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Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

Many thanks for the TF member contact info. Extremely helpful. Emailed my comments to the TF members yesterday. Supported whatever they wanted to do about 90/10 and said that WY wanting to play a little defense to protect its residents against increasing demand is understandable. Asked that they consider keeping the existing general elk tags (soon to be regional tags)/cow tags/doe tags more generous to NRs as those tags seem to be seen by residents as a bit less intrusive. Also opposed the outfitter set asides. Got one response along the lines of “thank you for your comments, the TF will take your thoughts under advisement.”
Public input questions are up.

Public input questions are up.

Any one getting a confirmation after they submit? I’ve done it twice and it’s just a blank page afterwards.
Filled them out yesterday. Also did not get any sort of confirmation after submitting, but I recall that happening another time as well, and it entered my info twice.

Edit to add: I hate the way they pose these questions. And I hate the idea of SD and HD hunt areas.
Comments submitted. Thanks for the heads up. The page is blank after hitting "submit", but then I scrolled all the way to the top of the form and saw the confirmation message. It appears to be a web formatting error
Comments submitted. All things considered some pretty well thought out options IMHO.
They are well articulated, though if you we’re a random hunter plopped in the middle of the SD/HD stuff it would be pretty confusing. It is also odd to me that each tenet is split out, when that’s not really what the discussion has been. I would assume the set aside will get even less support presented in this way.

I do like that this layout lets everyone see which pieces people are actually interested in.
Done. It was somewhat heartening to read the proposals, many of which make sense and offer some middle ground to a difficult issue. Thanks for posting the link!
ya know it started out as the 90/10 only on the "big 5" species only,,and if i recall,"we would never do that for deer, elk and antelope" back in the day,,"which wasnt very long ago",,now look,as soon as they have there foot in the door they are after 90/10 for all,,then to boot they are after these outfitter alocated additional tags too..I say wyoga is running the show or has a heavy hand in the t f and nobody cares about us non-residents i m o
Right, and whiny nr a-holes whined like babies about the big-5 90-10 bills. Many sent money to WOGA to fight them.

Probably should have thought about that.

Honestly, guys with your tone really make me want to cut deals to get 90-10 for all species.

You're not smart enough to quit while you're ahead. Send some emails to the task force and stop being one of the whiny a-holes.

Try comprehension and get out of your echo chamber, there are lots of residents fighting this.

You're welcome.
Filled them out yesterday. Also did not get any sort of confirmation after submitting, but I recall that happening another time as well, and it entered my info twice.

Edit to add: I hate the way they pose these questions. And I hate the idea of SD and HD hunt areas.
30% draw odds as high demand is interesting to me. I’d think of 30% being great draw odds and certainly not high demand
Right, and whiny nr a-holes whined like babies about the big-5 90-10 bills. Many sent money to WOGA to fight them.

Probably should have thought about that.

Honestly, guys with your tone really make me want to cut deals to get 90-10 for all species.

You're not smart enough to quit while you're ahead. Send some emails to the task force and stop being one of the whiny a-holes.

Try comprehension and get out of your echo chamber, there are lots of residents fighting this.

You're welcome.
So you can “cut” deals? Assuming you have the ability to cut deals, you would intentionally use that ability to arbitrarily make it 90/10 based on your feelings towards an anonymous person? Why are you always such a wiener?

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