (and undoubtedly that of the GSD when people pawn them off at GSDs) and that infuriates me. 2) if they are SOO proud to own such an incredible animal that the hybrid OBVIOUSLY is, why the sudden shyness/lying about what they are? Why not shout it to the mountains? Because they know what they're doing is stupid and wrong and they don't want the lecture. I do a lot of public ed with my dogs, I can't even begin to count the times someone has asked me about the wolf content in my dogs or the number of times people have told me that their friend's dog was 50% timberwolf and 60% Malamute (yes, I realize that doesn't add up) and he was 150lbs and strong as an ox. And then they expect me to be impressed by that. Being also a vet tech, we had an animal come in that was listed as a malamute...but in one glance I knew what it was, and yes, it had big 'will bite' stickers on the cage. Fantastic. Anyone who knew much at all about my breed could tell that she wasn't one, not even a very poorly bred one.

I could go on forever, the topic positively infuriates me. Bottom line, I tell people the exact same thing: There isn't one good reason to breed hybrids. They don't have a single function: they aren't built to pull a sled, they aren't good service dogs, they don't win races, they aren't great pets, they don't work for bitework, and if you tried herding with them, you're going to end up with a bunch of dead sheep.



An Email from a Red Neck Wolf Hybrid Owner

I am appauled at your site, going around and saying how shitty Wolf Hybrids are, and Calling people red neck fools. Hell i read you are a cop? pft. I bet german shepards have killed more that a pitbull has. Now i am not bagging on any kind of dog, cuz any kind could kill just takes one mean shrud owner to create one. With love and kindness and dog could turn out to be wonderful. Yeah so i agree with yah on protection, but wince when has anyone really considered that in buying a dog? And your uh so called list of people who were victuimized...I goes as far ar 1996, hmm what about the other 10 years that have past? where are the updations to that? Oviously this isnt to important to you to keep it updated. Is this your way of attracting attention? because if it is theni compare that to the Michael jackson and baby out the window insident. Heartless whinners like you are what makes this world so difficult to live in. So who gives a care what dog you have and if its more of a potential killer that the next? It's there choose, how would you like it if i made a website about german shepards saying that there thw worst dog? Just because people train them to take out people? Huh? I don't think you'd like that much. A word to the wise, take of your internet masks. stop hiding behind your computer and wasting space with your complaints, and take it somewhere else, or think twice before you build some hate website, that only adds to the hate this human world already exists in.

Alexis Mount

Alexis MM [[email protected]]

Ed's comment on hybrids owners email

Blah Blah Blah Blah - if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck - its still a duck. Just another example of a red neck fool that tries to change the topic to justfiy their kid killers.

By the way - you may want to take up English - unless maybe it's your second language. Why is it that 99.99% of the hybrid owners are illiterate?



Just to clarify things a lil, you are an uninformed bigot who needs to shott himself, but them, would that make the gun bad? It is possible that people are not aware of the responsibility that they take. This is not a redirection tactic, you use those. Wolf-hybrids are excellent and loving animals, and it is in 99% of cases of attack the human's fault. You are perpetuating the fear and ignorance which people who have any education scorn. Try educating yourself. It might be a novel experience for you.
Wolf hybrids are no more dangerous than german shepherds, pit bulls, dobermans, or any other large breed animal, it all has to do with training you freaking nut. Its really a shame that publishers dont bother to look through the tripe you fed to them, or that they didnt care that it wasnt accurate, but instead just wanted to raise controversy and therefore sales.

It always surpirses me how many people are retarded about things that they will never understand. You people who feel that these are child killers should have no access to animals what so ever. At all. You should be banned from ever coming in contact with them. Leave working with animals, and writing about them, to people who have an affinity to them, and arent afraid of their own shadows. Your book was also just a waste of money, in fact, I returned it after reading part of it, as it was worse for negative propoganda than the Bible. You really should not be alowed to publish anything of this sort, your fear of these beautiful creatures is not founded on fact or personal experience. I'm willing to bet that you have "heard stories" or found something like this out from "a friend of a friend."

Reserach and empirical evidence are the things that your readers should be looking for, instead they are showing sheep-like characteristic, blindly following your poison until their minds are warped, and shouldnt be on a planet that is comprised of mostly animals. Before I get any angrier, please, do write me back, and attempt to refute what I have said. I will show you evidence to the contrary.



I am concerned about you complaining about wolfdogs.Well not all wolfdogs are bad it all depends on the owners who take care of them.Wolfdogs need much attention at a young age and through out their lives just like any other dog.All dogs came from wolves from generations way back.You can believe what you want but I still think its the owners who create the monsters not the dogs themselves.Anyways you don't need to be dissing rednecks just because this country is one doesn't mean there is no rednecks still.Anyways most rednecks from Georgia aren't stupid at all.Maybe you need to do some research on wolf hybrids.Just because your a cop doesn't mean that you have to complain about any breed that's mixed with a wolf.I own a 5 year old wolf who has never bitten anyone.So far I haven't heard about anymore hybrid attacks.Anyways most of the things you say are wrong about wolf hybrids.They look up to us as alphas.And they learn from us and thats what gives them respect or hatred.Maybe you should relize that any dog attacks a human beings.I've been attacked by a boxer, american shiffired bulldog and a miniature pinscher.So I wouldn't be talking about a certain type of dog.

Candace Bishop

Ed's comment

About 50% of the people who write about hybrids have names are Candace – April– etc etc etc

You have a lot to learn

Candace come back: :)

So your judging me by my name just because your a sick ass pig?And this is why I hate cops the most of all is because their nothing but senseless people who don't know what something is about their only taught to fight.Just because I'm 19 doesn't mean I don't know anything about wolf hybrids.I was raised up with them and love them.Your the one who needs to learn a lot.My research has been on hybrids for many years to prove they are almost like any dog.So far that is the conclusion.They bond like a pack but act as their other breed.Just because they are part wolf doesn't mean you have to judge them about rumors of fairy tales and made up lies.Why don't you go study them in the wild?Well its because your to lazy while sitting there eating doughnuts.Cops are what disgust me the most.Your what disgraces all human kind who have love toward their pets and family members.

I wonder if wolves and wolf hybrids pose a threat to children. Does anybody have any examples of such attacks?

My friend had two on his ranch, and at first he thought it was cool. First, they kept the ground squirrels in check, then the rabbits. Then they killed a goat. Then a pregnant ewe..... when they had one of his colts cornered, he finally decided they had to go.
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