PEAX Equipment

Wife's Idaho Moose

I tell my wife, "its a moose, right's a small bull what do you want to do". "I wanna shoot it" she replied.

More proof that women are smarter than we are. No agonies over trophy size, just a great hunt and a decision.

I really enjoyed your post - excellent pictures and story.

I was really interested in the photo of the hole through the meat, with zero bloodshot. With lead bullets, it appears that when even a stout bullet hits, the fact that it is spinning at over 100,000 rpm results in a spray of fine lead particles through the meat. I have talked to several of the bird groups, who are pushing the use of lead-free ammo and have x-rays to illustrate. I think we are causing problems for ourselves by not switching to lead-free. I have to plead guilty myself. Once I realized my grandsons are not going to eat much of my venison, I have been working off my stash of accubonds, but plan to switch back to e-tips when those are gone. Unfortunately this issue got picked up by the NRA which turned it into a gun control rather than a health issue.

Anyway, sorry for hijacking the thread. Thanks again for posting.
Just switched back to copper bullets myself this fall. After picking lead shavings out of my processed deer bologna on multiple occasions I decided it wasn't worth it anymore. Not only that, but I've had great luck shooting them in the past.
This last set of pictures, along with the bride and moose picture, should be on the Nosler trophy thread. Excellent pictures, even the super close up.

Apparently that little plastic nose cone is 1.1% of the bullet weight. What were these shot out of? Certainly no issues with expansion.

My one moose so far showed the same behaviour - dead from the first shot, it just took him about 10 seconds to figure it out.

Congratulations to both you and your wife, and thank you for the detailed post.
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