whats your set up?

I would guess so, I have never shot an overdraw, my arrows are crawling along at 275 fps with an eight year old set up with no overdraw, but I do have those newer mixed arrows, (Aluminum, carbon) and they are absolutly great, I don't see the wobble that every other carbon arrow I've shot has on it's way to the target. It just flies right on down in a very straight forward manor..
You will love those spothogg sights they are awesome.

Thats real fast for an older bow ELKCHSR. I am at 284-286 with my Mathews shooting carbons. 28 inch draw 67 pounds...
Mine has split limbs and is a Martin Pride..
I will probably get a new rig in a year or more, something lighter and shooting faster. That way I can still shoot my 65-70 lb range and be able to keep the arrows flatter and hitting harder at the other end..
I shoot a High Country Lite Force,with beamon ICS 500 arrows ,100gr. innerloc broadheads,scott release.
Set at 46lb.
Steve has two bows,a Mathews and Reflex,he like them both.
He shoots finger's.
I just picked up a Bowtech Mighty Mite and Love it so far. It took some getting use to as My last bow was 38" ATA and the Bowtech's 31" but it's a rocket launcher! I put on a Muzzy Zero Effect, Impact Archery's Cosmic single pin and shooting Carbon Express Terminator Selects @ 28 1/4 inches with a 100 Gr. tip. Chrony at 275fps @ a 28" draw and 63lbs.

I looked at the Mathews Legacy, Hoyt Razortech and Parker UL31 before deciding. I'll know more after I shoot it for a while, but so far this things Awesome!
I shoot a 2003 Hoyt Ultratec set at 63lbs. with 28.5 inch draw using 100 grain tipped Beman ICS Hunters this fall I'll bu using Rocket Sidewinders I just love them broadheads.
Chit I am a dummy with what my bow is except that I shoot a Browning that I just bought second hand off a guy. It is set at 55lb draw with a 28" draw length and I use 125 grain Nugent Blades on my arrows and can hit a 5 inch circle constantly at 20 yards. Guess I will try and learn more this summer so I can add to these discussions and ask decent questions or just use a crossbow.
I own 2 Champion bows... they're not well known, probably cause their Canadian made. I have the Yukon with 80# limbs, and the Hurricane. The Hurricane is super quiet and very compact...31 1/8 ATA, all rigged out for hunting it shoots about 280 ft/sec at 5grns/pound. The Yukon is longer, heavier and not nearly as smooth, but it thumps out a 430grn arrow at 293ft/sec.
I pulled my bow out of the closet this evening and hit the range for the first time since late summer. I have a Hoyt Raptor with a bodoodle rest shooting 28" carbons behind 100 gr 3-blade Muzzy broadheads. I ran it through the chronograph at 273 fps.
Started out with a 50 lb. recurve bow by Wing Archery Co. In those days the greatest arrows were hollow fiberglass. I still have two. But most guys hunted with cedar shafts and turkey feathers.

Stubborn that I am, while my friends switched to compound bows in the 1980's, I cont'd with the recurve. Then in 1989, I had a custom take down made for me by Owen Jeffries. 65 lbs with a length of 62 inches. Best bow I've ever owned.

In the early 1990's my wife bought me a Bear Whitetail II. I pretended to like it. It shot very fast compared to my recurves but heavier. A couple muley does were killed with it. I liked the speed but not the weight.

I still target shoot with all my bows but no longer hunt big game with them. I'm basically a rifleman and I like a fast second shot if needed. But I harbor no scorn for archery hunters. Each to his own I say.
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