Caribou Gear

Wild Within on Travel Channel

The Breaks episode was a huge disappointment, but I really enjoyed the Hawaii one.

He's not an expert hunter, but that might be why he's interesting to watch. He tries really hard.
I think there is a lot of truth to this. I think it makes him easier to relate too. I still find it utterly ironic that they can/do show more footage on the post kill meat handling than the "huntin" channels.
The guy fully admits when we can't do something. He was overmatched in the breaks with the flint lock and admitted it, same with trying to spear fish. No excuses or using the normal "not big enough" excuse for not shooting something. Watching him eat the disguarded antelope made me chuckle.

The Breaks episode was a bit tough to watch but as pointer said the Hawaiian episode was good. Beats the heck out of most all hunting shows.
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