Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Whats the best elk hunting saw?

I must be behind the times: still using my old Knapp double edged saw, made right here in Boise, Idaho.

Lightweight, rides in my daypack, and cuts like a new one.

Gerber makes a light weight (about 4 oz) folding saw that costs under $25. It has replacable bone blade and wood blade, and works great for cutting off horns, ribs or firewood. I backpack hunt a lot and would never leave home without it.

are you sure they are that lightweight? This year when I hunt with horses I'll get the wyoming saw and have it with us.. and if it's that light I'll carry it with me. I know Deerking carries his wyoming even on Backpack hunts so between you all and him I'd say that speaks highly of the saw. I"ve got a browning and a gerber folding saw and they have worked great though.. but I have not had to use them on tree limbs or trees just critters so I can't say how they'd do.. Good info though
Wyoming Saw. Comes in two lengths. I prefer the longer one even though it weighs a mere few ounces more than the shorter one.
Bo..I'd have to check the excact weight, but the smaller size assembles from 3 parts to about a foot long and is aluminum, and can't weigh more than a pound soaking wet
...and the larger one Deerking mentioned also has a scabbard but is not as compact, but you can't beat the larger one for having a serious saw that tucks away nice and neat in a sheath. There is onlt about $10-$15 diffreance in the price.....and if I could only have one, I'd get the larger one more than likely. Your looking at less than $50 for either if you mail order it.....

Todd, I sure hope ol' Moosie hasn't got you talked into packing all your drinking water in the back country!
I like to use one of the bottle purifiers when I'm way back in.
Just find any water source, dirty or not, and you get clean water as fast as you can run in through your bottle. Water is one of the heaviest things you can ever tote....if you wanna lighten a pack, get a purifier bottle. Another really good investment that will run you $50-$70 but you'll never regret it!

Buzz......now you know we would have used the saw if we would have had it
....who knew you would leave it in the truck, right?
........but we managed with the ol' knife in the knucles trick Todd mentioned above......
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