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Whats your most accurate rifle?

A mid '60s Remington Model 700 .300 Win Mag, replaced barrel, 2.5 X 12 Trijicon scope, and (believe it or not ) Winchester 180 gr. Power Points... clover leaf at 100 yards.
Mid 70's Rem.700 30-06 Hogue full bed stock,Timney trigger,ADL-BDL switch are only changes.
Cloverleaf @ 100 & 2" @ 200. Nosler 165 AB's.
Mid 90's vintage Remington 700 in 7mmMag. HS precision stock and reworked trigger. Shoots 120gr Barnes TTSX hand loads into cloverleafs with regularity.
My savage 12fv in .223. I bought it dirt cheap on a black friday sale with a mail in rebate on top of that, I put a cheap vortex 4-12 that was on sale. It's ugly and heavy, but it shoots everything from expensive hunting loads to cheap frontier hollow points consistently .75-1". The cheap plastic stock flexes horribly on the fore-end but it still gets the job done.
Mine is a Ruger Hawkeye in 300 RCM. It was a journey to get it to a sub .7, 4 shot group. I just couldn't send the 5th round. I kept the wood stock I hate the plastic, just changed the trigger spring, and traded a knife for a bedding job. Barnes 150 TTSX over 1/2 grain less than max of Superpreformance powder.
Ive had some real cheap rifles and real expensive ones and its always a surprise which will be a shooter. Some cheapo rifles with crap ammo shoot easy sub moa and some expensive rifles I had to fight to try and get a decent group.

Just curious to see whats your most accurate rifle?

Mine (as of now, still havent shot my new xbolt) is a weatherby vanguard s2 in .243 shooting federal fusion, this is a 1/4 moa gun all day with that ammo, most factory ammo is .5 - .75 and didnt even bother with any handloads. I have a cheaper Nikon scope that I am have been hesitant to replace because it does the job, but if I had nicer glass I know I would shoot this gun more. Question is should I just go vx3 or pony up the cash for the vx5
VX3 is right behind the VX 5, if you have the money drop it if you don't I wouldn't you wont tell much of a difference. I love my bergara B14HMR 6.55
Mine are a Sako AIII with a proof barrel in 6.5CM and a Seekins Havak element in 6.5 PRC.
I guess I haven't been as lucky with off-the-shelf guns, but bought mine a while back. Bought a Winchester Supergrade .300 Win Mag because of the gorgeous wood which never shot; turned out the bore and barrel were ever so slightly misaligned. Blueprinting and a Lilja barrel (and $1300) later, puts 3 rounds Federal Premium with 180 gr Barnes touching at a hundred yards year after year (except for the year I thought my scope was off, but getting the cataract fixed in my right eye fixed the scope too lol).

My Coopers of course shoot, but you pay for that.

No doubt we are in the golden age of affordable MOA rifles; Tikka, some Ruger Americans, Savage's , Howa, Mossberg, Thompson Center all come to mind as folks who make rifles that qualify.
I guess I haven't been as lucky with off-the-shelf guns, but bought mine a while back. Bought a Winchester Supergrade .300 Win Mag because of the gorgeous wood which never shot; turned out the bore and barrel were ever so slightly misaligned. Blueprinting and a Lilja barrel (and $1300) later, puts 3 rounds Federal Premium with 180 gr Barnes touching at a hundred yards year after year (except for the year I thought my scope was off, but getting the cataract fixed in my right eye fixed the scope too lol).

My Coopers of course shoot, but you pay for that.

No doubt we are in the golden age of affordable MOA rifles; Tikka, some Ruger Americans, Savage's , Howa, Mossberg, Thompson Center all come to mind as folks who make rifles that qualify.
My only Cooper, a 52 300 Win Mag shot right outa the box...traded it to an intelligent guy for a Citori. We both win....
We're talking precision not accuracy from the get go on this thread so I'll stick with that. I don't fuss with them much once they'll consistently do 5 shot groups under an inch, and/or 10 shot groups about 1.25" or under. Lots of people would be surprised what their 10 shot groups look like. The pursuit of precision is valuable in learning how much different variables matter, and is fun in an ocd sense. It also takes time, which is my most scarce resource.

Current most accurate is a custom 6/250 on an old CM 700 with a mtn rifle contour pac nor. 5 shot groups consistently in the .8-.9 range. I've had Tikka's in .260, 6.5C, .270, .308, and .243, and none were far behind. Some right there with it.
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A Remington model 7 from 1998. Absolute tack driver!
I must be doin something wrong if everyone can shoot factory rifles with cheap ammo 1/4"-1/2" "all day". These PRS guys and competitive shooters should all sell their $8000 rigs and buy Ruger Americans or Savages it sounds like. Surprisingly, my most accurate rifle is a .338 Lapua. It is capable of 1/2 MOA 3-shot groups if I do my part. It doesn't get much range time though as reloads still cost about $3 every time it goes bang.

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