Caribou Gear Tarp

Which headlamp??

Coast FL75 435 lumen. I’ve tried a lot, none of the overpriced black diamond or pretzels, but this is by far the best. I bought a second one I liked it so much. The cone turns so you can easily adjust from spot to flood and anything in between. Separate button for red light so no switching through. Company is out of Oregon I believe. Hope they stay around, they got it figured out and aren’t charging $50-$100. $30 off Amazon I believe, although Walmart has them now I think fl65 or fl70 400 lumen prly couldn’t tell the difference.
Last year I decided to go with the "buy once, cry once" method and bought a Fenix HM65R. Their offer for 20% off your first purchase took some of the pain away. So far it has been perfect for my needs. Having both spot and flood options in one unit is great, and hiking in the dark is a lot easier than it was with my previous lights.
Another vote for Black Diamond and their customer service. Had one go down and a week later had a new one in my hands, that's pretty good for a $40 light.
Really like my Fenix. Strongly considered Black Diamond on good reviews. Probably can't go wrong with either. I got tired of $50 lights becoming useless or hard to work controls. Worth the price for a good light.
My first Petzl was a dual battery (AA or C sizes) with the batteries attached to a belt. I purchased it for doing field surgery (dental missions) because of its spot focus and keeping the weight of the battery pack off my head. Subsequent more conventional Petzl headlamps later, I'm still a fan of their toughness.
+1 for the black diamonds, and I carry a petzl as my back-up. Also have a petzl e-lite stashed in my bino harness just in case life really goes south.

Not going to get a ton of light from the e-life, but they weigh an ounce, are the size of 5 quarters stacked up, and are a great option for when the fecal matter impacts the spinning ventilation device.
Black Diamond revolt here. Works great, wanted a rechargeable one since I have a battery pack with for charging other items.
Any version Zebralight 18650 battery headlamp. 0.5 lumens to 1600 lumens in the lightest, most compact 18650 package available. 4x the energy per battery than an AA. High CRI LEDs render the most realistic colors, and the warm tints are easy on the eyes. Last for literally months on the low settings. Leak proof batteries. I carry a second one to hold my spare battery. :)
I have a black diamond storm as well. Great headlamp, it usually takes me a few minutes to figure it out after not using it for a few months. I did find out that reversing a battery will not stop it from turning on. It will still turn on if the button gets depressed, but it’s considerably dimmer.
I know I said Fenix and it is still my #1. I also agree with @Kiwi on the ledlenser. That's what my wife uses and I have been known to take it from time to time lol. And zebra lights are definitely one of the best. I personally like simple on/off button lamps with replaceable batteries. I've had/seen quite a few of the black diamond slide/ touch controls quit working too many times for me to trust them personally.
I know I said Fenix and it is still my #1. I also agree with @Kiwi on the ledlenser. That's what my wife uses and I have been known to take it from time to time lol. And zebra lights are definitely one of the best. I personally like simple on/off button lamps with replaceable batteries. I've had/seen quite a few of the black diamond slide/ touch controls quit working too many times for me to trust them personally.

Good points.

Regarding built in non-replaceable batteries, you are buying a light that has a finite life from the start. Batteries can be recharged 600 - 800 times. That's a lot. But each time they are recharged they lose capacity. If the battery malfunctions, the light is a paper weight. You can't conveniently run the light while charging. Whereas with removable batteries you can swap in a fully charged battery while charging the other offline.

Lots of us will not need this capability, but it has tremendous advantages, including not having to sweat battery conservation when having all the light you need is most important. .
I really like the Black Diamond ReVolt. I have 3 now. I like that it’s rechargeable. I always have one charging in the rig when hunting and switch them out.
Any headlamp with a remote locator. I loose more headlamps than anything else. At least one or two a year it seems. Pretty sure the fancy black diamond spot is rolled up in my kodiak canvas right now.🙄
The spot is very nice for the half dozen times I've used it so far.
I have been really happy with my black diamond lamp. Been thinking about trying something different just for grins, but have a hard time spending money on something I really don’t need.
The most important thing is to carry 2 and know exactly where the second one is and be able to access it easily in the dark. Personally, I have 2 black diamond storms but that's just because I lost 1, bought another, then found the 1st one. Wouldn't hesitate to have a Petzl e+lite as my backup. The back-up is just to give me enough light to change the batteries in my primary. Don't overthink it, and thereby overspend. Buy ammo.
I use a Black Diamond Spot as my main headlamp, then carry a Petzl Tikka as backup.
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