PEAX Equipment

Who’s applying in CO?

Points for me. I will be up to 4 for deer and 3 for elk. And to think I had 8 deer points and 6 elk points in 2006-2007 when they scrubbed them when I didn't put in for a few years. Oh well.
I've been slowly working my way through our family of five. So far, just working the process of elimination and buying points for the hunts we won't apply for. The more difficult choices are still ahead, but I don't think we'll apply for anything with high odds of drawing.


OK, I finished up this afternoon. When all was said and done, I applied for sheep and goat for myself and bought points for a variety of stuff for everything else for the family. Not even sure what I would do if I did draw.

Likely 1st elk. Should get 3rd deer and sept bear. Applied for everything else too. As a resident the other states get preference points this year, despite my low success in CO compared to others.
Since all of September will be spent on my archery elk hunt, that eliminated 90% of the NR sheep hunts. So I only had to pick from 3 choices. Had luxury to go with S34 archery just for the season dates.
Deer and elk points for me and got a reminder off to a friend who did the same at the buzzer. I did it first thing at the kitchen table over breakfast and had no website trouble.
You know your life is becoming too chaotic and you are applying in too many states for too many years when you are reading this thread and say to yourself… “holy crap! did I really forget to apply???”

Worried I had dreamed it or something….

phew… there’s the confirmation email from a few weeks ago….
You know your life is becoming too chaotic and you are applying in too many states for too many years when you are reading this thread and say to yourself… “holy crap! did I really forget to apply???”

Worried I had dreamed it or something….

phew… there’s the confirmation email from a few weeks ago….
Lol... annually i hang a sheet of cardboard or posterboard near my workstation with all my info. Dates, costs, logins, results, units etc. its all there and i have check blocks for applied and few other milestones for each app, its goofy but only way i stay organized. I find it fun and this way i get some entertainment value for these costs beyond just a tag. Working on my annual $200 donation in nevada today! I bet i have checked that posterboard 20 times already for results date in NM and WY big3...

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