Why I'll never consider a BowTech

ok, so we are going to ban and/or boycott, if we can't ban it, 99.9% of the hunting gear, ranches, shows, states, and countries with this stuff, etc.? Is that it or something else too?

I think its a douchbag idea and I would lobby against it.
They've been around since the middle ages, just like lots of other hunting that people want to ban. I don't want to ban any of it, if it practices good game management, got it? Did you know some states do dog hunt drives for deer? They have draws to get the dogs in the drive. They have seperate draws to get hunter spots in the drives too. You want to ban that too probably, eh?

If its not sitting on a hay bail in your backyard type hunting, it must be banned, is that it? If you can't ban it, then boycott it. Darn good anti stance there.

Thinking homos for what you don't like is a douchbag idea.
Tom, where did I say I wanted to ban something? I do think BowTech has earned a message from the a good portion of the people who pay their salaries... regarding the "Western Extreme" TV show.. Come on.. What a joke.

Maybe you could audition for a spot next season on Western Extreme. Think of all the sponsors and FREE stuff you could get!


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You worked to ban them in your beloved Montana with I-135 or 187 or whatever it was a few years back, plus, you want to boycott the gear now.

You said you want to boycott Bowtech, you did work to, or said you did, ban the high fence in Montana. I guess you forgot or maybe I've miss remembered all your crap posts from back then. You're a pretty anal guy, it seems like.

I don't want any sponsors, ok? I just want hunting to continue, every kind there is, as long as its consistent with good game management. I'm not anti any kind of hunting, not anti gear, not anti ranch, not anti camera, not anti sports store, not anti anything, except for being pro hunting instead of anti this or that, get it?

I don't care how anal you are, or your state is, if its got hunting and practices good game management, I'm for that.
I don't want to ban any of it, if it practices good game management, got it? just want hunting to continue, every kind there is, as long as its consistent with good game management. I'm not anti any kind of hunting, not anti gear, not anti ranch, not anti camera, not anti sports store, not anti anything, except for being pro hunting instead of anti this or that, get it?

Tom -I definitely "get it." Why is there no longer game farm hunting in MT?

How do you feel about the enclosure shoots where a guy can shoot animals by the controls of his own laptop from his home or office? Do you really believe that supporting all types of hunting, killing, shooting is actually good for us? We'll have to agree to disagree.

Back to the subject, if a douche-bag is going to put himself on TV and pretend like he's hunting elk - and give advice to millions of viewers on how to "hunt" elk, concealing the fact that he's shooting what qualifies by the state as "livestock" -- he should expect to be ridiculed. Sort of like you with that stupid cow head on a barrel.
There's no game farm shooting of elk in Montana because 51% of the voters were anti's to it.

If a state has remote control hunting and its legal and its practiced legally, then I'm for it. I don't believe any states have worked that out very well yet.

I do know of a paraplegic who did it in Texas from Indiana before it was banned here. I'm happy that the paraplegic was able to do it and consider that a good use of that method, though it is illegal here now. His body was so messed up, he couldn't control his body temperature, so there are only a few days a year, he can go outside for any length of time to speak of. I think the remote control methods, instead of pulling a trigger and absorbing the recoil themselves are very good for promoting hunting for those handicapped people. That hunt was done with people who could override the paraplegics ability to hit enter, i.e. shoot, if the gun was pointed in an unsafe direction. It was done with 2 cameras, one through the scope, one to see the whole view for the hunter and with a "guide" on site with the gun and animals, who could turn on and off the computer's ability to "pull the trigger". The hunter was very patient and made a good shot and got to share the meat with his family.

If you're against progress in hunting methods, especially for handicapped people, then why not require us all to hunt with rocks and/or handmade sticks?

I can agree to disagree, especially with douchbag ideas. I didn't see the show, so I don't know what ideas were presented and not presented, but I know most shows showing a hunt in a few minutes, probably are going to leave a few details of the hunt out and I"m certainly not stupid enough to think they should all be included in a 30 min. show with 15 minutes of adds.
I think he's a guy who makes a lot of TV shows on fishing and hunting, all kinds of it, public and private. He makes a living all year for him and his family at what most of us do one or two weeks a year. I think he makes more shows than anybody, but I really don't know.

Are you guys pro any shows that you watch, why do you watch them?
There's no game farm shooting of elk in Montana because 51% of the voters were anti's to it.

I can agree to disagree, especially with douchbag ideas.

OK Tom. 51% were anti's to it?? Why did so many Montana sportsman rally the troops and signatures to have that happen? Did it have anything to do with mismanagment, threat to "wildlife," abuse of funds, ethics, and hunter image?" Oh, of course not. It was just a bunch of "antis" siding with PETA and HSUS that want to ban everything.

My opinion on the parapalegic Indiana pal of yours that was able to snipe a Texas farm animal by remote control from his house wasn't only a parapalegic.. he's a friggin DOUCHEBAG too. He needs mental help, not just physical help.
Water Buffalo Safari - Exotics Wildlife Ranch Okla Hunt

The starting bid is $50 that's about what the shoot is worth. If going just for the eats I'd say maybe...
The term Hunt should be illegal to use with a canned shoot out..
Nothing says quality Asain Water Buffalo habitat and hunting like Oklahoma.

Best Tom thread ever? Perhaps...
Tom, I think this could get a full page layout in Texas Trophy Hunter magazine. You should have had your favorite camo on, some calls and show off those optics around your next, a corn-flinger, box blind, and a cloth pop-up decoy in the background. Of course, you'd have to list the SCI score at the bottom to really entice the readers and substanciate the value of your existance to the sponsors. I'm still thinking of the best tag line to "brand" your hunting credentials. Give me a few more minutes.. :D


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substanciate the value of your existance to the sponsors.

don't forget greeny, this thing almost stomped a previous hunter, I think he was a lawyer, or an account, maybe a banker, none the less a true hunter

...plus meatpacker fees.;)