Where is college football talk ???

They do have a good schedule, not as good as pre-season predicted as you said, but yes one if not the toughest. They may just be that good, the 3 games i watched tho just didnt make me say 'wow'. From what ive seen im just not convinced that they are a 5 at this time (doesnt mean they are "weak" lol, just dont think they are 5. Im sure they will make a BCS game and i agree whole heartedly that 2 losses with that schedule is a great season. So basically i think we agree on ND... Fair assumption?
I'd say we agree. They don't have the WOW factor of many teams, but I think alot of that is due to their ho hum offense.
If ND wins out beating both Oklahoma and Southern Cal on the road, they will have alegit argument for the NC game. Funny things happen the last few weeks of the season though and having 4+ undefeateds not often a problem.

Arguing about strength of conferences is a bit meaningless... especially when the "stats" call a horsechit MWC the 5th best in the country. A conference whose bottom 4 teams have a combined 4 wins and a very bad football team in San Diego State is only a loss behind the conference lead. Averaging the strength of a conference between the best and worst teams says nothing about how good individual teams might be. If you are hands down the best team in the country, should you be punished for playing in a conference who in that year may not be as good as other conferences?
If ND wins out beating both Oklahoma and Southern Cal on the road, they will have alegit argument for the NC game. Funny things happen the last few weeks of the season though and having 4+ undefeateds not often a problem.

Arguing about strength of conferences is a bit meaningless... especially when the "stats" call a horsechit MWC the 5th best in the country. A conference whose bottom 4 teams have a combined 4 wins and a very bad football team in San Diego State is only a loss behind the conference lead. Averaging the strength of a conference between the best and worst teams says nothing about how good individual teams might be. If you are hands down the best team in the country, should you be punished for playing in a conference who in that year may not be as good as other conferences?

good question... i say absolutely not. ...BUT, the BCS system holds this back from happening because of the lack of games played, conference strength, conference diversity, no playoff system and of course $$$$..

the playoff next year, the 4 teams, that is still not the answer. these teams your talking about will still never get a chance IMO. it will almost every year be the winner of the 4 major conferences. the only plus is that there cannot be 2 teams from the same conference. 8 teams would be better, but if im dreaming id like 16. hell make it 64, and lets play year round.... I love college football!! :hump::hump:
If ND wins out beating both Oklahoma and Southern Cal on the road, they will have alegit argument for the NC game. Funny things happen the last few weeks of the season though and having 4+ undefeateds not often a problem.
While I agree they'll have an argument, I don't see them jumping Oregon on K-State if both of them win out. I could happen if USC and OU keep winning, but I'd be surprised. Course I'd be surprised if ND wins either of those games (both on the road) let alone both. I have a feeling the Irish are gonna get a reality check on Saturday...
ok, you got me. i did do some digging... here's what i got besides the links i posted above.

So the big 12 has 3 losses so far. 1 is the the pac 12 (Arizona). All the non-conference wins were against unranked opponents.

The pac 12 has beaten 3 ranked (at the time) opponents (OKST, BYU and Wisconson). they lost to 3 ranked opponents, Ohio State, LSU and Notre Dame, all top 10 teams, so 3 of the 10 losses were from top teams.

Basically what im saying is that your argument for win / loss between the two conferences doesnt hold water when 1 of the conferences (big 12) is playing all creme puffs. Plus the more recent conference ranking that i posted shows this. NOT THE ONE YOU POSTED FROM LAST YEAR. Yes there are other ones that say the Big 12 is 2 and the Pac is 3, but this just helps prove my point that they are close and the pac isnt weak.

...but dont get me wrong, i have respect for the big 12 and dont consider them weak. Just showing holes in your arguments.

If it wasn't SOS why did Oregon get jumped by KSU?

To say that non conference records don't matter is absolutely wrong. Those extra 15+ wins a conference can pick up in non conference play are the difference in several teams going to a bowl or staying home at the end of the season.

If you don't use win loss records between the conferences to determine confernece strength what do you use?

You play 20+ non coference games every season most of which are scheduled years in advance there is no way to schedule all "cream puffs" like you imply is happening.

Not the Big 12's fault Arizona, Miami, Maryland, Old Miss, Iowa, etc.. aren't good this year. Happened to catch a bunch of tems on a down year. Of the 3 ranked opponent wins you mentioned for the PAC a couple of those teams are not really top 25 teams this year either.

Losing to a FCS team like Colorado did on top of losing to Colorado St. who also lost to a FCS team as well speaks volumes about the PAC. Yes there are a couple of solid programs in Oregon and USC but looking at Cal, UCLA, Utah, Colorado, WSU, and Washington you see pretty quickly those teams are not focused on winning.

I still see KSU in the national championship. Snyder won't lose focus and drop an easy one. I doubt we will have 3 good undefeated teams at the end of the year unless you inlcude Louisville, Rutgers, Ohio, etc..

ND could make a statement by beating OU but honestly Stoops has only lost I think 3-4 games at home in 10+ years so I don't think it will happen. If that happens ND jumps Oregon as well.
SOS is exactly why oregon was jumped. that is what im saying. Oregon has not played their tough teams yet. When they do, and if they win they will move right back up and most likely in front of KSU. Here is the reasoning. All polls (except the BCS) have oregon over KSU. The BCS has them down as of now because they have not played any tough teams yet. the other polls will likely continue to keep oregon at 2 unless the lose and once they start playing tougher teams the computers will recognize this, beating Stanford, OSU, USC and they will then jump in front again. when oregon plays OSU and USC they will both likely be top 7 or 8 if OSU can get by stanford. that alone should bump them ahead to 3 but probably 2 in the BCS.

im not sure what i said earlier but i agree that the NC games are important for the bowl game, completely agree. I was just replying to your earlier post of win / loss records for the conference and saying 1 reason why it was lopsided, why the pac had 10 losses and the b12 had 3.

Time will tell, someone will drop a game that they shouldnt and all this debate will be for nothing. Hopefully its KSU and not Oregon. ha... j/k... what would even be better if KSU and Oregon play in the NCG. what are the odds. you probably know but they were supposed to play their first games agains each other this year and the game got dropped for some reason.
"...title game in future will be four top conference champs...."

Didn't know there was "four" top conferences....??? Many years only ONE, some years two and maybe this year , three....

BREAKING NEWS!!!! BAMA just left the SEC and is newest member of AFC in NFL......
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my opinion... and that is ALL it is, is that the 4 teams will most likely be the winner of the Pac12, Big12, SEC and Big10. yeah some years there may be someone else from another conference when one of the bigger conferences is having a bad year like the big 10 is this year. Just my opinion.
"...title game in future will be four top conference champs...."

Didn't know there was "four" top conferences....??? Many years only ONE, some years two and maybe this year , three....

BREAKING NEWS!!!! BAMA just left the SEC and is newest member of AFC in NFL......

So Saban will have to cut roster size plus get under the players' salary cap?;)
YEP !!!
New system ....or this one...will likely pizz someone off when 3 of 4 teams are from SEC !!
BTW, this year, the Big Ten shud be renamed....ain't no "BIGS" there!
the rules for the 4 game playoff next year state that there can only be 1 team from a conference. Only 1 team from the SEC for example. that is why i was saying that it will most likely be the top team of the Big10, Big 12, Pac12 and SEC.
Can you smell what Bill Snyder and the Wildcats are cookin'?? As I learned growing up in Manhattan, "every man a wildcat and every cat a wildman"............and I will confess that I wouldn't want to have to play Oregon.
KSU might have a shot as well. Strength of schedule will hurt Oregon in the end. The PAC is weak and Arkansas St, Fresno St, and Tennessee Tech as a non conference schedule is pretty soft. KSU plays a much tougher conference schedule and beat Miami in non conference. I think is KSU runs the table they will play for the NC.

I find it funny that you keep bringing up the schedule considering KSU opted not to play Oregon this year, which was scheduled a few years back. Oregon asked to bump the home and home series back a year so that they could travel to TX and play #1 ranked LSU last year.

Old man River...errr...Coach Bill decided he wanted nothing to do with the Ducks this season and asked to cancel the series. The Ducks agreed to this and had no other last minute options for scheduling.

For the record those Fighting Ducks hung 70 on CU today. They only played their starts 2 quarters and could have put up 140 if they wanted too.

KSU looked good against Tech today....but they still don't beat Oregon.

Breaking news...SEC football is still boring. 17-9 UGA up on FLA with 4:00 left in the game.

...enjoyed watching the Gold helmets whip 'Stupes' azz last night. ND looks like they are for real.
I find it funny that you keep bringing up the schedule considering KSU opted not to play Oregon this year, which was scheduled a few years back. Oregon asked to bump the home and home series back a year so that they could travel to TX and play #1 ranked LSU last year.

Old man River...errr...Coach Bill decided he wanted nothing to do with the Ducks this season and asked to cancel the series. The Ducks agreed to this and had no other last minute options for scheduling.

For the record those Fighting Ducks hung 70 on CU today. They only played their starts 2 quarters and could have put up 140 if they wanted too.

KSU looked good against Tech today....but they still don't beat Oregon.

Breaking news...SEC football is still boring. 17-9 UGA up on FLA with 4:00 left in the game.


For the record Colorado is easily the worst football program in a major conference right now. I would not brag to much about beating them. Sacramento St beat them, that should tell you enough.

As far as KSU changing thier schedule I believe it had to do with the conference going to a 9 game conference schedule in the last coupleo of years which made everybody lose a NC game. KSU still played Miami as well. Do you really think KSU/Snuder is "scared" of Oregon like you imply?

As it has been said before, Oregon has not played it's tough schedule yet so they have yet to prove much. 3 tough teams already with 5 combined losses isn't going to help as much as it would have if Oregon St and USC hadn't been upset this weekend. That just weakend the SOS for Oregon big time by dropping a couple of top 10 matchups from the schedule. ND will also propably beat USC so they will have 4 losses when the season is over, not going to help much.
You have to admit that Oegon St and USC losing this weekend hurt Oregons SOS right?

Lots of Football left to be played so it should be exciting to see who gets in. Too bad we cant just do 4 teams this year. SEC champ with KSU, ORegon, and ND would be nice.

Just think about his for a moment:
Pac 12 will have 5, almost half, of the conference will not be bowl elegible because of 5 or less wins. This is what happens when you lose 10 games in NC play.
On the other hand only 2 out of 10 teams in the Big 12 will not be bowl elegible. 80% bowl elegible.

Orion- Gotta link that shows where only 1 team from a conference is allowed in the upcoming playoff system that isn't even 100% finalized?
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