Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Wilks brothers true colors are shining through.....

So now the tactic is to pretend that people are not fired up about this topic and there are not page after page of posts regarding this topic? Interesting approach. If all the threads and posts were not readily available it might actually work. But since the threads and posts are there for everyone to read and when you see all the crazy talk in those posts there is really no reason to deny what is out therefore everyone to read.

If people were not fired up about this there would not be 16 pages of discussion desperately trying to find something illegal about the fence project. Everything from location, height, # of wires, danger to animals, toilet paper left on public land, where campers are parked, dozers, water runoff, etc....

No, read this.

Bunch of people all fired up about a "anti elk" fence and then several people point out that what they see in the pics is meant to line up posts not kill elk calves.

This is why people bag on you for reading comprehension. No one is utilizing Kat's picture or comment for the basis of their argument. Which is why I said

I think "a bunch of people all fired up"from fence pictures in posts ranging from #1-#379.
. ^^^ that's where I said people are fired up, not
So now the tactic is to pretend that people are not fired up about this topic and there are not page after page of posts regarding this topic?

You connected everyone being fired up about the fence to Kat's incorrect point about the line. Where there are several arguments, and points and people fired up about the actual fence based on the 379 posts before Kat's picture.

Do you see the difference here?

People are fired up about this


not Kat's picture

people are fired up about this,


not Kat's picture

people are fired up and making comments like this

That 5 strand fencing should be illegal. Worst stuff ever for wildlife.

Not that a line to lay out the fence is going to kill wildlife.
I am intimately familiar with setting up and repairing barbed wire fences, wire stretchers and fence post pounders/augers (torn gloves, blisters, epsom salt and heating pads), as well as the fact that a calf could step right over that base wire right now. Perhaps y'all will notice I stated the fence was not complete yet. :) Let me clarify, the reference to a calf not getting through or over, was to the completed five wire fence that has been shown in Wingmans other pics After he posted those, I referenced the BLM specifications and a link to the handbook on post 128, with the BLM quote -
When the lower strands of wire are both close to the ground and to each other, they impede the movement of fawns and yearlings which tend to go under or through a fence.

For those of you that forgot Wingman's earlier pics, here is one from post 117. How many inches from the bottom do any of y'all think that wire is? - hence my wanting to get in there with a tape measure and camera to show exact measurements like Rob and I did with the Schluter FS 166B road debacle. Pics with a tape measure cant be refuted.

Montana Legal Fencing says bottom wire cant be lower than 15" and not higher than 18". The BLM fencing handbook specifications listed 16" from the ground for the bottom wire of a 3-4 wire fence. Based on the nearby approx. bow quiver base dimensions and the fence post wire stud spacing of 2/18", I estimate that about 6" off the ground. The pic I posted of the fencing with the base wire is farther away and the studs cant be counted, but at best, it is not much lower than Wingmans finished fence pic, definitely not near the 15" inch for Montana or 16" for BLM minimum. This is why I want tape measure photos of fencing so there is no swag involved.

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I was beginning to wonder about that myself. Notice you have not received and answer yet...

Your paranoia never ceases to amaze me. So now you think since I don't participate in your ridiculous witch hunt I much work for the Wilks. Hilarious. Keep up the fine work fellas. Deep down I hope for your sake you can find at least 1 law they broke so you can claim victory even if nothing is actually changed with the fence.
Your paranoia never ceases to amaze me. So now you think since I don't participate in your ridiculous witch hunt I much work for the Wilks. Hilarious. Keep up the fine work fellas. Deep down I hope for your sake you can find at least 1 law they broke so you can claim victory even if nothing is actually changed with the fence.

Not really an answer. But whatever.
Where would I find an engineer to design one of these fences that keeps animals off of public land and on private land? Can you e-mail me some specs or contact info for the engineer who designed this 1 way elk fence?

Couldn't you make a case that the fence is designed to keep elk on public lands as well?

Take off your foil hat for a minute and try to make a logical argument that the fence is designed to keep elk on 1 side but not the other.

See how easy it is to poke holes in these conspiracy theories.

Care to place a bet on whether this fence will kill elk or not? Put your money where you mouth is. I will put up what ever you care to that there will be dead elk hanging from this fence in the future.

So a land owner is going to spend $$$ to fence public lands to keep elk on public? Show me a billionaire that would invest in such a fence?

Who said it was a conspiracy? the only person using words like conspiracy and tinfoil hats is you.

I don't care if they build a fence on their own land, I hope they clearly mark their property as they seem to be willing to do, I don't care if they buy the entire mountain range and every neighboring property, Their money is as green as anybody elses. Not a single word of that is what what was said here.

Believe as you wish but if the state is such stewards of the lands they have how come every session the Republicans sponsor a bill for no net gain in state own lands because,
"the state can't afford to manage the lands they have now". They are the very same people wanting the federal government to cede public lands to the state, because supposedly the state manages them better, both cannot be true.

The Wilks' are going to do what they want to do.

If he does then the Wilks should ask for their money back.

Ha Ha. You still love talking about me. Obviously I have gotten to you and it shows in your posts.

You would probably be better off to continue searching for something you can actually get the Wilks in trouble for. So far all the pics, discussions, and investigations has yielded nothing. That is why you are so eager to talk about me because all your discussions and pics of the fence have gotten you nowhere and since the article ran in the Billlings paper its' looking like a whole lot of nothing will happen over the fence. Must suck losing a battle that seems to be really important to you. I hope for your sake you can find at least 1 thing illegal with what they did so they can be punished even if it is minor and does not stop the fence/road project.

You can keep focusing on me if you like but it won't yield any arrests or legal issues for the Wilks which is the whole point of the thread when it was started. But if it makes you feel better to insult people who don't share your extremist views while you hide behind your computer keep it up. I find it entertaining but won't stoop to your level. Thanks for the entertainment, you really made this Monday fly by.
Supposedly they consulted FWP about the fence. So what gives? Did they ignore that consultation, FWP ignored the request, something else? Just curious about that piece of the puzzle here.
Care to place a bet on whether this fence will kill elk or not? Put your money where you mouth is. I will put up what ever you care to that there will be dead elk hanging from this fence in the future.

So a land owner is going to spend $$$ to fence public lands to keep elk on public? Show me a billionaire that would invest in such a fence?

Who said it was a conspiracy? the only person using words like conspiracy and tinfoil hats is you.

I don't care if they build a fence on their own land, I hope they clearly mark their property as they seem to be willing to do, I don't care if they buy the entire mountain range and every neighboring property, Their money is as green as anybody elses. Not a single word of that is what what was said here.

Believe as you wish but if the state is such stewards of the lands they have how come every session the Republicans sponsor a bill for no net gain in state own lands because,
"the state can't afford to manage the lands they have now". They are the very same people wanting the federal government to cede public lands to the state, because supposedly the state manages them better, both cannot be true.

The Wilks' are going to do what they want to do.

Now you want me to bet you if an elk will die in their fence? No idea why you think we should bet on that but it's yet another example of just how extreme some of the viewpoints have gotten. You are really grasping at this point. I don't have to prove anything to you. People are innocent until proven guilty in this country. it's your job to prove what the Wilks did was illegal. So far you have failed to do so as all this talk and pics including the investigation yielded nothing. Now things are getting more and more desperate. Even to the point of pretending that normal fence construction is a "1 way fence designed to keep elk off public land and designed to kill any elk who dares cross it". You might believe this is regular behavior but I can assure you to the average American this thread is hilarious.
Ha Ha. You still love talking about me. Obviously I have gotten to you and it shows in your posts.
Funny stuff there RH.
That is why you are so eager to talk about me because all your discussions and pics of the fence have gotten you nowhere and since the article ran in the Billlings paper its' looking like a whole lot of nothing will happen over the fence.

Let's test that theory. You just go ahead and shut up for a few days and see if we are so eager to talk with you that we invite you back.
Supposedly they consulted FWP about the fence. So what gives? Did they ignore that consultation, FWP ignored the request, something else? Just curious about that piece of the puzzle here.
I have to assume the Wilks asked MFWP which fences were most harmful to elk so they knew what to build. I just posted a link to FWP's recommendations on wildlife friendly fences - nothing like what was built.
Let's test that theory. You just go ahead and shut up for a few days and see if we are so eager to talk with you that we invite you back.

It just keep getting better. Looks like I broke up your Montana circle jerk and now you want me to leave so you can get back to patting each other on the back.

It's pretty safe to say that you don't handle other peoples opinions well. Anytime someone with a different opinion posts you immediately go into personal insults typically about intellect and reading comprehension and they progress to a point where you just ask them to leave because they are making sense and breaking up your paranoid circle jerk witch hunt.

Do you realize that there are other posters who are questioning what you are saying as well? Do you realize that not every American feels the same way you do about this issue? It's ok for people to have different opinions and that does not mean they are dumb, stupid, and can't read. In fact your insults actually reflect more on you than who you are insulting. You will notice that most adults don't act like this when they have discussions. They dont' immediately insult others intelligence or reading ability. Try it sometime.
Now you want me to bet you if an elk will die in their fence? No idea why you think we should bet on that but it's yet another example of just how extreme some of the viewpoints have gotten. You are really grasping at this point. I don't have to prove anything to you. People are innocent until proven guilty in this country. it's your job to prove what the Wilks did was illegal. So far you have failed to do so as all this talk and pics including the investigation yielded nothing. Now things are getting more and more desperate. Even to the point of pretending that normal fence construction is a "1 way fence designed to keep elk off public land and designed to kill any elk who dares cross it". You might believe this is regular behavior but I can assure you to the average American this thread is hilarious.

The average American doesn't hunt and most don't step foot on public lands to recreate so if you want to use the average American that is fine. 6% of Americans hunt, that means the vast majority are clueless about what is even being talked about on this thread.

I didn't say the Wilks' did anything illegal. Again you have a problem putting words in my mouth. I never said they can't build a fence. I said care to bet if this fence kills elk or not. I never said, "every elk that dares cross it".

I am not grasping at anything, think as you wish.

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The one certain fact is that there isn't a single wire fence in a 10 mile radius out there that hasn't been snapped and broken by the elk. This fence too will face the same demise. While I haven't seen it first hand happen I have seen what happens when 200-300 head of elk decide to move forward. I'm sure there a few lead cows that get cut up real good. Once the fence is down they use those spots to move through. Like I said every fence out there has and will be broke down at one point or another.
This too shall pass.:D
I have to assume the Wilks asked MFWP which fences were most harmful to elk so they knew what to build. .

Just when I thought we had seen it all you go and do this!!!!! Awesome job!!

So now we are to believe that the WIlks contacted FWP to see what fences would kill the most elk. Priceless. The paranoia is simply amazing.
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