What’s in your pack and your rifle?


New member
Jan 18, 2021
What’s in your pack for a day elk/ deer hunt? Also Rifle and caliber of choice?
water/ filter/purification
first aid/fire starting kit
extra flashlight/headlamp
mini snickers
extra batteries
about 10 extra bullets
battery charger (for phone)
bore snake
usually rain gear/ extra layers

I know there's more, but those are the mainstays

Kill kit, Extras kit (gloves, beanie, para cord), 2L water bladder, usually an extra jacket, spotting scope (depending on hunt), first aid kit, compass, matches, and a headlamp. I shoot a 300 win mag.
Badlands timber pack: Case gutting knife, paracord, water, snacks, first aid, headlamp, extra bullets, scope cover, calls, gloves, and rain gear depending on the forecast or length of stay.

TIkka .300 WSM or Bergara hunter 7-08
Bullets, lots of bullets.
Bore snake
Range finder
Knives and bone saw
First aid
Cell with onx
Electrical tape
Extra socks

Depending on area, .270 or .300 wby.
Caliber: 270 Tikka T3X

FHF harness with Maven 10x42, range finder, inreach mini, knife, licenses, tags, fire starter, 10mm, 4 extra rifle rounds, ear pro, Fischer space pen refill

Exo 4800:
Waistbelt with 1.5L smart bottle and bear spray
Food for the day
Game bags, fixed blade, pack-a-pull, flagging
Pack out food: gummi bears and preworkout
Extra clothing: Patagonia nano air early season/ LPP late season, socks, gloves, beanie, handwarmers, soft or hardshell
Kifaru sheep tarp and stakes
Tripod with bino adapter
Thermarest ez seat
Trekking poles
Blaze orange vest

Essentials pouches:
FAK with TQ and basic meds
Gear bag: zip ties, buckle, voile straps, tape, wipes, e-headlamp, lyteshow
Water purification and empty bladder
open areas - .300 Win Mag, wooded area hunt - .270 Win, ML season - .45 Patriot Woodman Arms

Binos, range finder, head lamp, light gloves, face mask, calls, phone, (bleat can, grunt tube or cow elk call depending on where I am) pair of reading glasses (☹️) outside the pack.

Inside the pack : in a ziplock - permanent marker, couple zip ties, rubber gloves. Two knives, folding saw, one bottle water, one bottle Gator aide, food and snacks, lighter, fire starter, extra batteries, 10 extra rounds (6-8 for the ML), extra clothes as needed for the area or planned day, extra head lamp, rope, flagging tape, TP, wipes, GPS if I'm in the west, heavy gloves or mitts, zip lock with a few hand warmers, couple of gallon zip locks (for the heart, and bloody gloves, knife, etc.), space blanket if I'm in the west to lay boned meat on, meat bags if I'm in the west. If hunting remote Ontario, I carry the same gear as in the west.
Either a .280 Rem or a .308 Win.

Bino harness: binoculars, rangefinder, lens cloth, 5 bullets.

Pack: 3L water bladder, extra socks, TP, grub, MSR stove and canister, para chord, game bags, contractors garbage bag, bone saw, maybe an outer layer or base layer depending on activity and time of the day, fire starting supplies, elec. tape, ball point pen, extra skinning knife, charging cube and phone chord, tripod and binocular adapter if the terrain dictates.

Pockets: Tags, lighter, pocket knife, compass, GPS, phone, a couple of folded paper towels.
Kill kit, water bladder, water filter, binoculars, range finder, extra knife, PLB, extra batteries, headlamp and snacks.
Rifle is usually a 300 Weatherby Weathermark.
For most of my marsh-based moose hunts.
canoe, binocs, shooting tripod, rope-come along, plenty of rope, jetsled, waders, 28" X 60" 6-pack TAG bags, 3 headlamps,
mosquito dope, steel mesh fillet glove, knives, stanley sharptooth hand saw for antlers, brush loopers for rib cage.
In my pack:

Puffy coat
Kill kit**
Bottle of water
Spotting scope
Thermarest seat
Extra hat/gloves/socks
Hot hands
First-Aid kit
Emergency blanket
Bic lighter
3 extra rounds

Kill kit**:

Game bags
Small tarp
Extra knife/blades
Small hatchet or saw

Bino Harness:
1 round
Lens wipes
Am I the only one the hit the character limit on my post when I tried to list what was in my pack?
Same here. Last year, I added an adapter to my pack so I could hang my kitchen sink from it.

I'll just say "most everything listed so far" plus:

Garmin Increach Explorer
Bear spray
Glock 10mm
small battery booster for cell phone

Rifle is a Steyr-Mannlicher .308
Rifle 6mm Rem, .264 Win Mag, .54 TC Rengade for Deer and Elk 300 H&H Mag all with extra 8-10 Rounds in Pack.
In the Pack
Tags and Pen and truck Keys.
Kill kit Cutco Knife, Gerber Vital knife with extra blades and two pairs rubber gloves, one Knife proof glove, flagging tape small roll, one Contractor trash bag, Caribou Game Bags in areas where there is no chance of getting animal out whole. 50 feet parachute cord. When I think I can get Deer out whole one roll up sled and Drag harness and heavy rope 10 ft.
Mountain Money and Duece of Spades trowel, 1oz hand sanitizer, 2 single wipes in foil.
Foam Pad to Sit on.
Spork Titanium and Lunch can be one foil pack Tuna and Candy Bar or Breakfast Bar.
2 Bic lighters and 2 Fire starters
Two bottles of water or Camelback in pack if not to cold.
Headlamp Petzel and extra batteries & Pelican Clip on hat light as spare.
Compass & GPS and spare batteries and Map of Area
Rangefinder Leica 1600B , cellphone
Buff Marino wool and Face Mask
When Cold either Down Vest or Down Coat for sitting.
Chap stick, 2 lens cleaners in foil
Med kit 9 aspirins 9 bandages assorted sizes small dental floss and needle 3 alcohol wipes in foil, all in small ziplock bag.
Couple Walmart size plastic bags to carry out A** Holes trash I find in back country.
On Me Binoculars with $20 4 way harness, gloves in coat pockets , Rifle Scope cover, Small ball compass clipped on my coat, I use this more than my GPS or hand held compass, in my Coat Wallet,
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This topic never gets old and I always take away a item or two!
Thank you everyone for sharing - the question I have... what do you put your stuff in?

I was really interested in getting a backcountry organizer from Outdoor Research, but it looks like they stopped making them. I would like to move on from the ziplock bags, so curious what sort of organizer bags you all use?
This topic never gets old and I always take away a item or two!
Thank you everyone for sharing - the question I have... what do you put your stuff in?

I was really interested in getting a backcountry organizer from Outdoor Research, but it looks like they stopped making them. I would like to move on from the ziplock bags, so curious what sort of organizer bags you all use?
Kifaru UL pullouts. Granite gear makes similar ones as well.
Exo 3500 pack. This year will be a tikka t3x in 284 Winchester sitting in a kifaru gunbearer on my pack. In my pack is game bags, paracord, two knives, electrical tape, first aid kit, garmen Inreach, water bladder, fire starter, puffy coat, walking sticks, and a peanut butter, honey, and bacon or salami sandwich.

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