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Why do you share markups?

I use it for safety to show my wife where I am. This is especially nice when I’m hunting alone (99% of the time) and when I am at an unfamiliar area.
When I hunt with my dad I have used it to show where I parked and where I have gone. I also use it to show him where we set cameras so that we both have it.
As a side note, this season I have started tracking some of my hikes which has been good data to have and look back on, especially when hunting new areas.
I work as a wildlife biologist and use it as much for work related stuff as hunting, marking boundaries and measuring acreages on food plots, marking up the satellite photos with what we have in mind to improve habitat and sharing those with the landowner, and using the tracking feature to create maps for hunting clubs are just a few of the things I use it for. Then of course marking deer stands, camp spots, downed game for retrieval etc! OnX has definitely made my life easier!
I work as a wildlife biologist and use it as much for work related stuff as hunting, marking boundaries and measuring acreages on food plots, marking up the satellite photos with what we have in mind to improve habitat and sharing those with the landowner, and using the tracking feature to create maps for hunting clubs are just a few of the things I use it for. Then of course marking deer stands, camp spots, downed game for retrieval etc! OnX has definitely made my life easier!
Same boat. Love the ability to map polygons in the field with the aerials (tame grass seedings, exclosure size, prairie dog towns, etc...), digitize wildlife observations without standing at the locations (raptor nests, etc....) and easily calculating buffer distances for new ROWs or well pads while in the field. Obviously this was not the original question, but like you, I probably use it more for my work than I do for hunting (which still get plenty).
I had two guys help me out when my hunting partner had to leave early. I shared a waypoint with them of natural blind we built on a meadow as one way of showing appreciation. They'll hunt the same area next year but I won't be able to for several years. I've done the same with hunting buddies who've shared other spots with me.
So my hunting partner can mentally prepare ahead of time for hiking five miles and 2800 feet down into a drainage to be able to glass into a likely pocket.
Is there any way to toggle on/off the display on all markups or waypoints? Mostly for the fact that when I am showing people Onx for reference points or scouting, I would rather not show them all of the spots I have marked.

Yes there is. If you tap the box with a checkmark by each category in the My Content menu, then it will hide all of those markups.
As a newer hunter I do a ton of E-scouting and share points that look interesting to me with friends who are more experienced hunters for feedback on why a spot might be good or bad. Where they think bedding might be, or even best routes to enter an area.

It has been invaluable with helping me learn more about areas and how to use them.
Most time's it's to share where camp is, and then most of the "shared" points after that are shown in person to show where we found sign during a jaunt. I was helping a buddy with his cow hunt this weekend, and while he went and sat a tank, I went up the road and went for a hike to peer into some areas that he hadn't yet, I was able to find a giant bull and tons of sign he didn't know about, and I marked it all, so we could use it to compare notes that evening. My gf also won a membership at a Full Draw event this year, and she really likes that I can text her my camp location or where I'll be hunting on a full map, rather that send her the screenshot of my map, so that gives her some wicked piece of mind while I'm hunting solo
I’ve used them to show someone where to meet and to tell my wife which water hole I’d be hiking to in the desert heat, in case something went wrong.
I also do it at random to throw off the OnX web developers that look at them 😆
It would be nice if I could share directly to a text in the same way as I can with an email. The text is more useful in areas with poor cell coverage, and anything that saves swiping, tapping, typing, etc, is good.

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