Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

What's our guess on what it'll take to get a general tag at 90-10 or 90-5-5?

8 points? 10?
I’m not sure the general would be impacted, I believe the 90/10 would be for LQ areas (could be wrong).
I believe you are correct general wouldn't be directly affected but indirectly I think it could be affected drastically. A LE tag is going to take a huge amount of points and how many people are going to want to wait? There is already a huge thread on ways to lower point creep, 90-5-5 isn't one of those ways 😀
I believe you are correct general wouldn't be directly affected but indirectly I think it could be affected drastically. A LE tag is going to take a huge amount of points and how many people are going to want to wait? There is already a huge thread on ways to lower point creep, 90-5-5 isn't one of those ways 😀
If they don’t want to wait or stop applying is that a bad thing? Same with the special fee increases if you don’t like it don’t apply.
If they don’t want to wait or stop applying is that a bad thing? Same with the special fee increases if you don’t like it don’t apply.
They will stop applying for the LE there's still a ton of people that have points that will take YEARS to get through even if points were eliminated. Going to take even longer and more people are going to apply for general tags imo
By about 180 tags? Figuring 6% of LE tags would move to general? Best I could figure quick was 3000LE tags in the state? Or is my math bad?
I believe your math is wrong. It’s not 6% of the NR LE tags it would be 37.5% that would go to Gen or about 1100. Assuming 3000 current LE tags. Changing to 10% from 16% is a 37.5% reduction.
Well, then, they need to poop or get off the pot. Wyoming can do what Wyoming wants, but the sooner I know how they're going to diminish their value to nonresidents, the sooner I can decide how much money to continue sending them.

Great idea. Put more nonresidents in the general elk areas. Their LE odds will go up 1% and the other 99% that hunt general areas will be even more pissed off.

I’m not a selfish person. I’ve been buying points for all species for decades in the case of sheep (for one hunt for me) and all the other species since they started son my son and I could go on one nice hunt for each once he graduated from college.

We’ll work with what we’re given.

I do know this, the political machine won’t be satisfied with just removing the DIY out of stater, they will come and limit resident opportunities next. All that matters is the almighty dollar.

Good luck Wyoming.
It's closer to reality than it ever has been...the Residents are becoming increasingly restless. The Senate floor leader is wanting it badly, so are the outfitters, and more and more the Residents.

The legislature is also tired of hearing about it, pronghorn and deer numbers are tanking.

The table is being set.
Get it done!

Watching the commission meeting the nr elk regions and cap removal is going to go so nr hunters are getting a increase in general tags either way. might as well give resident more of the limited quota tags. I was against outfitter welfare but don't care much either way anymore. If my family and friends want to hunt here antlerless tags are still random draw.
You are wrong. Gen tags would increase under a 90/10 scenario. Under current NR tag structure.
And again, WY residents will lose out.
At present, residents do not have the opportunity to build points (deer,elk and antelope) for draw units like NR can. When we fail to draw an area, we go back to square one.
I cannot buy points (for elk, deer or antelope) to increase my chance of drawing a good unit in the future. So 90/10 passes and more NR are thrown into the general pool where we as residents go to every year since we cannot build points to increase our draw odds.
Go figure!
Great idea. Put more nonresidents in the general elk areas. Their LE odds will go up 1% and the other 99% that hunt general areas will be even more pissed off.

I’m not a selfish person. I’ve been buying points for all species for decades in the case of sheep (for one hunt for me) and all the other species since they started son my son and I could go on one nice hunt for each once he graduated from college.

We’ll work with what we’re given.

I do know this, the political machine won’t be satisfied with just removing the DIY out of stater, they will come and limit resident opportunities next. All that matters is the almighty dollar.

Good luck Wyoming.
How do you know residents will be pissed off with more NR hunters in general areas?

All we'd be doing is trading 1100 residents that would normally hunt general areas for 1100 non residents.

Its a non-issue.
And again, WY residents will lose out.
At present, residents do not have the opportunity to build points (deer,elk and antelope) for draw units like NR can. When we fail to draw an area, we go back to square one.
I cannot buy points (for elk, deer or antelope) to increase my chance of drawing a good unit in the future. So 90/10 passes and more NR are thrown into the general pool where we as residents go to every year since we cannot build points to increase our draw odds.
Go figure!
Right, and 1100 less Residents that would normally be hunting general are now off and gone hunting a LQ area.

Its a wash, WORSE case.
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