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WLH charged. Heads up if you've booked

It’s about time WLH gets hammered for the crap they pull!

The winds of change are slowing starting to circulate here in Utah. It seems the good ol’ boys are retiring and HOPEFULLY the future will be brighter than the past for the average joe hunter here in Utardville.

The new members of the Wildlife Board seem way less interested in social views and more interested in following the outlined method (i.e. RAC meetings, biologist recommendations).

Now, if Utah could sever the tie with $FW and the debacle that is the Hunt Expo, we’d really be cooking with peanut oil!!!
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Its donny jr, he knew there was bait being put out. Just like daddy never admit to anything
The guide will get a pardon in 2024 membership to the trump club has extreme privilages
Not sure if this is sarcasm, trolling, or the Bots I've heard about.
Did the other clients know or just jr. in this conspiracy?
I'm really interested to know how to detect three week old bait when running hounds on bear, could prove useful in the future.
Karma finally caught up with WLH? If they took the minimum of all his/their wildlife violations and totaled them up, it might be a real sentence. How about the next 10 hunting seasons he spends with udwr helping catch some poachers.
The report is a glimpse behind the curtain to the seamy underbelly of big game hunting.

I suspect Trump Jr. is fully convinced in his mind that he hunts ethically and employs successful outfitters.

Any hunter paying attention has seen shenanigans from outfitters. More than once I have witnessed the herding of elk by airplane or horses, either to move elk to where they want them, or keep them from leaving an area. It has been going on for a long time. It will go on for a long time.

Hunting does not improve a person's ethics as much as it reveals them.
Not sure if this is sarcasm, trolling, or the Bots I've heard about.
Did the other clients know or just jr. in this conspiracy?
I'm really interested to know how to detect three week old bait when running hounds on bear, could prove useful in the future.
Non of the above not a bot not a troll not sarcasm but i seem i have hit a nerve after
All how dare anyone think jr wouldnt do anything that might be illegal then count on being a trump To get him out of trouble
Good day its time to test the ignore function with. You
I thought baiting was legal in utah? Fairly sure I remember some of the insta crowd was baiting mule deer to get them on cam a few years back when I had Instagram. What am I missing?
The report is a glimpse behind the curtain to the seamy underbelly of big game hunting.

I suspect Trump Jr. is fully convinced in his mind that he hunts ethically and employs successful outfitters.

Any hunter paying attention has seen shenanigans from outfitters. More than once I have witnessed the herding of elk by airplane or horses, either to move elk to where they want them, or keep them from leaving an area. It has been going on for a long time. It will go on for a long time.

Hunting does not improve a person's ethics as much as it reveals them.
Well said. Ethics are constantly tested in hunting. Adding a monetary incentive, internet fame, and ego is only going to increase shenanigans exponentially.
I doubt he knew. An outfitter doesn’t commit crimes for this long without anything sticking, by letting his clients in on what he’s up to. That would be a quick route to get busted. I don’t know much about bear hunting, but it seems to be logical that a bait site could congregate bears, then make it easy to bring the dogs by and find bears to chase.
“According to Stout’s report, Lemon’s employees had treed a bear and built a fire under the tree to keep it from escaping while they waited for their client to be brought to the site.”

Dude sounds like a real class act.
I doubt he knew. An outfitter doesn’t commit crimes for this long without anything sticking, by letting his clients in on what he’s up to. That would be a quick route to get busted. I don’t know much about bear hunting, but it seems to be logical that a bait site could congregate bears, then make it easy to bring the dogs by and find bears to chase.

^^ This. Given how most bears chases begin with dogs being roaded until they scent a bear and then give chase, it would be very easy for an outfitter to have a bait located close enough to the road that hounds could scent a bear and give chase without a client ever knowing that bait was there. No one follows the hounds from the beginning of the chase. They wait until a bear trees and then walk to the end of the chase.
“According to Stout’s report, Lemon’s employees had treed a bear and built a fire under the tree to keep it from escaping while they waited for their client to be brought to the site.”

Dude sounds like a real class act.
Disgusting. Oh ... and while waiting he constructed a chair of rocks for the fat client to sit in while shooting the smoking bear. Lemon is aptly named. Loser. Let's cheer for a felony conviction ... and future auction of his guns no longer legal for him to possess.
^^ This. Given how most bears chases begin with dogs being roaded until they scent a bear and then give chase, it would be very easy for an outfitter to have a bait located close enough to the road that hounds could scent a bear and give chase without a client ever knowing that bait was there. No one follows the hounds from the beginning of the chase. They wait until a bear trees and then walk to the end of the chase.
Yep. My other assumptions is the bait and camera were also used to identify "trophy" or high quality bears. Be it color, size, or coat quality. The outfitter doesn't want to waste time chasing and catching an undesirable bear.
In the end cheaters, cheating for money and recognition. Hopefully justice prevails
I doubt he knew. An outfitter doesn’t commit crimes for this long without anything sticking, by letting his clients in on what he’s up to. That would be a quick route to get busted. I don’t know much about bear hunting, but it seems to be logical that a bait site could congregate bears, then make it easy to bring the dogs by and find bears to chase.
You've undoubtedly head of Shankster, here in AK. He skirted the laws for years, in the end when was finally busted, it was a slap on the wrist. The stress killed him, or so I was told.

Wade will get off, I'd put money on it with a small fine and suspended jail time.
You've undoubtedly head of Shankster, here in AK. He skirted the laws for years, in the end when was finally busted, it was a slap on the wrist. The stress killed him, or so I was told.

Wade will get off, I'd put money on it with a small fine and suspended jail time.

I would not bet against you. It would surprise me if he actually does any time. It would not surprise me to learn he complains that he is being harassed unfairly.
Wade will get off, I'd put money on it with a small fine and suspended jail time.
It’s maddening to think that in some states this guy would probably get a much stiffer sentence for being possession of a personal amount of illegal drugs.
Maybe he can cry to the commission if they try and suspend his license about needing to hunt to support his family. It’s worked for influencers in the past
^^ This. Given how most bears chases begin with dogs being roaded until they scent a bear and then give chase, it would be very easy for an outfitter to have a bait located close enough to the road that hounds could scent a bear and give chase without a client ever knowing that bait was there. No one follows the hounds from the beginning of the chase. They wait until a bear trees and then walk to the end of the chase.
That is an overly broad statement, I insisted on being there for location of the track and release of the hounds for a lion hunt. The actual hunt is the search for the track to follow after all. The golden rule applies he who provides the gold makes the rules.

While running after the sounds of the chase I had to stop for a wheeze in oak brush... a couple young assistants followed up and stopped for a wheeze a few yards away.

"usually we have to wait until dark until the dude shows up to kill the poor cat, problem with this SOB is trying to keep up with him..."

One can live by ones own rules if one insists it be so.

Chase started on a doe deer carcass, covered up kitty style. I excavated it to make sure there were no tire marks on it, never hurts to verify. Trust but verify...

This should NOT be viewed as a defense of this outfitter, just a general re-buttal of your overly broad assertion.
That is an overly broad statement, I insisted on being there for location of the track and release of the hounds for a lion hunt. The actual hunt is the search for the track to follow after all. The golden rule applies he who provides the gold makes the rules.

While running after the sounds of the chase I had to stop for a wheeze in oak brush... a couple young assistants followed up and stopped for a wheeze a few yards away.

"usually we have to wait until dark until the dude shows up to kill the poor cat, problem with this SOB is trying to keep up with him..."

One can live by ones own rules if one insists it be so.

Chase started on a doe deer carcass, covered up kitty style. I excavated it to make sure there were no tire marks on it, never hurts to verify. Trust but verify...

This should NOT be viewed as a defense of this outfitter, just a general re-buttal of your overly broad assertion.
Hound experiences may vary and the one you described may be the exception. Apples and oranges- bears and lions, I don't know.
How exactly did you all come across the doe carcass? Were you on foot or lucky enough to find a lion kill on the road?
My experience hunting bear with hounds in the West is very similar to the thread you rebutted. Lots of driving with a strike hound on the hood, cutting tracks and looking for a strike from scent.
I have never seen or heard of guys initially taking off when the dogs are first sent.
It usually happens the dog strikes or sign is seen. Every now and then you run into a bear, actually sighted. The houndsman decides how many and which dogs to send. Then you wait, listen and use technology like GPS or telemetry. You monitor the dogs for a tree, good chase, or false strike. If the dogs tree, then you go. If it looks like a good chase, you decide if you pursue from there or drive to a better starting point. A bad chase, you regroup and gather dogs. A simplistic example but it's not that complicated.
Trying to chase bear the way in which you described in the lion hunt sounds cool, but is not reality in my experience for bears in the west.