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Wild & Clear

This is disappointing. I always wondered what it took to get amazing footage "in the moment".
I think I remember hearing they were going to be on an upcoming episode of Randy's podcast, interested to see how that plays out.
Great story Gerald. I no longer use my real name mostly because it is unlikely to help me land customers...

The more I think about this the more chapped I become. They tag this thread "Bob Marshall" then claim they were not in the Bob and it was non-commercial (in spite of all the sponsorships). I don't believe commercial filming is allowed in wilderness areas at all and that is why Randy doesn't film there. Fine, a couple of college kids can lie to cover their butts for one mistake but they appear to have continued to violate the law after it was clearly laid out to them.

When targeting bull trout became illegal I was bummed because I liked fishing for them. I talked with FWP and they said they were mostly concerned with people targeting them when they moved into smaller streams, which I can agree with. It wasn't clear to me if they would bust a guy like me throwing streamers. Nonetheless, I gave up fishing for them. It bugs me when my friends post pictures of "accidentally" catching them in cutthroat streams with giant streamers hanging out of their mouth, but when people target them profit it takes it to a new level because I'm following the law even though I think it is unnecessary and here they are making money off of it.

So boys, congratulations on your award from the government. You deserved even more.
There is a statement about this on their website now

Claiming ignorance and nothing addressing North Fork or Spotted Bear in it. Not to mention releasing fish with a fly still in their mouth just to get a more footage! More of a "it wasn't our fault" than an apologetic statement. I can honestly say that I will not longer support anything they put out and hope their sponsors do the same.
Does anyone know where the footage in the video posted here was shot? It was obviously before their 2013 trip and the water isn't the South Fork.
Meanwhile, our nonresident relatives will pay over $1000 to come hunt deer and elk this year. FWP wasted how much money to recoup $5950 from Montana wild? I bet $60k is on the conservative side of a multi year investigation.
There are 2.5 bulls per 100 cows in the gardiner basin, and the wolf quota remains at two. Too many elk tags have been issued there for too long. Special interest -wolf lovers and outfitters- are destroying the place and Fwp accommodates it.
In central MT, FWP is still actively seeking to destroy the greatest over-the-counter, public land elk hunting in the world via shoulder seasons. This August, rifle hunters will be shooting cows with two month old calves at their side.
There has been an unsustainable cow harvest for years in the Highland Mountains south of Butte. This years you will have to apply for a special permit if you wish to hunt brow tuned bull.
Sounds like a repeat of the west forks and East Fork of the bitterroot to me.
But yes, let's continue to direct our false outrage at a couple of kids that made some films. I'm not saying let them off, but slap them on the wrist and move on. How this could even be on the radar of something to be up in arms about, of anybody paying attention is beyond me.
In other news, an unrecovered mule deer population in eastern Montana will have its does return to being shot this year by hunters with 'A' tags.
I want to see Fwp care more about the wildlife they are supposed to be managing for the public trust, and less about finding the next John Lewton.
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I want to see Fwp care more about the wildlife they are supposed to be managing for the public trust, and less about finding the next John Lewton

Tag line worthy.
It's funny in every other F&G violation thread hunttalkers are at the door with pitchforks and rope. I guess all you gotta do is make some videos people enjoy watching and suddenly the FWP is the bad guy for writing citations.
I think some of the legit film makers would prefer if they didn't have to compete against people who don't follow the laws. It levels the playing field as they say.
It's funny in every other F&G violation thread hunttalkers are at the door with pitchforks and rope. I guess all you gotta do is make some videos people enjoy watching and suddenly the FWP is the bad guy for writing citations.

I agree with you Belly Deep. This thread has nothing to do with Shoulder Seasons. The argument, "You shouldn't care about X because there are more important things than X," is an argument we could say about every law or issue except for those laws and issues we deem the most egregious or important.

I don't think not getting a film permit is an egregious act. I dont think overhandling a fish that is being considered for "endangered" status under the ESA is an egregious act. I don't think targeting them in streams where that is not allowed is egregious. Etc

The problem is the cumulative case + a "statement".

Honestly, if they would just apologize and move on it would be easy to not really care. Instead they make excuses and try and pass the buck. A river is not its tributaries. Plain and simple. The FWP only clarified in the 2014 regs because of people who can't seem to understand the rules unless clearly spelled out in terms super-basic.If the "fish-handling ethos" they "hold dear" entails catching a fish and fu#&!ing with it for 12 minutes before releasing it, I think their high horse is missing some legs.
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It's funny in every other F&G violation thread hunttalkers are at the door with pitchforks and rope. I guess all you gotta do is make some videos people enjoy watching and suddenly the FWP is the bad guy for writing citations.

I think it is about relativity, and the seriousness of the infraction, and whether or not it actually impacts us, whether it is worth the resources spent investigating it, etc.
For example, I would love to put a hollowpoint through the forhead of the meth dealers that sell their poison to children, and break into my garage and steal my things, yet I do not share the same sentiment towards my neighbors who I occasionally see enjoying a joint on their back porch.