Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

I’m not sure, sounds like it’s very close to happening per Buzz but I honestly can’t tell what’s real vs what’s not on that site (and don’t really want to wade in over there to find out).
It's closer to reality than it ever has been...the Residents are becoming increasingly restless. The Senate floor leader is wanting it badly, so are the outfitters, and more and more the Residents.

The legislature is also tired of hearing about it, pronghorn and deer numbers are tanking.

The table is being set.
Are you going to personally work to get it done? The outfitter part seems off-brand for you to say the least.
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I would think that would be an easy decision for residents.
As a hunter I absolutely loath any outfitter handouts and welfare. I hate transferable tags, and the idea of outfitter set aside. It will crush access and completely change WY forever… However with the idiots that scold and complain about residents, it might be an easier pill to swallow.

Right now the only thing blocking it from happening are people who understand the demise it creates. Once we get tired of the fighting, the name calling and the scolding we get from ME, then maybe we will compromise.
As a hunter I absolutely loath any outfitter handouts and welfare. I hate transferable tags, and the idea of outfitter set aside. It will crush access and completely change WY forever… However with the idiots that scold and complain about residents, it might be an easier pill to swallow.

Right now the only thing blocking it from happening are people who understand the demise it creates. Once we get tired of the fighting, the name calling and the scolding we get from ME, then maybe we will compromise.
Appreciate the perspective. Makes sense. I’ve hunted Wyoming one time and it was the most badass elk hunt I’ve ever experienced. I hope to have a deer hunt and one more elk hunt but Wyoming doesn’t owe me a thing. Not realistic for nonresidents to expect a lot of opportunity with the demand that has been created.
Sounds to me if it does go 90-5-5 might as well never plan on hunting a LE tag in WY unless you have max points edit: our pay an outfitter and than who knows when you will get too. Randy's video and the special price increase point creep inflation will seem pretty small if this passes.

As a NR my opinion is pointless I get that. But for what it's worth I am 100% behind 90-10. No outfitter handouts in anyway shape or form. I would even be ok with 95-5 if that's what residents truly wanted as long as outfitter welfare was off the table.

It sucks that WYOGA has such pull that residents feel they need concede 5% of the NR tags to subside the outfitters, all to gain 6% of the tags. Or to turn it on us NR's we aren't willing to concede 6% of the tags to keep that 5% out of the welfare system.
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Dang! 90-5-5! That is some serious hate for NR DIY hunters. But Rob Shaul is a pretty angry little man. Is the resident hunting situation in WY really that bad?
I’m a nonresident. I get that my opinion doesn’t matter much and that WY residents don’t owe nonresidents tags. But, honestly, I really hope this doesn’t go the distance. WY will become NM plus point creep.

Does the chatter include retaining the regular/special breakout? So… for the LE tags, you’d have 3% for self-guided in regular and 2% for self-guided special? Holy smokes.
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But Rob Shaul is a pretty angry little man.

Wrong one this time, but I can certainly see how you could confuse the two (on this issue anyway).

I’m starting to think this whole 90/5/5 might just be another ruse to get people to feel better about straight 90/10 for DEA.
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