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White Sulphur Springs elk hunting

Just a heads up, but there are a LOT of public land hunters around WSS once rifle season opens up. There are elk there too, obviously. If I were to go back there during rifle I'd plan to hit it at the front of rifle season before the snow and head pretty deep into the national forest.
Update, I did buy a Luxe tent and the Crua Max as an insert for really cold weather to keep us warm while sleeping. Going to buy a jet sled to help with hauling out an elk in the snow or gear for camping. I have my Stone Glacier pack (Awesome). Am going to allow plenty of time for scouting, 4 weeks before the opener. Rifle will be my 7mm Rem Mag with Federal Premium Accubonds. Will have it sighted out to 400 yards. Have a new Leupold VX6 3-18 on it. Awesome scope. It's not the arrow, it's the indian is my mantra.
Do you bow hunt? If you're going out four weeks before rifle opener, you'll have about three weeks of bow season.
Do you bow hunt? If you're going out four weeks before rifle opener, you'll have about three weeks of bow season.
I used to do a lot of bow hunting in Penna, but I gave my nephew my Mathews bow 12 years ago. I'm 67 and just too hard. I don't have the patience I used to have years ago. I could shoot 4" groups at 30 yards consistently. I was on the rifle team in college which helped all my shooting skills.
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