Wilks brothers true colors are shining through.....

I printed out the Wilks BLM Trespass Settlement Agreement at the BLM site, will go through it after dinner (havent had time for lunch yet, a documentary guy dealing with the Durfees is interviewing me tomorrow and I had to get a bunch of documents and photos together for him).

One thing that needs to be addressed is the Wilks statement that the fence was built because of trespassers from the public lands onto their property. Part of one of my previous FOIAs was all BLM citations involving the ranch and the Durfees from 2010 forward, before the Wilks bought the place, to see if there had been public hunter harassment prior to the Wilks arrival. There were no BLM citations for public hunters that left the Durfees onto the Wilks. Not really their jurisdiction I would imagine. So that leaves Fergus County Sheriffs dept, so I will make a request for all complaints for private property trespass onto the Wilks, to see if any actually occurred and all complaints towards the Wilks, like hunter harassment, including the nearby harassment of landowners like the one with the Wilks helicopter flying and hovering by that lady's front door. See who is really misbehaving out there.

The 2 news articles mentioned nothing about the federal violation for moving federal boundary markers, including blazed trees. The BLM Cadastral Survey I got last August when it was filed, mentioned having to replace missing markers, two of which were found in the bulldozed debris piles, others they couldn't find.

This should make for some interesting reading this evening.

Oh, and they waited all year long to do this, saying the Rehabilitation and Stabilization treatments must be implemented prior to October 15, 2016. Guess what effect this is going to have on this years hunting season there?
That's two weeks before the rifle opener so it shouldn't be a big deal. It wouldn't surprise me if the Wilkes did constant patrol of key parts of the border which "accidentally" keep the elk on their property... sounds about their style.

Have you requested the exact findings of the BLM on the trespasses? I remember Fin documenting the fence 100s of feet onto public, yet the press has only mentioned a few feet here and there. It's probably going to take that documentary to get the real information out there.
Rob, I posted a copy of my FOIA request in post 763.

If you read the settlement agreement, they detail what has to be done, it is not a small amount of work, will involve large equipment. For example, they have to re-contour the cut slopes, cut keyhole trenches to install straw wattles for erosion, mulching, they have to make breaks in all those giant tree piles for corridors, every 100 meters and the gaps have to be at least 3 feet wide for elk migration. Dozer, chainsaws, trenchers, mulchers. Then there is the herbicide application, seeding and fence work. Vehicles, noise, people, change to landscape and foreign objects, that make take a bit after it all settles down before the elk feel comfortable going back.
Thanks. In addition, the settlement agreement you posted in post 775 is really interesting. I'm disappointed in how the BLM continues to resist being helpful here. I had hoped with the departure of a few of those folks they would start being more forthcoming. Right now I think they are working for the Wilkes.

Rob, I posted a copy of my FOIA request in post 763.

If you read the settlement agreement, they detail what has to be done, it is not a small amount of work, will involve large equipment. For example, they have to re-contour the cut slopes, cut keyhole trenches to install straw wattles for erosion, mulching, they have to make breaks in all those giant tree piles for corridors, every 100 meters and the gaps have to be at least 3 feet wide for elk migration. Dozer, chainsaws, trenchers, mulchers. Then there is the herbicide application, seeding and fence work. Vehicles, noise, people, change to landscape and foreign objects, that make take a bit after it all settles down before the elk feel comfortable going back.
maybe they will seed a lot of alfalfa

Some pilots told me the Wilks set up 3 crop plots around the Durfee Hills to see which would be the best lure. The crops are in fenced in areas, which FWP directed that there had to be gates for wildlife to exit, they couldn't be fenced in. I didn't hear about this until my helicopter trip, or I would have asked for a fly over to document.

I have located three unnatural rectangles on the satellite map around the Durfees, two show purple, but I would like to do a physical flyover and video with GPS coordinates to be sure. I don't like hearsay.
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Region 3 is excited to host the first showing of the 45 minute film next month, in Bozeman!

When: June 13th, 7PM
Where: The Emerson
Who: Anyone who loves hunting, public lands, or needs to know what we're up against.
Cost: $8, to cover the theater costs. Get your tickets here: Eventbrite
The fight to steal our public hunting and fishing access is not going away any time soon.
Films like this are important to spreading the word and rallying for the fight - please invite your friends and family!
After over a year, and having to reach out to Senator Testers office for help, the BLM has produced 2 CD's of my July 2, 2016 FOIA (originally due by Sept. 2016) on the Durfee Hills investigation, conclusions, fines and restoration. The 1st CD was 253 pages and the 2nd, which arrived yesterday was 210 pages. I am getting these printed at Staples, but have already printed a few key documents.

As soon as I get the 3rd, I will be putting the key pieces together for the public and uploading them to the site, here and out in the newsletter. It has been a long wait on this one.
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I would not want to be in your crosshairs, Kat. Amazing diligence!~

edit> This has to be the most viewed thread ever... 159k views! Think this thread has grabbed attention?
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After over a year, and having to reach out to Senator Testers office for help, the BLM has produced 2 CD's of my July 2, 2016 FOIA (originally due by Sept. 2016) on the Durfee Hills investigation, conclusions, fines and restoration. The 1st CD was 253 pages and the 2nd, which arrived yesterday was 210 pages. I am getting these printed at Staples, but have already printed a few key documents.

As soon as I get the 3rd, I will be putting the key pieces together for the public and uploading them to the site, here and out in the newsletter. It has been a long wait on this one.

Sorry I was tied up when you called. I will get in touch with you tomorrow.
I would not want to be in your crosshairs, Kat. Amazing diligence!~

+1, It is a relief to be a member among so many strongly supporting our Public Land and the slowing down of the privileged taking over of what is now all of ours to hunt, fish, and to take recreation. I see here from reading thru this thread that many deserve my hats off and a solid Congratulations to all for your dedicated efforts!

This is why i'm here at this Site. At another hunting Forum that i no longer associate with, i felt the majority were pushing for or just accepting "progress" or "Transfer" as natural and a avenue to make hunting more exclusive, make it be more about big money in already stretched pockets but that, IMO, is the wrong direction, a disastrous wrong trail to go down if we care to keep our wonderful outdoor heritage close to intact for future generations. Those with jobs and careers that deal with our Public lands, need more often to be held accountable, this was a great effort. THANK YOU!!

Bravo Kat! You are the embodiment of a public lands advocate and we all greatly appreciate your hard work. I'm anxious to read what has been so long in the making for you.
wilkes will end up with the land, its just a matter of time,,,, if the federal government don't have the time and resources to fight about trails, they sure don't have the money and time to fight billionaires,,,

you see Idaho is about to change a major trespassing law, brought around by, one guess,,,,, these guys aren't going away until their broke, might as well start trading land with them,,,,,
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