Why does it have to be this way?

Do you like traditional thanksgiving fare?

  • Yes, absolutely

    Votes: 98 52.7%
  • Yes, but mostly because of the tradition

    Votes: 32 17.2%
  • No, but i do like the tradition of it

    Votes: 13 7.0%
  • No i'd absolutely prefer other stuff. tradition be damned.

    Votes: 25 13.4%
  • Don't care, i'm too busy blasting forkies in montana on thanksgiving day

    Votes: 18 9.7%

  • Total voters
I’ve got turkey thighs/drumsticks/wings in the sous vide for about 8 hours today. Tomorrow will be the breast for 4 hours and warm up the thighs/drumsticks again. Finish under the broiler to crisp up the skin a bit. Drippings from the bag for the gravy.
Yeah I guess if you've never been in the country's good food region you might not think Thanksgiving food is any good...

Turkey? Delicious. Mashed potatoes? You must not have them with enough butter and salt. Sweet potato casserole? Literally a dessert you get to count as a vegetable. Green bean casserole? Yeah proof you're doing things wrong. Green beans are slow cooked overnight with some salted pork product, preferably a ham hock or ham bone. Mac and cheese? We always have it too.

As for dessert? APPLE PIE??????? THANKSGIVING ISNT ABOUT APPLE PIE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. Pumpkin pie? I'll give it a strong 'meh' because everyone who knows what's good knows PECAN PIE is the superior dessert. There is no contest. And if that pecan pie is made with sorghum molasses? Perfection.

Get this commie crap outta here.
Yeah I guess if you've never been in the country's good food region you might not think Thanksgiving food is any good...

Turkey? Delicious. Mashed potatoes? You must not have them with enough butter and salt. Sweet potato casserole? Literally a dessert you get to count as a vegetable. Green bean casserole? Yeah proof you're doing things wrong. Green beans are slow cooked overnight with some salted pork product, preferably a ham hock or ham bone. Mac and cheese? We always have it too.

As for dessert? APPLE PIE??????? THANKSGIVING ISNT ABOUT APPLE PIE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. Pumpkin pie? I'll give it a strong 'meh' because everyone who knows what's good knows PECAN PIE is the superior dessert. There is no contest. And if that pecan pie is made with sorghum molasses? Perfection.

Get this commie crap outta here.
Prime rib smashes turkey.
I'll agree with you on Turkey. I've never liked turkey until I started brining and smoking it, and still it's meh, ok! But I have to do it every year because my family and my wife's family love it. I would rather do a prime rib or smoke a brisket for Thanksgiving.

Everything else I think is pretty good fare. I love stuffing. You can't go wrong with potatoes in any form, and @np307 said it right, if you don't like mashed potatoes you don't have enough butter, salt or sour cream in them. The way my wife makes mashed potatoes, you don't need any gravy because they are so creamy.

I only have pie once a year, but I can founder on pumpkin pie and warm apple pie with vanilla I've cream.
Yeah I guess if you've never been in the country's good food region you might not think Thanksgiving food is any good...

Turkey? Delicious. Mashed potatoes? You must not have them with enough butter and salt. Sweet potato casserole? Literally a dessert you get to count as a vegetable. Green bean casserole? Yeah proof you're doing things wrong. Green beans are slow cooked overnight with some salted pork product, preferably a ham hock or ham bone. Mac and cheese? We always have it too.

As for dessert? APPLE PIE??????? THANKSGIVING ISNT ABOUT APPLE PIE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. Pumpkin pie? I'll give it a strong 'meh' because everyone who knows what's good knows PECAN PIE is the superior dessert. There is no contest. And if that pecan pie is made with sorghum molasses? Perfection.

Get this commie crap outta here.

When I was growing up pumpkin 🎃 pie with whip cream was my favorite, sometime late 20’s early 30’s I got burned out on pumpkin and pecan pie has been my favorite ever since
Everything else I think is pretty good fare. I love stuffing. You can't go wrong with potatoes in any form, and @np307 said it right, if you don't like mashed potatoes you don't have enough butter, salt or sour cream in them. The way my wife makes mashed potatoes, you don't need any gravy because they are so creamy.

i have to buy butter at costco weekly due to my butter habits. but if excess butter and salt is what's required to suddenly make something good then it's just obviously not very good in the first place. like an absolutely fantastic over the moon steak can be made with only avocado oil, butter just makes it even better.

i'd rather have french fries and ketchup over mashed potatoes.
i have to buy butter at costco weekly due to my butter habits. but if excess butter and salt is what's required to suddenly make something good then it's just obviously not very good in the first place. like an absolutely fantastic over the moon steak can be made with only avocado oil, butter just makes it even better.

i'd rather have french fries and ketchup over mashed potatoes.
french fries & ketchup over mashed potatoes is tasty ... but way too many carbs and starch! :)
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i have to buy butter at costco weekly due to my butter habits. but if excess butter and salt is what's required to suddenly make something good then it's just obviously not very good in the first place. like an absolutely fantastic over the moon steak can be made with only avocado oil, butter just makes it even better.

i'd rather have french fries and ketchup over mashed potatoes.
Touche! I thought the things we ate were just a vessel to help us consume butter? 🙂
If your talking fresh cut homemade fries, I'm all on board.
why waste the money?

it's just become obvious to me anyway that warm fresh apple pie with home made vanilla bean ice cream is among the top 5 desserts this planet has to offer.

pumpkin pie with whipped cream? meh.
Well finally you have spoken some sense
I think the art of a great roasted turkey is being lost.
Even though I’ve lobbied hard for ribs on thanksgiving, I gotta admit. My wife can roast a hell of a turkey. She rubs it with a full stick of butter, covers with cheesecloth and bastes with white wine very 20-30 minutes.
A few thoughts:

1. Well done on designing the poll. Truly an option for everyone, even the Montanans.

2. I appreciate the spirit of your argument, i.e. nontraditional Thanksgiving foods should be embraced.

3. I recognize that a big part of the issue may be that you had the misfortune of not growing up eating Thanksgiving in the South. Notes to that end:

- You clearly haven't ever had a turkey fried in peanut oil.
- Not only is macaroni and cheese allowed at Thanksgiving, it's actually a problem if it's not at Thanksgiving.
- I see no mention of cooked greens, neither collard nor mustard, which tells me you are unaware the existence of the greatest cooked vegetable dish of all time?
- Finally, and perhaps most importantly, sweet potato casserole is not "pretty good." Sweet potato casserole is amongst the finest of foods known to man and perhaps even proof that God exists. The fact that you don't understand this tells me.... that you never had it when MY mom made it.

Answer me this and think carefully before you do: Deviled eggs yay or nay?
let me list off everything better than turkey:
  • beef prime rib
  • beef tenderloin
  • nearly any beef steak really
  • pulled pork
  • roasted whole chicken
  • elk steaks
  • deer steaks
  • antelope steaks
  • pork tenderloin
  • pork chops
  • hamburgers, i'd rather eat delicious homemade hamburgers all day every day instead of turkey
mashed potatoes, never been a big fan. what's better?
  • mac and cheese
  • french fries
  • scalloped potatoes (i'm sure some people do this over mashed on turkey day, props to them)
  • potatos au gratin
  • well seasoned, buttered, wild rice with veggies
I can't believe I used to think we were friends...

Want to know how you really ruin Thanksgiving? You go to my inlaws.

Cheap ham and a turkey breast... canned green beans, instant potatoes.

I picked up 24 ipa at costco to help me though these tough times.
Yeah I guess if you've never been in the country's good food region you might not think Thanksgiving food is any good...

Turkey? Delicious. Mashed potatoes? You must not have them with enough butter and salt. Sweet potato casserole? Literally a dessert you get to count as a vegetable. Green bean casserole? Yeah proof you're doing things wrong. Green beans are slow cooked overnight with some salted pork product, preferably a ham hock or ham bone. Mac and cheese? We always have it too.

As for dessert? APPLE PIE??????? THANKSGIVING ISNT ABOUT APPLE PIE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. Pumpkin pie? I'll give it a strong 'meh' because everyone who knows what's good knows PECAN PIE is the superior dessert. There is no contest. And if that pecan pie is made with sorghum molasses? Perfection.

Get this commie crap outta here.
I'm a dark meat guy and I love a turkey leg. Deep fried turkey is also really good. My dad makes the best pecan pie in the world. Corn casserole. Sweet potato casserole. Dressing with cranberry sauce.

Never eaten much wild game at Thanksgiving but my Mamaw would sometimes fry squirrel for me and I'm getting misty eyed remembering her. So the food and memories are both special to me. 🥹

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