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What's the most important ingredient to success?

Byron South

New member
Jun 24, 2003
What do you feel is the most important ingerdient to your success in calling a predator?

Good Huntin

You'd have to tell me that Byron,since I've yet to go calling yet or succeed in the process.I won't be able to answer that question for a few years anyway.What's the most important ingredient for you ?
Having them come in to the call!!!
Well the most ingredient to me is a predator within ear shot of me. After that I want a set up where he will have to expose himself to come to the call. Then the call.

Good Huntin

You said it Slydog, you got to cover all the bases or you won't succeed on a consistent basis. Comon sense is another ket ingredient.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-02-2003 05:27: Message edited by: Byron South ]</font>
hmmm... Desire, determination, patience and a willingness to accept that you will always be learning new. My 2 1/c cents worth.

Crow Woman
Being able to adapt. No matter what the situation is stacking the deck in your favor. Whether it is calls, technique, weapon, camo, decoy, scent or whatever tools that you use to get that coyote in the crosshairs.
Every single thing. If even the smallest detail is not right, Then it is all wrong. Unfortunately most of it has to be learned by experience . It does not have to be your experience. That is why the boards, And videos are so important. You can learn from others success, And failures.

When I started, There were no tapes, Videos are boards.I had to figure out what I was doing wrong. Way before I could do it right.

I was the guest speaker at a banquet one night. The MC introduced me as a Expert predator caller. I said a Expert is some one who has made all of the mistakes. I am not him nor have I met that person.

You can be 99% right,And still loose.

My "One thing". Pay attention to everything.
For me, actually having coyotes within hearing range of the call is the most important ingredient.

I'm a natural born rambler. Just ALWAYS have to go see what's over the next mountain range, what's in the next valley, what's out in the middle of that desert. So I end up doing an awful lot of my calling in places I've never been. Sometimes, I draw a total blank, and end up where the coyotes aren't. Nothing like not seeing any sign all day and getting totally skunked to drive home the importance of calling where the coyotes ARE!


Good to have you here, and good question.

I have to agree with ,having coyotes within ear shot, but.....where I live here in Ok. it is hard to be where a coyote ain't.

I think that presentation is a big factor. If you are not seductive enough , they aren't coming in, or at least enough for the hunter to accomplish his goal.

Presentation, to me is.
#1.Sounds used, and being realistic with them, Distress, and howls.
#2.Location, in relation to where coyote is at the time, Can he come in where you have the advantage?

I started seeing more reponse to my stands when I started paying more attention to my presentation.

later pup
I just wanted to say to all of you that This may be one of the most positive and informative threads that I have read in a long time and I would like to thank everyone for their partisupation and for passing this knowledge on so others can learn from our expieriance. Good job guys.

My hats off to ya Byron, good question!

Byron,hell of a thread you started here,thanks! I can learn from this one,there is some meat and taters here for us greenhorns,keep it coming,Slydog,Pup,DAA,Byron,CW,etc.,,keep typing,this is good stuff here!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-02-2003 10:39: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]</font>
One of my calls in one hand and my 20 in the other..LOL

But for real I think that the one most important ingerdient to successful predator hunting is not just one thing, its a combination of many things.

Location, predators in that area, weather, calling ability, shooting ability and the ability to change to a diffrent style when you hunt out of your area. For me Byron, its the combined knowledge that only hunting for years will allow us.

And of corse the use of a slydog "clasic" won't hurt either,,,LOL

This is a tuff question at best as its hard to pick just one but if I have to, I think knowing that there are huntable numbers in the area you intend to hunt has to be the single most important Ingrediant.

Finding someone to take you that knows what they are doing and that you can learn from.
and that speeks Georgian

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-03-2003 12:25: Message edited by: Slydog ]</font>
After much thought, I would like to add this,

I think that no matter what kind of animal you hunt, the more you know about the animal and his traits the more successful you will be. For instance: When I go in to set up on a coyote, I look the land over and think, if I was a coyote where would I come from or where would I sleep durring the day. Would I use that draw to sneek in on this dying rabbit or would I circle around to get the wind in my face first.
I try never to seccond guess myself, I have found that more often than not when I do seccond guss myself it is the wrong thing to do. Go with what your gut tells you.

You know how it goes, just about the time I start thinking that I'm the Man. I'll run into a damn yote that will make me think and have to realy work for him. Each one like that is one that I learn from. I think thats what has kept me in this sport so long. The challenge

Any ingredient wil work right with the right ingredient added first.
I feel to me that my set up is most important,then camo, knowledge, CALLING (at the right decible and the way you throw it out), and my REMINGTON 700 VS 22-250 (hand loaded that is, with a 50 grain V-MAX and VARGET).
But when you really get into it everybody has a different opinion which is good cuz if everybody did the same thing the Yotes would catch on and we would never shoot one.
Thats my 2 cents. I could go on and on.
Like Slydog said GOOD QUESTION

The main key in being sucessful is goin out. If you dont get your fat butt off the couch, you wont see anything. This lil sucker should have stayed home with mom!
