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What's worse anti hunters or slob hunters?


New member
Jun 21, 2001
Rural Wa. State/ Ellisras South Africa
Topic pulled sorry for the stress

This thread has gone to hell so I'm pulling my post Maybe one day I'll come back here but for now I have no interest in the bickering in my threads

Thanks guys but I don't need this kind of entertainment.
Welcome back, and your post is right on. Just a few weeks ago some yahoo from Washington posted a picture here of a doe with its' brains blown out and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the picture. More slob hunting to hurt our sport.

Another idiot here posted pictures of endangered/threatened species that he had caught with bait and had no clue how to catch and release. Pictures of the guy with the fish after they had been dragged up the bank and then squeezed by the gills for the pictures. Likely to die upon the release. More negative images for our sport.

Only when true hunters/sportsmen say "enough" and let these slobs know that their behaviour is unacceptable will we be sure our sport is safe from the cancers within.
JJ, you never wear camo in public? I'm afraid I can't be that pc.The fella who made the derogatory comment to you about the "quiet and polite" hunters is a dipshit...far as I know even wearing an Armani suit won't cure that. You're not going to change an anti's mind by appeasing them with wardrobe.
Would you also advocate doing away with field pics (with or without camo) and/or hunting forums? The anti's are privy to cyberspace too.

Jose, I thought the bars closed at 2 in Idaho. Why aren't you so picky when a pic of someone..oh, let's say, playing with ther nipples, is posted on a hunting board? Under your broad brush, doesn't that fuel the antis?
Noi Harley yet, please re-read the post. It was not me that was critical of the guys in Camo I simply relayed the sentiment of the other fellow. He never implyed he was an anti hunter. For all I know he too was on his way hunting. We both know that the actions of those hunters at the quick mart was not a problem. It is however the perception they give to all those folks who are on the fence.

It's not the pure anti hunter we should fear so much as those who don't have an opinion until we screw it up for ourselves and give them one!
JJ, please re-read mine...didn't say you made the remark but instead of smiling at the guy who did, I would've politely and courteously rebutted his biased comment. As you say, he had no way of knowing your were a hunter either since you never wear camo in public. :)

BTW, I agree with the general premise of your post, even the beer deal, just not the camo in public thing.
There is a difference the perceptions about hunting in where we live now compared to our previous location. Hunting is thought of something as natural here with some exceptions. Dressing in camo here is a everyday thing by many people. :rolleyes:
I find that hunters must be a little more discreet in urban and suburban areas where more people have not had the tradition of outdoor experieces passed on to them. My children only knew a couple of their classmates that ever went hunting at their last school where as now it is the other way around.
I had many questions about hunting while I lived in NW Ohio in the urban area. The non-hunters seemed to accept hunting better after I talked to them and explained why hunting was good for game and good for me and my children. I even tried to get them to the real outdoors instead of the zoo.
The "antis" mindset pretty much will not be changed just like liberal democrats and conservative Republicans are. :rolleyes:
BUt they are organized and have a propaganda machine that must be fought to educate the fence sitters that the majority of hunters are respectable and ethical.
JoseCuervo said:
Welcome back, and your post is right on. Just a few weeks ago some yahoo from Washington posted a picture here of a doe with its' brains blown out and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the picture. More slob hunting to hurt our sport.

Another idiot here posted pictures of endangered/threatened species that he had caught with bait and had no clue how to catch and release. Pictures of the guy with the fish after they had been dragged up the bank and then squeezed by the gills for the pictures. Likely to die upon the release. More negative images for our sport.

Only when true hunters/sportsmen say "enough" and let these slobs know that their behaviour is unacceptable will we be sure our sport is safe from the cancers within.

You forgot one Jose.

There is an idiot on a hunting board named after a bottle of alcohol, who does nothign but bitch and cry and make an absolute fool of himself, to wear most non hunters readin it will think all hunters are just as ignorant and jackass's like the guy named after the bottle of alcohol :rolleyes:

Delw said:
You forgot one Jose.

There is an idiot on a hunting board named after a bottle of alcohol, who does nothign but bitch and cry and make an absolute fool of himself, to wear most non hunters readin it will think all hunters are just as ignorant and jackass's like the guy named after the bottle of alcohol :rolleyes:


Hey Del,
Just so you can move up from ignorant, you meant to use the word "where" instead of "wear" and you meant to use "reading" instead of "readin".

Just helping you out, so you can avoid being lumped in with the ignorant....
I read the post here and totally agree on the gutting of a animal anywhere people can see it especially in public view at a area where there is alot of activity.
But as for being so conscientious about the camo gear, or anything else I dont. What about displaying the animal in the truck, Propped up or whatever? Here in Idaho you see it all the time. I even put the head out for display. I am guilty of this. I even had my bear this last spring tied up on my 4 wheeler as I did not have room to drop the bear in the bed and also put the 4 wheeler in. Dont get me wrong. Some people do not like it but how was america founded. It probably gets under alot of peoples skins. But its a fact of life to hunt and to show successful hunts. I know alot of people dont advertise harvesting a animal but it happens. Its like seeing some of the PETA people with bumperstickers stating there cause. What do we rise up against them for that. Dont look or dont respond.
Also on another note. After me dogging F&G so much last year. Just over them messing with my ex friends shop. I saw last year where 2 officers driving a F&G truck with the emblem on the side of the truck wearing there uniforms coming out of a grocery store it was later in the day probably after they where getting off work. But they where loading a couple cases of beer into the back of there truck and some groceries. At first glance some would say as I did. It was BS for them to do this. Especially them wearing uniforms and driving there F&G truck. Where they planning on going to work and drinking that beer on the job? No they where probably off work heading home and had to get there groceries plus whatever else. They where on there way home and was easier to shop than to run all the way home change get in there vehicle and go back. If your in a hurry and want to get home then take care of business when you can. I have done this on the way home from hunting. So why get bent out of shape over the camo thing. Human nature is to get set in a way and stay there. People already have there decision made up on things anyways. Plus one more thing is this people drink whether for or against hunting. I have seen non hunters buying alcohol. I have seen them drive drunk. But people do already have there minds made up.
I have had non hunters want to see my trophy room. Some friends dont. Does not turn them away. Your choice on deciding. Biggest thing I see is as long as your not degrading someone about who or how they believe then alot of people dont care. Just dont put them down for there belief's.
Just a couple cents from me.

Those are excellent statements and observations on this whole subject

Last week some one gutted a deer right in the middle of the road by where we had a truck parked, that was the same day four guys had the tag pulled off my buddies elk when we came back upon in to drag her out.


Before you cast even one stone, you need to realize you're standing in a glass house of your own creation...

You are far more fallible than any one else on this board…

And as Del pointed out about our odd little guner/sybil, I would venture a guess that he/she has turned off more people from this board by the very actions stated than any thing I or the individual with the deer could have possibly done with a picture.

What kind of picture does that paint to any one watching the show?

Then to come back with some thing about ones grammar when you are absolutely wrong is about the most ignorant of any thing that comes out on this site...

Suck it up and be a man for once...

Is it better to loosely stick together as a group, motivated toward certain causes, or better to see if we can break people into clicks and alienate any one that doesn't think inside of some little self created box and judge others by it...?

Saying it nicely, you need to pull your head out and smell a little fresh air once in awhile... ;)

Did you ever take an English class or a Composition class? It is always interesting to try and figure out what you are trying to communicate with your incredibly limited command of the English language.

It is you who has posted pictures of you killing threatened game species, having sex with dead animals, and bragging about a freezer full of illegally caught endangered species.

You are pretty much the poster boy for the Anti-'s to get hunting and fishing stopped.
Jose, ignorant wasnt a good word to use, I should have said arrogant, a menace obnoxious a story teller (read your post above) and a royal pain in the ass.

Oh yeah and now a school teacher ;)
Here ya go guner/sybil...

I did a quick cut and paste...

If you think some thing I said or did broke the law, get on the horn and call them, otherwise you’re just grasping at imaginary straws as usual...

So, now the ball is again in your court Bob LeBlah...

Get up off your lazy butt, quit slapping our belt buckles with your forehead every time we move and get it done if you think there’s a case... :rolleyes:

I would bet that the reason you don't is that even the lowest of low lawyers know there is nothing to it but you running your worthless mouth as a lot in your trade do...

Here ya go
Call the game department, it's 1-800-TIP-MONT, or 1-800-847-6668 if you can't read the letters on the buttons...

Or just e-mail them the pics...

Heres the address so you can find them easier...

Simple enough, just copy and past them into an e-mail and they will pop up right there for them to pop right open immediately for the entire game department to see....

If they come to the house as you seem to think they will, I have more pictures I will more than gladly share with them...



Heres the address you can send them to...


Montana FWP Headquarters
Front Desk (406) 444-2535
Directors Office (406) 444-3186

General Questions (406) 444-2452
Report Poaching, Vandalism (800) 847-6668

Wildlife Division
General Questions (406) 444-2612
Freezeout (406) 467-2646
Watchable Wildlife (406) 444-2612

Heres all the wardens numbers for region 2 just incase one of your buddies are out of the office...

Althaus, Terry L. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Burns, Danny J. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Campbell, Jeffrey M. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Curtin, Daniel J. FWP Warden Sergeant 2 542-5509
Darrah, Jeffrey S. FWP Warden Captain 2 542-5512
Douglas, John D. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Fegely, Michael J. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Jaquith, Joseph A. FWP Warden Sergeant 2 542-5510
Johnson, Douglas E. FWP Warden 2 542-5500
Koppen, William J. FWP Warden 2 677-3628
Schott, Derek B. FWP Warden 2 542-5522
Zarling, Rory J. Conservation Specialist 2 542-5537

Heres the ones for the fisheries...

Berg, Rodney K. Fisheries Biologist 2 251-5390
Clancy, Christopher G. Fisheries Biologist 2 363-7169
Clark, Robert Fisheries Technician 2 542-5546
Kirsch, George Fish Hatchery Manager 2 726-0029
Knotek, William Fisheries Biologist 2 542-5506
Lammerding, Jeff A. Fish Culturist 2 726-3344
Pierce, Ronald W. Fisheries Biologist 2 542-5532
Rashap, Raven A. Fisheries Technician 2 542-5548
Saffel, Patrick Regional Fisheries Mgr 2 542-5507
Schmetterling, David A. Fisheries Biologist 2 542-5514
Snyder, Ronald A. Fish Culturist 2 726-3344
Souther, Angela Fish Culturist 2 563-2531
Suek, Paul G. Fish Culturist 2 563-2531
Sweeney, Mark Fish Hatchery Manager 2 563-2531

Make sure you tell them it was the first lake at twin lakes at the inlet, that way they know the exact spot and that I was using worms on a number 10 hook.

I can't help you any more with out doing it myself, and that ain't going to happen..

I will state it again, since you didn't seem to understand the first time...

I know for a fact guner/sybil won't follow thru, cowards and yellow bellies are like that...

Must be fun being a chicken lawyer... Yellow Belly, White Stripe, easy to identify....
Delw said:
Jose, ignorant wasnt a good word to use, I should have said arrogant, a menace obnoxious a story teller (read your post above) and a royal pain in the ass.

Oh yeah and now a school teacher ;)


I am good with arrogant.
JoseCuervo said:
Welcome back, and your post is right on. Just a few weeks ago some yahoo from Washington posted a picture here of a doe with its' brains blown out and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the picture. More slob hunting to hurt our sport.

Another idiot here posted pictures of endangered/threatened species that he had caught with bait and had no clue how to catch and release. Pictures of the guy with the fish after they had been dragged up the bank and then squeezed by the gills for the pictures. Likely to die upon the release. More negative images for our sport.

Only when true hunters/sportsmen say "enough" and let these slobs know that their behaviour is unacceptable will we be sure our sport is safe from the cancers within.
Here we go again. Another chit post by the bottle of alcohol. Give it a rest Jose.
I missed it, its already pulled. I try to be extra polite when I'm in camo clothes, so people are favorably impressed with hunter types.
Tom, as you know, most places here in Texas, camo is suitable attire for church....including weddings. ;) :D
LOL guner/sybil....

You are so good about putting blame on every one but yourself...

Your incessant need to post garbage for ever and all the time shows that you don't have much to offer...

Bill is more in line (I'm guessing), looking out for those (Like your little girl) who could be sitting on some ones lap reading along...

I would bet a dozen donuts though that your offspring isn't allowed to sit and read much on this board because of the constant barrage of trash you dish out...

Must be an odd feeling to run thru life afraid your babies might find out who you really are, instead of just being decent... :rolleyes:
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