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Wher are you hunting in 2001 ?!?!?!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
This question Always gets brought up, and I love to here were people hunt!

This year I hunted:

April - Salinas Ca. (Got a Rusian Boar/Angora Goat)

April/May- ID. Bear Hunting (buddy got one,me none yet)

Sept -ID Elk Sawtooth Zone(archery) (WENT TWO TIMES) 2-1/2 days...

Oct. Rifle Deer : 3x4 ...(More like a 3x3

Oct Rifle Elk (Sawtooth Zones/unit 35) (Raghorn 5x6)

Nov. - ID. Deer L8 season Bow Unit 39 (w/ friends)

Winter - ID. Mountain lion?? (Maybe)

If that seems like alot,wait til next year!!


It's always Hard to plan hunting trips. It takes Time and ALOT of money if you are going to leave the State you live in. This will be the First time I have ever put in for and Outta state tag. This is what I am planning though :

I will put in for Colorado,Wyoming,Montanna,Oregon, And Arizona For either deer or Elk.

Idaho I will hunt:

Jan-March - Hopefully a Cougar ?!?!
April/May - Bear (And turkey if I come accross one..)
Aug - Archery Antelope
Sept. Archery Elk
Oct. Rifle Deer/Elk

I am Also Planning to Go in Jan To Texas for an Exotic hunt. Check out the Exotic section later on to see how it went!!

OK That's ME, What are you guys/Gals doing?!?!!?

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter
<LI> <A HREF="
" TARGET=_blank>


Moosie I see you put me in as moderator of the Hound section!!! OK Alah heres the deal. if i HAVE TO moderate one section I might as well do two of them!! If I had my choice it would be the Big Game section for the number two slot. I know I told ya when you started this new forum that I didnt want the moderators job of any kind, but I will help ya with these two if ya want! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Sounds like a great plan Moose! I can't top that but here is the 2001 plan:

Caribou - NWT
Whitetail - Michigan
Bear - Michigan (if I draw a tag)

Like you said, if only there was more time and money......

Well I hunted and hunted this year and hunted more and still not done.....

Coyotes all year long
ND Archery whitetails Oct15-22 1X2 buck
ID rifle bull(Unit 36A) Oct1-31 no bull
ID rifle deer unit 36&36A Oct5-22 no buck
SD rifle deer Black Hills Nov10-19 no buck
AZ rifle bull (cactus ridge) Dec8-11 no bull technically
ID cougar after the holidays

Planned hunts and draws:
I will be putting in for....
Idaho: Mt goat
Montana: Sheep, Deer, Elk
Oregon: Sheep, Antelope, Elk , Deer
Wyoming: Sheep, Moose, Elk, Deer
Utah: Sheep, Deer
Nevada: Sheep, Deer, Elk
New Mexico: Deer
Arizona: Deer, Sheep, Elk
Colorado: Deer, Elk
North Dakota: Deer
California: Turkey, Deer
Washington: No Plans Yet

Anyways gotta full schedule and can't wait for the draws again this year. GOOD LUCK in the draws all.
MT RANCH!! Is that all you are going to do this year is Hunt??? I wish I were that lucky!!!hehehe You got a full schedule if you draw even half of the tags!! Good luck on the draw and the hunts! I am gonna do the same as always for the exception of My Alsaka hunt this fall if I can work it in between haying and the our archery elk season and the gathering! Maybe this will be my lucky year for my Wyoming SHeep tag in which case Alaska will be out this year again. I got to do ALASKA soon before I lose my free hunt! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
bcat.....Well if you don't put in you can't draw I learned 3 years ago about that it gets kinda spendy shelling out all that dough but when you draw and can hunt 3 or 4 hunts a year it is all worth it. I never hunted them sheep b4 but WY is top of my list. I will definitely be hunting Idaho, Colorado, North Dakota and California this coming fall. All the rest depends on the draws hopefully there is another AZ bull tag again in the mail this year and maybe a sheep tag from somewhere. Or maybe I get drawn on the raffle($$$$ on its way) I can do a region D deer tag WY instead of the region G tag I usually do.
Washington Muzzleloader for Deer and elk. bear and cat in WA. Coyotes all year.

Im outting in for Wyoming for Antelope again. Havent been drawn put inn 4 times so this has to be my year. Hope to get drawn for a late muzzle deer hunt in ID and going to Calif. for hog in April unless Uncle Sam gets whats left after putting in for draws.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
Heres my 2001 plans:

Pretty much everything in Washington except
I'll be applying for a Arizona rifle elk tag.

Elk: Go with a Eastside rifle tag, hunt Little Naches. Put in for Quinault Ridge
Master Hunter permit.
Deer: Hunt the vale tree farm, put in for
the Desert, and 3 other quality mule deer
units. Have 4 pts built.
Bear: Most likely hunt around the foohills
around Enumclaw.
Moose and Bighorn: Continue to build up
pts to hunt these.
Here is what I hunted this year.

Deer in unit 15-A in the Gila, I got lost so I did not see any deer. I did however see two or three buzzards.

Elk, went elk hunting in 15-A and it snowed. I don’t know how to find elk in the snow so I gave up and went pack to camp and had some tequila. It was good.

Went duck hunting at San Marcial, the Bureau of Reclamation fenced off my road and I could not get to my spot so I gave up and went to the bar and had some tequila. It was good.

Went dove hunting at my parents house, shot 400 rounds and got three birds. Lost two of them in the weeds and my dog ate the other. I gave up and went home and had some tequila and it was good.

Went quail hunting down in southern New Mexico. I don’t like to walk so I road hunted for quail, did not see any, so I went home and had some tequila.

Went to the doctor and he said my liver is failing. I don’t know why, so I went home and had some tequila.

For 2001 one I have decided I would be better off if I just stayed home watched hunting shows and drank tequila.

Well Fecl, at least you should be getting plenty of fiber in your diet from eating all those worms!
I will start by meeting Ol' Bob and then Shadowrider in Texas for spring turkeys.....

....bowhunting Lope in Co will follow.....

..... hopefully draw a muzzleloader bear tag in Co.

Get my elk, moose, sheep and goat points in Co....

Then do a backcountry wilderness elk/deer archery hunt with my good friend Shadowrider in New Mexico or Montanny, depending on the draw!....

....then my good friend Raghorn will join me in Wyo where we are gonna arrow a couple of nice bulls!.....

.....then I will meet a bunch of friends in Wyo and have a Gathering!.....

......Either before, during or after I will hunt lopes woth Timberman and Wolfeman!....

....Then I am going to help Terry/Coydog get his speedgoat!.....

.....then come back to Co and do a late season elk hunt, possibly with Colorado Oak!....

....and I know there are a couple of hunts that will "pop up"....they always do!

Here's to all of you having a great season!
Since I don't know where I will be in school next year, it could be anything or nothing at all. A Few places in AZ, ID, and Utah look very promising. Back east TN looks real good. I may have the opportunity to work on deer depredation of soybeans in TN!! That alone should give me someplace to hunt!! Good Luck to all!!! While you guys are waiting for draw returns, I'll be waiting for grad school returns!!!
Ray, sounds like you hunt the same place I do, I go about a hundred miles in the truck, then down 8 miles of swamp before I get out to my campin area. Just like you, I don't plan on giving away precise location, though. Where in AK are you from?

Anyway, back on subject...I plan to hunt moose in the previously undisclosed location, black bears on the Kenai peninsula, or around Fairbanks, Griz (takin' a friend, I don't need another Griz right now) along the Denali Highway, Caribou north of the Brooks Range. Maybe deer on Montague or Kodiak, sheep in the Alaska range, and goat around Prince William Sound. I just need to come up with the money and time.

Where you at now, if ya ain't gettin' back to Texas 'til March. I'm TDY to the sandbox. Can't tell ya exactly where, but I get back in March, too. Watch yer six!
AK Roadkill,

I live in North Pole, and hunt about 40 or 50 miles from Fox. I see black bears all the time, and a few fresh grizzly tracks near my campsite (in the mud after the rain). Grizzly bears don't usually show themselves in the middle of the day, at least not to me. I have had wolves within a few yards away from me in the brush, but I haven't seen them in open areas near me. Somebody from Anchorage killed a record-size grizzly in this area a few years back with his .375 H&H. All I use is a .338 Magnum, and only have hunted moose with it.
The only large game I hunt: Moose.

I travel about 100 miles from my home (in Alaska), park my old Ford truck near a road, and ride my ATV 8 miles out on a muddy trail to where I setup my campsite. We drag along what we call "meat trailers," which are small trailers that have ATV knobby tires.

My hunting partners and I take enough food, water, etc. to last two weeks. The longest it has taken me to see and kill a moose has been 13 days, and the least amount of time: The first day of the season this year.
Dang, Moosie or MTranch you guys got a sister in law that is single. Your wives must have been trained really well.
Good luck on your hunts. As for me we are thinking about another Texas deer hunt over Thanksgiving. Maybe a quick trip to CO. for an elk if I can get permission.


PS: Will get a chance to deer hunt here in East Tennessee and train my pointer if I can find some quail. Returning to Bow hunting this next year. Last time I was run out of the woods by a host of rattlesnakes. Starting to get my courage up again. May even try to get out to my wifes home area and look for a pheasant or two.

[This message has been edited by jcbdc (edited 12-30-2000).]
Who knows where I will hunt, here's where I tried to hunt last year: WY: elk, deer, antelope (moose and sheep pref pt.) UT: Mt goat, antelope NV: all three sheep, elk, deer, goat, antelope CA: deer, sheep ID: goat MT: sheep, goat CO: deer, elk, antelope, goat, sheep OR: deer, sheep, antelope, elk NM: deer AZ: deer, antelope, desert sheep, elk
THE RESULTS = 0 Where did I actually hunt: over the counter deer in ID and leftover UT deer tag AND very, very appreciative they had and would sell tags to sell me!

Good luck this year to everyone!
I've been up that way, maybe the same trail you hunt. I've heard there's a guy that hunts up one trail, who seems to think it's private property, because he's hunted there forever. The trail is probably 35 miles long he sets up about 10 or 12 miles in, in the middle of the trail, and gives you a lot of problems if you try to go past. I went up there once and didn't quite get into that fella's (name's Jim something) "territory", but my buddy stayed a little longer and tried to go by and a couple guys actually ran him off. I have no problem with people not wanting other people hunting in their areas, that's why we keep the places secret. But it is still public land, and if someone else finds the area, they have as much right to it as anyone else. A little courtesy would help out a lot. I think if this "Jim" would just let folks know where he's hunting when they hit his camp, and ask if they could go on past it, he wouldn't have any problem, of course there are always gonna be unethical slobs out there anyway. If I happen to go up there to hunt any am told to get off of public land, I may leave, but I'll be sure to post every hunting website with "easy access to trophy bulls" and give the S.O.B. all the company he can handle!(I ain't tellin' the location of the trail this time, because A. I want to go up there again, and B. there are some other folks that hunt the same trail, that don't need the added pressure.) The place I usually hunt (the other way out of Fairbanks) was also someone else's "hunting area", but I make sure I contact them when we get into camp and let 'em know we'll try to stay out of their way. They'll go up on the mountain and we'll hunt the valley, or vice versa. Well I've rambled on long enough, it just annoys me that some people have to be such...well, you know!
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