Whats your take on the "GLYPHOSATE" Round Up Lawsuit in California


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2011
So science says it does not cause cancer but a Judge in California says it does.
My take is that I plan to start buying stock in Bayer once they win their appeal, but it will take a couple years. I can't help but feel like there is a little bit of a "VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM!" vibe going on. So far, essentially all of the science says that it does not cause cancer but there are some people who are adamant that it does.
Only loosely followed the case. Is this homeowner occasional use or commercial application?

I did read an article on the link to cancer in around up is far less than many other common exposures we face every day.
Lawyer up and getcha some pennies on the dollar....it's condo and offshore account time for the barratry. Yee haw...
From what I have read about the people that have developed cancers from supposedly using it were exposing themselves to it on repeated occasions with little or no personal protective equipment. I work with dangerous chemicals all the time, either for water treatment or in the lab, but I also take the appropriate safety precautions and wear PPE when I'm doing it. Some things are common sense the way I see it. I don't need a label to tell me something powerful enough to kill noxious weeds is probably not the best thing for me to breath in or get on my skin everyday wither or not science says it does or doesn't cause cancer.
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I won't be surprised if it turns out to cause cancer. As a PP mentioned, anyone should reasonably assume protective equipment should be used when dealing with it or any other herbicide or pesticide. However, it was a jury that rendered the verdict; not a judge.
The average Boomer: "All my friends and family are dropping dead from cancer. Don't rock the boat and attempt to point fingers however, just give me another Coke and let me spray my lawn with Roundup."

Government: "Don't look over here while we continuously raise the allowable limit of Glyphosate in your food"
I won't be surprised if it turns out to cause cancer. As a PP mentioned, anyone should reasonably assume protective equipment should be used when dealing with it or any other herbicide or pesticide. However, it was a jury that rendered the verdict; not a judge.

Caffeine is a natural pesticide, should I wear my PPE when drinking coffee or tea?


It depends on the dose. The dose makes the poison
You also have to factor in the half life of the substance and residual build up in organisms. There isn't person alive who wouldn't test for some level of glyphosate.
The half life of Roundup is between 50 and 200 days, depending on the research.

Caffeine is a natural pesticide, should I wear my PPE when drinking coffee or tea?


It depends on the dose. The dose makes the poison
Not all science agrees with your lead in statement. https://news.wsu.edu/2019/04/23/wsu...fects-across-generations-popular-weed-killer/

You may not get sick or die, but you may not like the "legacy" you leave behind with your kids and grandkids. Can you image how you'd feel if you knew things you did, or were done to you, caused your granddaughter to die of cancer?

One of the things with this study is the dosage rates. Female rats (F0 generation) transiently exposed (25 mg/kg body weight glyphosate daily) . To get that dosage in humans you would have to eat a lot foods that contain a ton of glyphosate. Quaker Oats seems to the the highest I could find. 2,837 ppb which is 2.837 mg/kg, meaning you would have to eat 10 bowls of cereal daily to get to the levels they tested. European limits are 0.3 mg/kg/bw/daily, which means you are eating 9.5 times their allowable limit with one bowl. Conflicting information abound with this one.

There is so much conflicting information on Glyphosate.

FDA - https://www.fda.gov/food/pesticides/questions-and-answers-glyphosate

Detox Project - https://detoxproject.org/glyphosate-in-food-water/

Wheat foundation - https://wheatfoundation.org/the-truth-about-glyphosate-part-1-how-do-wheat-growers-use-glyphosate/

Ecowatch - https://www.ecowatch.com/monsanto-glyphosate-cheerios-2093130379.html

Who knows what it does or does not do.

I think it would be best for everyone to start a garden and start to grow more of their own food. That way you know where it is coming from.
One of the things with this study is the dosage rates. Female rats (F0 generation) transiently exposed (25 mg/kg body weight glyphosate daily) . To get that dosage in humans you would have to eat a lot foods that contain a ton of glyphosate. Quaker Oats seems to the the highest I could find. 2,837 ppb which is 2.837 mg/kg, meaning you would have to eat 10 bowls of cereal daily to get to the levels they tested. European limits are 0.3 mg/kg/bw/daily, which means you are eating 9.5 times their allowable limit with one bowl. Conflicting information abound with this one.

There is so much conflicting information on Glyphosate.

FDA - https://www.fda.gov/food/pesticides/questions-and-answers-glyphosate

Detox Project - https://detoxproject.org/glyphosate-in-food-water/

Wheat foundation - https://wheatfoundation.org/the-truth-about-glyphosate-part-1-how-do-wheat-growers-use-glyphosate/

Ecowatch - https://www.ecowatch.com/monsanto-glyphosate-cheerios-2093130379.html

Who knows what it does or does not do.

I think it would be best for everyone to start a garden and start to grow more of their own food. That way you know where it is coming from.

True, but you can't always extrapolate dosing across species. Humans may very well metabolize it differently than rats.
I work with it multiple times a week for the last 6 years. I'm still cancer free last I knew anyways. I feel it's all about money. Lawyers see $$$$ in turn convince clients to see $$$$ and oh look this is a multi billion dollar industry let's exploit them for $$$$. And they have I'd say 70% garbage under grad studies to back their claims. Either way we live in a world where everything causes cancer as long as that thing is a multi million dollar industry.
I think it would be best for everyone to start a garden and start to grow more of their own food. That way you know where it is coming from.

Could not agree more with this statement. My grandparents all lived long healthy lives well into their 90s. My great-grandmother was 106. Her children all lived to be at least 92. Two of them crossed the century mark themselves. They ate lard like it was going out of style. But everything they ate was raised and processed on the farm. Nothing came from the outside. They even ground their own meal. And they worked hard daylight to dark. It may be hard work and good genetics, but I tend to think the fact that they avoided manufactured food, and all the associated chemicals and preservatives, has a lot to do with it. Sorry to get off topic slightly :)