whats your set up?

JB Florida

New member
Dec 9, 2000
Florida/Gulf ShoresAlabama
I have had 2 friends call me recently that have picked up new mathews bows and they just went ON & ON & ON about how sweet they shoot so anyway I've had the same bow for like ....well its a Hoyt Super Slam.
Its not fast, and I am just noticing that its really not very quiet.
I wacked another doe with it last week and she just about ducked the arrow @31 yards.

My wife has just spent 15 minutes telling me hey, you get to hunt an awful lot, why don't you just go buy a new bow.....Funny thing is she knows how much they cost (unlike most wives i'm betting)
I hate to retire "old faithful" but I'm considering it. Oh yeah, TK, get the rockets,
THEY ARE AWESOME! All mine have been total pass thrus

What do you shoot and how do ya like it?
Is it QUIET?

Gracias and
Well might as well add one more for the Mathews bows!!
I'm shooting a Legacy and she is quiet!! You can't even hear when you shoot it. The only sound you hear is when you arrow hits the target. I'm shooting 100 grain field points and have yet to get broadheads. Thanks for the recomendation JB but they have to have a 7/8" cutting surface unopened for them to be legal. If they are that big let me know and I will try them out. If you buy a new bow, go Mathews, they are great!!
My set-up is 99 HOYT Intec bow. I shoot 73 lbs, with a 2018 25 1/2 inch Easton XX-75 shaft tipped with a 100 grain thunderhed. I use this set-up for everything!! This bow is quiet as hell! I missed a monster 6-point last year actually planted the arrow in a tree. It was a calm day. He just looked around at about 18 yds. I actually got another arrow out of my bow quiver and took him with the second shaft! It's a heavy bow though!!!! Retireing old faithful is a hard thing to do. I retired my old 90 Browning Mirage in 2000. I still want To hunt with it!! I probably took 50 deer with that bow!!!!!!

I shoot a Martin Pride split limb that is set at #65. I shoot Vapor-aluminum/graphite arrows, and 100 gr Thunderheads that seem to do the job on any thing they hit!!!
PSE Thunderbolt solo cam, Left handed, 70lb draw, XX78 Easton’s (Advantage camo I think) tipped with 75Gr. Mini-Max Vortex (small tip) broad heads, 4 arrow quiver using a T.R.U. Ball Spring Jaw (I customized and made it jaw-rope-Velcro wrist strap, long before they were making them. It came as a jaw-rope-loop around strap)

Works well for this southpaw!

Everything they tell you about the Mathews is true. Super quiet, super fast, super smooth... I have the MQ2 with Spot Hog sights (love the sights) Mathews arrow rest, Mathews 2 peice quiver and a good old doinker. You can get into some sweet set ups for $600-700 with all accessories but thats just bare bow with most Mathews bows. If you are going all the way and want the very best get the Mathews. I spent around $1200 on bow, sights, quiver, arrow rest, arrows and a new release. worth every penny too. My .02 is all I have left.
Mine is a two year old Darton Magnum 33. Its a sleeper. Not many people shoot Darton around here. Its smooth (not quite as smooth as the Matthews) light and fast. I'm very happy with it. 72 pounds, 29 inch 2413 xx75 and Thunderhead 100's.

Its worth a look, costs $100's less for us price sensitive people. Parker makes a good bow as well. Look at Bow Tech too.

T Bone
Another Mathews legacy shooter here. I shoot it set up at 28 inches with 68 pounds. It's shooting a Game Tracker terminator hunter in 6075, or Eastons super slams in spine 2512 depending on my mood. I am thinking about switching to line jammers for leagues. I use a Scott mongoose release, cobra ascent micro adjust sight, a golden key premier micro tune rest, shock blocker stabalizer and a alpine archery quiver. Damn I love that bow and I just got it not long ago!
I shoot a 62"longbow It pulls 58# @ 28". I use cedar arrows with Zwickey broadheads. It is light to carry and very very quite. Some day I may buy a recurve but I have been playing with idea of building my own bow this winter just for grins and giggles.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-09-2003 13:15: Message edited by: Steamer ]</font>
I shoot a PSE Inferno Maxis. Graduation gift back in 95'. It's a great bow and has several kills but I too am looking at buying a Mathews. I shot one last fall at the range and couldn't believe how light they are. They shoot very smooth and quite.

Maybe next year. I need to chalk up a 6x6 with the Inferno before I retire it!

I shoot a LH PSE Nova Vector Pro set at maximum weight and it pulls at 72#. The Vector Pro cams are extremely smooth and fast. I don't use an overdraw. The bow is fairly short limbed and easy to shoot while sitting down or in thick cover. It's about as quiet as any I've been around. I have no complaints with it. I use Easton XX78 2413 shafts cut to 28 inches with 100g Thunderheads. I put an arrow through a muley at 38 yds. with it last week and the arrow never even slowed down. I retrieved the blood covered arrow over 20 yds past the buck where it hit some rocks and stopped.
$600....$750....$1200 in some of your setups
you guys must be LOADED

I shoot a old 14 yr old Golden Eagle Tournament bow....got it twisted up to the max @ 122 lbs....I shoot Easton aluminum arrows 2613's @ 31 1/2"....and 125gr Thunderheads 3 blade broadheads. I tried some different size arrows once....but they kept exploding upon impact....3 of them exploded right out of the riser after release

And yes I get a complete pass through and it doesn't matter where it hits or at what angle.....or at what distance out to 65 yards

I almost forgot.....it's going through the chonograph @ 407 ftps.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-20-2003 16:25: Message edited by: FLIPPER ]</font>
I know you brought this to my attention, but I would have called you on it any way...LMAO!!!
That is really very fast, and 122 lb pull with a heavy broadhead and a skinny arrow..LMAO!!!I would have to see that...I would really have to see that...HAHAHAHA!!!
You guys are to high tech. Doesn't anyone besides me shoot traditional?
One nice thing about my bow is it light and kills critters just as quick.
ELKCHSR......3 of the arrows did explode in the bow......MEATHEAD can vouche for me....he was standing beside me
and then took off running

I to have a recurve, its a old Ben Pearson Cougar, 50# @ 28" but I never hunt with it, I did one year and shot 13 times in 2 days
but it was alot of fun.
Mathews MQ2 70#, Beman Matrix arrows, Thunderhead 100gr (switching to monotechs). Okie stableizer, Savage rest, scout mountain sights (switching to spothoggs). Winn freeflight release.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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