Wilderness Area montage

Seeing the wilderness area boundary sign reminds me of where/when I hunted in college on the Jefferson NF near Mountain Lake WA. I was sitting on the tailgate one night and another group was packing up next to me. One of the guys mentioned that he spent the day in his usual spot along a long and steep cliff. He came upon a boundary sign like that one. After telling us what the sign said, he wondered, " What kind of damn fool would carry a hang glider out on this cliff?" Good logic for sure as getting a deer out of there would be a project.

I think Dolly Sods in WV is my closest NF Wilderness Area and may need to plan a weekday visit to beat those crowds. Fantastic photos everyone. I am sure many are out this weekend in such far flung spots getting even more pics.
Glacier Peak Wilderness.
After a few trail miles, I turned, left the trail, and battled through some of this:
Then proceeded up for 3k feet through an old burn.
Finally crested the top, fishing gear in tow to this...
Where the F is summer? I only managed one cuttie out this little pocket of open water. Made an attempt at the summit, but turned back when the snow firmed up too much to proceed without crampons.

Pano on the way down after the cloud deck dropped.
I forgot to throw these up. My wife and I did a pretty decent hike for our 12th anniversary last weekend. 14 miles 5,800 vert. Glacier Peak Wilderness. WA is WAY wilder than people give it credit for. 20200719_163451.jpg20200719_154000.jpg20200719_154005.jpg20200719_155646.jpg


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