Yeti GOBOX Collection

Where the Red Fern Grows


New member
Apr 18, 2004
the west
Have any of you seen the new version of "Where the Red Fern Grows", with Dave Mathews and that bunch? So what did you think about their effort on the new filme? Better than the old one? Not as good?

I wrote an article on that movie that was in Full Cry this month, maybe some of you saw it. My brother sent me an article that was published in one of the Oklahoma papers, that tallked about the time the original film crew spent in Taleqauh. The article claims they went bankrupt and left Oklahoma businesses in the hole by not paying over $700,000 of debt. Then, a film company in California picked up the film for pennies and finished the shoot, which was then turned over to Disney and released on home video and DVD. Soooo, the state of Oklahoma decided to make all film companies post a bond in the future before shooting in their state.

Anyway, the film was kinda speical to me because I took two of my red dogs down there (California) and helped out with the hunting scenes. I have lots of stories to tell about m experiences in California around a bunch of none hunters that were shooting a hunting film. But I should probably keep most of them to myself.

Best Regards,
I remember seeing the original when I was itty bitty. Mostly I remember that it made me cry. I had no idea they made a new version.
I have the old version on VHS but have not seen the original since I was a little tyke. I would like to see the new version. So how was it Ike?
how was it


I thought the movie was pretty good. Some people probably have trouble transferring from the original characters to new ones. And for those people they might not like it, but I had a vested interest because of my hounds. It's not that much different the the original, mainly just a newer version with some of today's actors. It'll probably be better for the young ones coming up cause they might not have a built in prejudice or history of the old one????

Just bought the new version and thought it was great. It is a movie I will definitely watch again. I will soon get the original version out and watch it and compare the two. After all these years, it is still a tear jerker.
I have only seen the old version and I love that movie. I havent seen the new one in stores though... I will have to look for it.

I thought it was a great movie, though my 2 younger kids did not quit get it my oldest did and yes it is still a tear jerker big time, even the hubby cried
I had no idea that they came out with a newer version of it. I'm gonna have to keep my eyes open next time I'm at teh store for it, and cry and sniffle real loud and long for my mom or dad to get.
As OL said we only have the old one on VHS.
I think it'll be fun ot compare the two.
Quick Draw
i have it and like it i loved the book as a kid and read it 1000 times. :D i read it so many times the school gave me the book and ordered a new one
red fern and walkin

My wife has one of those little eight inch screen DVD players hung over the tread mill so she and I can use it while having some entertainment. I pop a DVD in about everyother day and make three miles. I'll watch that Red Fern movie or my Hound Dog Crazy (or another) while the miles roll by. It helps a bunch and hope it'll help come bear season. Yall keep'em treed!
the ikester
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