Wind Direction?

Bruce A. Kennedy

New member
Aug 3, 2003
OK, here is a serious question, so we don't get jumped on by Danny.
Do you call a stand according to the wind direction? In southern Arizona, I have stands along a route, that I have selected, because of the field of fire, the direction of the sun if it is early morning, or other circumstances that provide me the advantage.

Because of our terrain or the walk into a stand, if I were to be "politically correct" with the wind direction, chances are, I would never hunt many of those stands. For the most part, I select a route and work the stands in order on that route, and which ever direction the wind is blowing, so be it. I am not advocating you do it this way, because wind direction and your position can be very important.

For the most part, I do try to be "aware" of the wind direction, and buddy, you better be aware of the wind direction if you are hunting with Tim Behle, because up wind is the only direction that will save your life.

So, how important is the wind direction in hunting your stands?

Take care.
Danny, disagree with your assessment.

First. when hunting at night, (as we both do), AND when you have a light in their face, they don't see ANY movement.

Perhaps a little noise, like the subtle sound of a bolt closing, is about it?

Second. Do what you can to get them to come in directly, but all is NOT lost, when they get there; if you have been misting correctly.

Hey, you used to know all this stuff?

Better start wearing camo, so you can get away with scratching your butt, on those occasional day stands.

But, I'm like Bruce. I follow a road, take note of the wind direction, and deal with it. But wind doesn't influence where I make a stand, or where I don't, unless I'm looking for protected areas, when it's blowing. Buy ya books, and send youse to school, and what do you do,.......

Good hunting. LB
Aw Geeze, Let rip with one little fart, and some folks never forget!

Wasn't my fault he was sitting down wind! He Chose to sit there!

I watch my down wind side a little more, and if convenient, I'll give myself the biggest shooting range to the down wind side. But I point my speaker in the direction I expect a coyote to come from, and give that my first priority.
When I get up, I go outside and check the wind, then set my trail accordingly. Of course every good cover that I like to call, I normally have two stands to call it from one for the south wind and one for the north. Most generally, I don't vary unless, I can't gain the wind advantage from lack of access on private land. Then I just hope that the mist does its job.

later pup
I try and find a place where I have good vision, the wind isn't blowing directly to where I think the coyote will come from and where I can conceal some movement.

Danny, I think if you do some searching you may be able to find some camo pantyhose, they you can stay warm and be invisible at the same time.

Bruce, it is a good thing Tim is going to be with Rich all day after you feed him all those beans!!!
I can tell you that getting winded costs me more coyotes than any other single factor out side of my control. Second would be mule deer. Mule deer ALWAYS head the same direction you are hunting in the sand hills. They go strait for the ruff stuff that you are hunting through. Coyotes head down wind for one reason and that is to better understand the situation. Their nose doesn’t lie and if they don’t like what they smell they are gone at least 9 out of 10 times in my experience. It is hard to stop a coyote that is determined to get your wind and it is hard to stop a coyote that has already got your wind. I always like to keep an eye down wind but I always do everything within my control to keep them in front of me. Each morning I get the weather and I plan my rout based primarily on the wind direction and velocity.

Good hunting.

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