Why is it


New member
Nov 28, 2001
Why is it that some on the board are so loath to even sit at the same table with others just because of a few disagreements?
Some will drive right by anothers place with out saying hi when the door is alway's open.
Is it that these people are so afraid that they may actually find they like this person that they so despise on this board and then won't be able to have some one to fight with?
We can all have our disagreements, heck, I've even pissed Nut off a few times, but would have no problem meeting him or his family.
There is no person on this board I wouldn't feel honourd to sit with over a cup of coffee and shoot the breeze with.
I suppose part of it could be that we like to hold ourselves to a certain level and not spend time with them that are beneith our dignity to associate with, (!!!Gasp!!!, What would the neighbors say) LOL... :D
I have met quite a few people on the board and have enjoyed the company of all I have come in contact with, I see it would be no exception with any one else that I have the privalage to meet.
I just put this up because of things I have witnessed since I have been on the board and wanted to make a question out of it...
It is only a question and not an issue...
ELKCHSR I would have to agree I to feel that people are afraid. It is either that or people have to much pride to admitt that maybe they were wrong about something. Hell if I am wrong and it is brought to my attention I would be the first to admitt it HEY I was wrong. It also seems that at times there are just to many Rooster's in the Henhouse just my view.
Whatever issues I may have with another poster I recognize it's just that...a POST!! I'd welcome anyone to Assachussetts anytime. Besides I love a good debate in person. That way I can SHOW you why you're wrong!! :D :D

Meet some on here That I told Nut no way am I going to meet them they are NUTS. Moosie was one I really didnt want to meet after the pan pic boy I thought the guy was way out in lefr field but I could of never meet a better guy then him I am gald I meet him and the pther in Texas. but after found out they are really nice people to talk to.

shit I live with one.
This is written with a bit of tongue in cheek humor intended, but I guess there is a certain amount of truth in it:

Maybe some of them are like me, afraid that if people ever meet them for real they will discover that they have a reason to hate them! :D

Here's a poem to illustrate:

Unseen Friend
by Iceman

Although you are a friend of mine and letters we exchange,
I wouldn't know you on the street, and doesn't that seem strange?

You hold a place within my life, unusual and unique;
We share ideals and special dreams, and still, we do not speak.

I picture what I think you are, perhaps you picture me.
An intriguing game for both of us for someone we can't see.

So for this friendship we possess, we owe this mail a debt,
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact that we have never met.

I have met several and welcome the opportunity to meet with them again as well as anyone elso on this site. The only person I would not welcome would be the Greek and his litlle Lady.. They can just kiss my ass.
That's very fair Chas and I would welcome it... ;) :D
I do love a good debate, not a pissing match, but a debate...
Although I still don't know Rogue, The Above sentence meant There are people I still don't know (PAUSE meaning I'm talking to) ,Rogue. :D :D

Chas, I jsut want to meet you for a Poker game :D :D
In my best Ben Grimm voice "It's Clobberin' Time!!!" :D :D
The few members of the NAHC bb that I've met have ALL hunted with me, broke bread, had coffee, and know if it's mine and they need it it's done!
I welcome the chance to meet any hunter with the dedication to the sport that it deserves.

I wonder how many people we really can meet. I've been on this for years and got to meet and enjoy being with maybe 20 forum members. It seems like everyone had comments when we met that people were different in person, mostly for the good, as I understand it. The words of a post are stark black and white, take it or leave it, but a person, you see a smile, you realize, they are not just taken black or white, they are real person to interact with.

CaHunter and I both snore pretty loud, I learned that. Buzz snores loud too, I hope that's ok to say. I think its neat that Nut and Viperess sleep together, but that's all I want to know about it.

If somebody drove by and didn't stop, I'd guess they probably had someplace to go. It probably means that.
Add me to the loud snoring club. I know it's true because I have awakened myself with my nightly serenades. :D

With the B/B's and emails, I agree that most people are different from what they are in person (or perhaps what your perception of them may be). It's kind of like the people at work. Some of them come across as being a big jerk around the workplace, but if you run across them anywhere else they seem to be pretty decent people.

Despite the comments by Paws and others about size, in most ways in real life, I am just an overgrown kid at heart. I never see myself as a larger than average Joe (unless it's time to shop for apparel). You'd never believe with my frequent postings here that I'm a bit quiet in real life. Trust me...I'm much more articulate when I write than when I talk. First time I ever heard myself on a tape recorder, I thought, "Naah! No way! Who is that goofball?" :D

But I'm always ready for a good hearty laugh. Even if the joke is on me. Funny how you never quite see yourself as others see you. In some ways that might be a blessing in my case...I'd hate to give myself nightmares! ROTFLMBO!


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