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What's the weirdest thing you ever...

Give me a snail mail address,I'll ship one of my grandsons to you,most of the time they are little turds anyway
“Copperheads are the poison named most often here,they give no warning,they just bite!”

That is exactly why I like it out west. I like a little warning if they are around.
I have stumbled across all kinds of treasures over the years. Found several knives and an old hatchet head, found 54 shed antlers just this Spring, rounded bottomed bottles, old crocks, arrow heads, spear heads, stone hammer heads, hide scrapers, numerous fossils and petrified wood, an old fish spear, a hundred year old plus woman's compact, a carbide lantern, to name a few. I always seem to find something to bring home when ever I am out.
I don't always find something because this area here was not as heavily traveled or populated as yours,I think the Dakotas had a higher density of people in the old days,but ain't it neat when you find something Troy ?

Hope you kept all that stuff,and I hope you post some pics sometime!

Welcome to HuntTalk,by the way,I haven't seen your name before ?

ColdNosed,I'd say a rattler was made with a warning because he's more poisonous

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-06-2003 08:20: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]</font>
I have been taking pic's to scan to show all you guys and gals just how damn good lookin the ol'slydog realy is.

I still need help Moosie!

the good lookin one
I heard that you could make a coyote immune to mange just by lookin' at him Sly,cause all his hair falls out when he gets a gander at that mug of yours
now your lie'n through your tooth


I resemble that remark

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-06-2003 17:56: Message edited by: Slydog ]</font>
saw a comment about a coon..which reminded me of this

Ive found arrow heads , fossils and a few other neat little trinkets one being an anvil at 9000 feet up in the cascades about 20 miles north of chinook pass while trout fishing.. sure would love to know how they got that up there.(there was no roads) nearest one was chinook pass

Anyway the coon...
Was out at the lake prefishing a few years ago. we always see coons while fishing at night. we heard some mean noises and some growling then splashing and hissing... when we rounded the bend we thought we would see some javilina fighting(sound just like them) to our suprize it was a bobcat and a racoon. we watched them with the spot light for a long time... the bobcat lost the fight and not only that the bobcat lost that Whole side of the lake.... seems this coon wasnt going to let the bobcat swim back on the same side.... so the coon chased the cat all the way to the other side of the lake(which was about 400 yards wide)... was one of those things you have to be there to understand but it was pretty wild....

Then there was the time me and a buddy were fishing. we were catching alot of bass under this huge oaktree.. so we tied the boat off and started fishing directly under it... something kept on moveing in the bushs next to the motor.... My buddy grabbed a little flashlight to see what it was. a coupld of baby racoons and momma... he was within a few feet... bad move on his part due to momma didnt like the light looking at her babies so she decided to jump in the back of the boat with my friend.... both of us were on the front deck quick and when the baby's finally crossed the branch over the motor she hopped back on the motor then the branch....
Those are some mean SOB'S

Yep,you are right,coons are mean as can be when they want to be.But I never heard of one taking on a bobcat till now.I'd have thought the bobcat would've had an easy meal.

Wonder how that Anvil did get there ? Was there a town there at one time that no longer exists,or a mine with horses ?
Nope just one little shack more than likely a mine from the early 1900's....

The place sat in a crater so to speak right inside the tree line. only way in and out by horse was over the 10-11000 foot mountains around it other wise you can scale the cliff from a creek that ran through the valley....

I would have never believed it if I didnt see it.... I was also fortunate enough to get on the tail end of a lion /couse deer chase. lion won on both accounts he got his deer and I didnt get him, I was more amazed at watching the 2 play tag. I do have the deers rack though
I don't sell any of my antler, just pile it up. I have kept pretty much everything I have found. The house and garage kind of resemble a museum any more.
Man,that would be a place for a metal detector as well T-Bone!
As a died-in-the-wool confirmed backcountry wanderer, I've stumbled across a lot of interesting things here and there too. Old graves, various fossils, rocks and gemstones, petroglyphs, ancient mines (talking ancient spanish mines hundreds of years old), old outlaw hangouts, prohibition era moonshine camps, ancient indian battle site, found a rifle (most likely a murder weapon - considering how and where I found it), quite a few interesting old tree carvings (including what I'm pretty sure was an authentic Butch Cassidy, Matt Warner and Tom McCarty carving). All kinds of stuff. Memories of such are pretty much all I have to show for my mispent youth.

Dang,wish I could've seen all that stuff with you,wish you had some pics to share DAA !

I love history,it's what made our country,and it's the little pieces of everyday history that are the most fascinating.So what makes you think the rifle you found is a murder weapon,what are the circumstances ?
Well... I can't know for sure whether it was really a "murder" weapon or not. Pretty safe bet it was involved in something shady though. I found it in the Jordan river, here in Salt Lake, during a time when it was as low as I think it has ever been. I doubt it got there by accident - somebody threw it in there on purpose. Folks around here know what I mean, the Jordan runs right through the most populated area in the state, lots of bridges. Lots of things folks don't want to be found get thrown in there.

I found a very small old cabin way back in the middle of wilderness area. The walls were all rotten down to nothing. In the rotten wood wall I found an obsidian arrow head.

The natives must not have liked the new neighbor. I've always intended to go back to hunt for some more artifacts there but still havn't done it.