Wilderness Area montage

Thinking back on the great times I’ve had in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness.

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Smart having your dog with you and the sidearm handy. I woke up solo with bear spray and my rifle to fresh grizzly scat too close to my tent for comfort one pre-dawn morning in that wilderness. I spent that day spending a bit more time looking over my shoulder and moving a bit slower through stands of trees and then as was hiking in the dark back to my tent and then as ate on the hillside away from the tent. Sometimes the bear you do not see is the scariest.
as a kid, just before school started, dad would fire up the Beaver and we would head to the Brooks range. We‘re talking early sixties. Some place different each time but he was good at making sure we saw all of Alaska. It is so much more than Anchorage the Kenai peninsula and Fairbanks.
Alaska’s National Parks are great and while I routinely bitch about having to deal with their regulations, they do a damn good job.
For those looking here, thinking about visiting, hunting or fishing do yourself a favor. Go to the Brooks, see Gates of the Arctic or ANWR. There certainly is no other place like it.
This is a great pic

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