What's the weirdest thing you ever...


Dick Reece

found or saw while out hunting ?

I have found a rock shaped like a turd
,with a fossil in the slim circular end of it,so that it looks like an old timey stamp for waxing and sealing letters.It is perfectly split in half and both pieces fit together perfectly.You couldn't tell it was split by looking at it.I suspect it is a fossilized turd of some kind.

I have found a fossilized walnut,which is covered in sandstone.

I have found the complete root system [about the size of my fist]of a small tree,with a marble sized rock captured in the middle of it. I always bring these curiousities home to share with my family.Hunting isn't just about killing,there are as many facets to it as there are to a dragonfly's eye

What's your stories ?
Seldom, It was an Elk hunting trip and I wan't on it But I'll share it anyways becasue I helped back out the elk.. which remindsme of another story, but I'll stick to this one first.

My buddies were hunting back in a canyon were we like to Elk hunt and found a old 30/30 rifle. My buddy packed it out. they shot 2 elk that day. (Not with the 30/30 BTW). It was all rusted up with the wood looking old but it still looked cool. He ended up trying to clean it up but it wouldn't work unless he spent 2x's what a new one would cost. So I traded a old camcorder I had for it jsutto have it sitting on my shelf. MAkes for a cool display and a cool story.
That is a cool story Moosie.I wonder how old it is,any way to get a date on it or a patent number,etc ?

Another time me and my brothers were hunting in Tennessee at a very young age,with BB guns.We found an old abandoned coal mine,so small you had to crawl in on your belly.It had a small cart [train] track running thru it,with the old hand cart still in it rotting away.
I was out calling one day when a squadron of Apache Helicopters started playing war games around the nearby mountain. It was kind of cool to watch them play cat and mouse for a while.

Then there is the old mine shack we stumbled across one day. I have a pic of it up on my site It is on the second row second pic from the left.


I don’t know if this fits into what you had in mind?
Yep,that fits exactly.How far did you go in the mine shaft ? Find any old tools or anything ?
I didn’t dare go in very far, we didn’t have lights or anything, we found some modern bottles lying around. I wish that place could talk.
Maybe you should get up some pals and go carefully investigate further,no telling what you might find!
It might be interesting to do that. Take the camera and take some pics. From what I could see the mineshaft didn’t appear to be reinforced to well. I guess I’m getting old. LOL
One time at band camp,,, I just love that,,lol anyways we were hunting in this canyon in Colorado that I hunted as a kid when I steped through a hole in the edge of a hillside. I dug out the hole and found it to be what my father said later to be an air shaft to an old mine, as I dug this hole out with my bare hands I hit an old wooden box.

Inside the box was an old deck of cards, an ols pair of gloves, an old pair of boots, two old bottles and an old colt 32 pinfire pistol.
I was 13 when I made the discovery and I still have the cards and the colt.

BTW the gun could be shot if I could find ammo for it. It is the old 32 rimfire stuff.

Now that is cool as hell Sly.Did you ever try to find out exactly when the gun was made and how old it is ?
Yes Seldom, I'm a gun colector because of that little pistol. I found out that this colt was made in the early 1870's and is worth about 3,500 today but cost about 8 dollars new. It is a spur trigger gun and is in real good shape. When I found it it was wraped in cotton cloth and baccon lard or pig fat what ever you want to call it. If I can ever learn how to post pic's I'll show you guys.

I'd love to see it,you better hang on to that and pass it on to your kids.
Cool thread,

I haven't spent much of my life hunting, but I am a "finder"...

When climbing I have made some interesting discoveries, the one that come's to mind as notable to predator hunters is this; A few years ago on a trip to Joshua Tree National Park, I found a cat skull (I presume a bobcat) about 75 feet up in shady little nook in the rock. It was a little bigger than a softball and had all of it's teeth intact (without lower jaw).
I set the skull up high on a small shelf in the rock, I figured it belonged there.


That "turd" you found may indeed be what's called a "coprolite" it was probably originally deposited in a dry cave some 10,000 years ago or more.


You'd do well to stay clear of the mine shaft alltogether, mining maintainence is a fulltime job in a working mine, even an old hardrock mine is a very very dangerous place. If that is a timber mine, the slightest thing could be the straw that broke the camel's back.
Bacterial contaminants from things like bat guano can be hazardous too, as well as heavy metal concentrations in the waters inside (sometimes enough to corrode the metal on your boots, as they dry).


Posting pics is not hard to do, I could post them for you... I bet it's even cooler then the old Colt I posted for Bud Nadeau!
We'd all be interested in seeing it.

Hehe,well,if it is,it's the coolest turd I've ever seen
,and apparently the oldest.
I hope ol' Sly will send you the pic to post,I know everyone would love to see it. Bat guano is also high in phosphorus[?],some guy in Tennessee dropped a match in about an inch layer of the stuff in a cave in Tennessee,and sealed the cave as well as his fate with the resultant explosion.That was years ago when I was a kid.

I always wanted to find something from the revolutionary war.I have found a musketball here and there in Tennessee, but I'd love to find something really old other than a possible turd,hahahahaha!
I agree, Krusty the mouth of the shaft would require crawling to get inside and I’m not too comfortable with that. The area and time of year it was it could have been filled with BUZZ WORMS too.
Shucks, is that all? Hell,we use them things as catfish bait,when we can find the sceerdy cats around here.......

Copperheads are the poison named most often here,they give no warning,they just bite!
I found myself once while out hunting.
Never really found anything too cool, but I did lose a shotgun once!!!
I don't know about the weirdest thing but the coolest.

As a kid growing up in Miss. I use to find a lot of arrowheads. Them things are everywhere.

This one time at... nevermind when I was 17 I went with a buddy to hunt a his family's place just outside Hurricane, West Virginia. We were deer hunting I was just about to cross this little creek I looked down in the water is was only about 6" deep. And there was on of them big ole clay marble's. I think they were called shooters. I often wondered how many years it was in the water. Them things must have been kiln dried.

I ain't found any turds but.

While huntin in South Carolina I use to find shark teeth in the fields. I was probally 150 miles from the ocean. It was in Columbia, SC not far from FT. Jackson.

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