Why oyoa is true hunting

Hey, I want to be in an episode if you're going to have an open pit BBQ.!!!! I'll even do the cooking.
No Hotties or Cross Dressers

Long time ago had to do a TV feature on: "THE FEMALE IMPERSONATORS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS" In Daytona Beach, Florida. That's why I go hunting with macho, hairy guys..it was one of my off base stories that did not get me an award.
Going forward...Randy and crew give you HUNTING 101 by showing you topos, stalking skills, tracking expertise, and every other good, basic, but worthy information. I enjoy his hero shots, appreciative, yet enjoyable, but not for the camera, but for the experience.
Just watched the Wyoming Antelope hunt with the biologist..both had great insight and instruction how to hunt the species in Wyoming, tags and all. Someone asked me if I had any suggestions on OYOA? The answer: "Don't fix what ain't broken." Randy is correct, if we notify the sponsers of the calibre of the show. Buy the services and products we can keep it alive and well. I recently watched one of the shows that had an older gentleman
who walked with a limp and had to go slow and easy. Randy had him treking some wild
country for Elk, they didn't score..but for that half hour, I enjoyed every step and every
encounter and that particular hunt brought a tear..because..thats HUNTING..
Someone asked about Echo7? Used to work in Law Enforcment even as a broadcaster and that was my call sign.
Echo - agreed 100% with post 1.

Big Fin - post 12 is great!

I started watching hunting shows 10 years ago to learn, just as one reads and article or book. Now I watch most of them with the sound off!

A friend of mine wants to go deer hunting with me, but has only hunted small game. I am going to purchase the OYOA dvd set for him and have him "watch and repeat"
New guy here. See my intro in the deer section. I guess I shoulda put it here.

I'm here only because OYO is the best show on TV for all the reasons listed above.
one question though Fin....who is the guy at the beginning and end of the show that talks about the vaules of OYOA and what not? Nothing against him, just wondering who he is and why he is there.
I was flipping through hunting shows the other day and someone was promoting cloning deer. I think it was scentblocker's most wanted. This crap has gone way to far. How can anyone be proud of themselves for "hunting" like that. As if killing hand-raised deer weren't enough, they then try to convince you their equipment allows them to "harvest" trophy "animals". The only must-have equipment for their hunting is an ink pen and a checkbook. I pity them. Thanks for having an honest show and mirroring TRUE hunting.
OK; enough!

Nikster. I agree on the Southern Accent... Thats why I'm sending out these Promo Video's to OYOA to maybe change up the venue a little. Please give feedback and Tell Randy I should be on his show :



You know I need to come out of my shell sometime........................

I think we will all agree that OYOA is a class show, the host does a great job, and the camera work is professional and straight forward, while the vast majority of the other shows are BS, predictable and quite annoying, but as a Southerner whose ancestors have been here since the 1620's I have to speak up against the Southern Bashing. Sir Alistair Cooke did a 12 part series on PBS some years ago about the origins and evolution of the English language in which he determined that the people of the Southeastern states speak and enunciate the language more closely with our English, Scotch and French ancestors than do the remainder of the United States. While the Northern tier of states was being populated by the flotsam and jetsam of northern, eastern, southern Europe and some Mediterranean countries, we were isolated down here speaking with the same vowel sounds as did our ancestors and blending those dialects into a unique sound which, while it might sound all the same to you outsiders, really isn't unique at all, but very regionalized and quite different from area to area.
When you think outside your own little box, you'll find that we're all quite different and are likely to be so for quite a long while, and possibly your way of speaking is just as alien and annoying to us as is ours to you, so educate, tolerate, put the stones back on the ground and try not to fling them this way. Thanks!
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