Wilks brothers true colors are shining through.....

I'm glad the point was brought up about the newspaper article. I was thinking about that last night when going to sleep, but was too lazy to get up and write something (planned to do it this morning). That article was a quick endorsement of the Wilks' fence with regard to location then turned into a condemnation of the airplanes and how they were found to have broke the law. I would be willing to bet that those planes could land 50 x's and not cause 1/2 the damage that those dozers did in 1 trek across the landscape.

THANK YOU to all people smart enough and determined enough to not eat the bologna that was initially fed back to the public. Keep up the GREAT work...you're making a difference.
Good to hear - for the elk. Those guys don't care if they have to move a fence. And the guys they pay to build it don't care either.

What I do hope, is you guys slam some monster bulls on this piece every year, and be sure to do a "victory lap" around the Wilks campsite with your trophy bulls dangling from the a cable on the chopper, because, that I'm sure will give these DBs some heartburn.

Good example of why you should keep pressing things if the answers you're getting don't jive with your gut.
There is a BLM area just to the north west of the Durfees affectionately called Helicopter. It is 1080 acres right next to a 640 acre State Parcel for 1720 acres of public land, a little bit less than half of the Durfees at 2777.97 of BLM + 640 State for 3417.97 Public. I was contacted by several hunters, expressing concern that we not leave this area out and could it be surveyed, as it is hunted and was the first area that the Wilks fenced this summer.

When I spoke to BLM about this I was told that they would need similar documentation, as was presented for the Durfee Hills area, such as pics of gps coordinates showing over boundary, pics of the bulldozing and tree piles, etc. So if any of y'all are going out there or have been recently, having that documentation, please post so that we can get this area looked into. I will be going out that direction around the 20th.

I am looking into the regulations for trespass and damage done to the BLM by the fence construction, should the survey show there was encroachment.
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I have been acquiring the Code of Federal Regulations and BLM manuals/handbooks involving trespass and damage this afternoon. Definitely this large handbook is going to Staples to be printed and bound like the others. I will get all this on a webpage with page references and quotes as I have done on the others for y'all, but as a quickie reference, should there be encroachment, I saw this passage (I will get it typed up later):
Unfortunately, those penalties are all chump change for the ultra wealthy, only thing that will get their attention is some time behind bars and we all know that is not going to happen.
I am wondering if this survey that is being required would fall under the administrative costs incurred as a consequence of trespass, if encroachment is found. Additionally, as trespass affects land exchanges, sales, land use, etc., is if the Wilks have any grazing leases on those lands, also outfitting leases?
Yes they should get their grazing lease jerked out from underneath them. Also they had plans to start outfitting the BLM. That Lease should be declined.
I have been acquiring the Code of Federal Regulations and BLM manuals/handbooks involving trespass and damage this afternoon. Definitely this large handbook is going to Staples to be printed and bound like the others. I will get all this on a webpage with page references and quotes as I have done on the others for y'all, but as a quickie reference, should there be encroachment, I saw this passage (I will get it typed up later):

you are a tremendous resource , and i applaud all your time and efforts,,,
I have been hunting in there for over 7 years now, and could never understand how the BLM LE could be at our camp a half hour after we landed. It has to be at least an hour and a half out of Lewistown. Now I know! There must be a field office at the N-Bar ranch!
I am wondering if this survey that is being required would fall under the administrative costs incurred as a consequence of trespass, if encroachment is found. Additionally, as trespass affects land exchanges, sales, land use, etc., is if the Wilks have any grazing leases on those lands, also outfitting leases?
WIlks do have two grazing leases on BLM lands in that area. There are penalties for the fencing, if illegal, in prehibited acts portion of grazing regs in CFR. They can include revocation of the permit or criminal charges, but I doubt either will happen .
300stw, thank you.

I spoke with a number of BLM employees to find the regs or manuals on trespass and damage here in Montana, but they said they didnt know of any and would ask around. During the last inquiry on Friday, I figured that since Utah is prosecuting this right now, surely they would have it on the tip of their brains so I called and left a message. Meanwhile, I had turned up a retired BLM guy (15 years) in Idaho that wrote something online. Looked his phone number up and gave him a call. Right off the top of his head, he was able to cite CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) to me accurately (I was on the CFR during the call). Then Utah called back and told me about the Trespass Manual and sent me the pdf. I am a wee bit disappointed that I could not get that help in the 2 days I began asking for this here in Montana.

I should be finished with the webpage construction of these BLM documents this afternoon. I have to get back on a few things first thing this morning with a couple agencies before I settle into the web work.

Reading through the section on occupancy and use, I have some questions about that trailer that was parked on the runway if anyone knows.
Was that area designated Day Use?
And was it unattended for 24 or 72 hours?
300stw, thank you.

I spoke with a number of BLM employees to find the regs or manuals on trespass and damage here in Montana, but they said they didnt know of any and would ask around. During the last inquiry on Friday, I figured that since Utah is prosecuting this right now, surely they would have it on the tip of their brains so I called and left a message. Meanwhile, I had turned up a retired BLM guy (15 years) in Idaho that wrote something online. Looked his phone number up and gave him a call. Right off the top of his head, he was able to cite CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) to me accurately (I was on the CFR during the call). Then Utah called back and told me about the Trespass Manual and sent me the pdf. I am a wee bit disappointed that I could not get that help in the 2 days I began asking for this here in Montana.

I should be finished with the webpage construction of these BLM documents this afternoon. I have to get back on a few things first thing this morning with a couple agencies before I settle into the web work.

Reading through the section on occupancy and use, I have some questions about that trailer that was parked on the runway if anyone knows.
Was that area designated Day Use?
And was it unattended for 24 or 72 hours?

Not sure on the day use part but for sure unattended for more than 72 hrs.
Not sure on the day use part but for sure unattended for more than 72 hrs.

Well, according to one of these regs concerning occupancy and use, "In developed camping and picnicking areas, no person shall, unless otherwise authorized: (a) Pitch any tent, park any trailer, erect any shelter or place any other camping equipment in any area other than the place designated for it within a designated campsite; (b) Leave personal property unattended for more than 24 hours in a day use area, or 72 hours in other areas. Personal property left unattended beyond such time limit is subject to disposition under the Federal Property and Administration Services Act"

Now I dont know if that landing strip/road qualifies as a camping or picnicking area? ;) Did anyone get a photo of the license plate on that trailer?
I have been following this thread along since the beginning... I antelope an area that also borders the Wilks Ranch... One thing that caught my attention this weekend is they are not doing any fencing around state/federal lands out in the flats. I wonder if these areas will be next, or if this is due to the failed land swap... or just because there were no distiguishable property boundaries in the hills. I learned a lot this weekend with my GPS chip... areas I thought were Wilks Ranch were actually federal lands... fencing down below does not resemble property lines at all.
I have been following this thread along since the beginning... I antelope an area that also borders the Wilks Ranch... One thing that caught my attention this weekend is they are not doing any fencing around state/federal lands out in the flats. I wonder if these areas will be next, or if this is due to the failed land swap... or just because there were no distiguishable property boundaries in the hills. I learned a lot this weekend with my GPS chip... areas I thought were Wilks Ranch were actually federal lands... fencing down below does not resemble property lines at all.
How far off? Did the Wilks build these fences?
How far off? Did the Wilks build these fences?

I must not have typed exactly what I meant...

These are fences that have been there way before the Wilks bought the N Bar and Pronghorn Ranches. I do not know if they were/are for grazing allotments or what, but they do not follow property lines like I thought they did before getting the chip in my GPS.

I was merely stating that they are NOT doing any fencing that I saw out in the flats, which they also own sizeable tracts bordering state/federal lands.
I just got a phone call from a rancher stating he was the guy that parked the camper in the road (dont know his name). He had been forwarded my newsletter on the issue.

He said he was calling about the fencing standards, was going to call the extension service, had talked with someone that stated 5 barbed wire was common and brought up sheep, that sheep had grazed there and that type of fence was necessary for sheep. I explained while it may be common, this particular fence is not legal according to Montana Legal Fencing and the BLM Fencing Handbook. He said that the fencing was on the Wilks property, not public land. I explained about the GPS readings with WAAS and GLONASS being a concern so BLM was going in to do a survey and at least ascertain boundary, but that the fencing was still illegal as far as minimum/maximum height and wire number.

He then stated this was just some hunters that are mad and was worried this is going to get out of control, expressed that he wanted to get the Farm Bureau involved. I then explained there were other circumstances that led up to this situation, part of which involved a land exchange that did not go through and what the laws were concerning our public lands. He then brought up bison busting through fences causing road accidents and killing people and wolves killing the wildlife. That there were more important things to worry about than fences, as well as the point that the Wilks are feeding a 5000 head herd of elk. I asked if they were manually feeding the elk or was he referencing the fact that wildlife naturally graze on land, he clarified that they just graze.

This is some of the same conversation that I have heard in many meetings and especially up at the Lewistown bison meeting. I bring this up, simply because if they are worried about the public pushing fencing issues that have gone uncontested before for lack of knowledge, or even just on this one high profile situation because of who the landowner is, that we could be seeing the Farm Bureau trying to get involved.

I have called the Lewistown BLM to see about the sheep statement. I was told that they have been directed that all calls concerning this subject now are being directed to Melody Lloyd - 406-896-5260 in case any of you would be contacting them. I left a message and will let y'all know what I hear back.
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