What’s your occupation?

Desk jockey but sometimes the boys let me play with the cool toys...under close supervision...lol


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Safety & Health nerd. No idea how I ended up here after I spent a decade in the military hiding from the Safety office!
I've been plumbing for almost 25 years. Last year I took a job at a local hospital in plant operations & my body has been much happier.
Engineer...started my own company 6 years ago designing and building industrial equipment improving energy efficiency of heat exchangers. Now engineer/sales/hr/QA/service/sanitation...
Retired, just went past the 7 year mark this month. As others have said, it's the best job ever. Most of my working career was in an oil refinery, doing laboratory work.
CEO of a small construction firm of which I am also the peon digging the holes, pounding the nails, and doing the stuff that needs to be done.
Sounds a lot like where I’m headed after I get my license this summer. Nice to know there are some other working contractors out there. There are miles of tasks involved in a project that never seem to fall on any one specific sub.
Auto mechanic. 🔧 Formerly a Mopar technician in a dealership now run a family business with my dad and my brothers specializing in maintaining fleets of vehicles for other companies. Anything from oil changes to replacing engines and transmissions.
Co2 specialist. I recently got moved from a 5-2 schedule to a 7-7 as we are short handed so on my 7 days off 5 of them I go pipelining until fall then I’ll hunt my 7 days off
Currently Sell medical devices. Specifically, pacemakers (keep the heart beating) and defibrillators (shock the heart out of life threatening arrhythmias)

Prior to this gig, I sold pop (soda for non-mn folks), worked as an estimator for a excavating company, and served as an Army officer.

Crazy journey this thing called life is...
My military career was split in two. I started out a Navy medic attached to the Marine Corps and went to Desert Storm with them. When I was done with that tour I ended up at the Naval Hospital in Philadelphia. When I got out I went to culinary school. I made good money working at a large hotel and then a country club in Philly and eventually moved back home to NY. I worked my way through a couple of head chef and kitchen manager jobs. Once I got married and had kids it got old working every night and weekend and holiday, so I gave up the culinary career and started working as a mechanic. I got into doing custom exhaust and welding. I loved doing that. Moved to another state again and started doing more alignments and front end work. It sucked getting laid off every winter with a family, so I filled in work part time cooking work and one winter one a dairy farm. That all got old so I got into a corrections officer job. I was on the SERT team and emergency medical team. This is when I went into the National Guard. I went to Bosnia with them and came back and resigned from the prison because I hated the politics and once again moved back home. I got on a state mission guarding a nuclear power plant with the guard. But, no health insurance. With kids that was no good, so I got released from the guard and went to active duty. The unit I was assigned to in Ft Hood had just come back from a deployment, and I wanted to go to Iraq, so I volunteered to back fill into a national guard unit to deploy. The rest is history...
In addition to my normal job I spent 8 years as a volunteer fire fighter and 2 years as a part time on a paid department. Anyone else in volunteer/part time fire or EMS?
Land Management.
Anything from timber stand Improvement, building wetlands, food plots, or Prescribed burns.

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