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What's a good long range rifle out of the box?

If you want a .300 Winchester, get one. Who cares if others think it has too much recoil, burns too much powder or eats barrels. Get what you want. I think it's a great choice. Tons of bullets, some with very high BC. Me, I'd stuff that Winchester with H1000 and 210 grain Berger Hybrids. And since you aren't probly gonna pack the rifle, get one with some weight. mtmuley

Since you’re chasing elk, I think this post is spot on. I’d look for a finished weight in the 10-11# range.
While I would be mostly shooting it at the range, I would like the option of being able to hunt with it. That's why I was leaning towards the 300 win mag. My hunting rifle is a 7mm mag, so I do like the thought of maybe having some cost savings while reloading for two rifles in the same caliber. I had heard from most folks that .300 win mag was better.

Oh your original post lead me to believe that you didn't want to shoot animals at distance...300 win mag especially if you want one. I've read a lot of good things about the Browning X-bolts lately. That Rem700 Long Range hunter might be worthy of a look if you can find one to fondle first.

Although I've had my eyes on this rifle just for the mere fact of owning it and shock value... but I can't afford it and really hate it when guys drag these rifles to the range and make loud booms (though they can be fun)
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Fair statement for sure, I was just pointing out to him that contrary to popular opinion, non-magnums will kill elk.

That's fair also, but I've killed a few bulls that if I hadn't had a magnum, I wouldn't have. My point is, everytime a guy wants a magnum, the anti magnum stuff comes out in force. Magnums are awesome. mtmuley
I've always been a fan of my 300RUM, it has both reach and recoil, but I sure like shooting it. For just range time I do have a 260 that is cheaper and less recoil to shoot. However, it sounds like you're wanting a new rifle with elk as an option, the Rem 700 in 300 WM would work well. My sons shoot 6.5 Creedmoors in competition; they use a Tika CTR, a Ruger RPR and a custom on a Bighorn action. They shoot those out to a mile. One other option not mentioned is the Bergara HMR, I've never shot one, but at the local gun store it sure felt inviting. Also, I believe Howa has similar models. If you want the 7mag or 300mag, I don't know if CTR, RPR or HMR chamber the magnums.
I've got a .300 WM in a Tikka T3 (purchased circa 2005ish). It shoots very well, taken many Elk. I like shooting it, packing it - it's solid.

My only knock on it is that I can't run out the OAL (run the ogive closer to the lands). The magazine is tight, I really don't have clearance to run the bullet out any further. But, it shoots right around 1 MOA with my handloads, so the complaint is minimal really.

Get what you think you want, shoot it. If you don't like it, sell it and get something different. I have a problem selling guns though, so I never follow that advice.
Southern Elk, how much you plan to shoot at the range may change what you buy. Do you have quick, easy access to shoot? How much/often you shoot may push you towards the 6.5s. I have access to a nice range and I've gotten to where I really like shooting steel at the range, well over a thousand rounds a year. Most of my shooting is the 260 due to cost and recoil, but the 300RUM still gets a bit of range time.
My only knock on it is that I can't run out the OAL (run the ogive closer to the lands). The magazine is tight, I really don't have clearance to run the bullet out any further. But, it shoots right around 1 MOA with my handloads, so the complaint is minimal really.

This is exactly why I'm finding myself steering away from a Tikka for my next rifle. That detachable mag is tight and I believe would limit what one could do with the seating depth of a handload. I love my Tikka .308, but I'm planning to learn reloading with a yet to be purchased 7mm-08. I'm leaning toward a Remington 700 at this point. Also, I think the longer barrel might give the handloader a few more things they could do with powder loads, but my knowledge of the subject is entirely theoretical at this point.
And I'm not a magnum hater at all, in fact I have a .300WM and have hunted with it extensively. But I can't imagine just shooting it for fun, because it is not fun to shoot. I zero it and put in some practice, but when it comes ringing steel just for its own sake I'm all about the .308 or .243. Or a couple of times, my wife's lefty .270.

Non mags don't beat he'll out of you like magnums do and are less expensive to shoot, usually by quite a lot.
This is exactly why I'm finding myself steering away from a Tikka for my next rifle. That detachable mag is tight and I believe would limit what one could do with the seating depth of a handload. I love my Tikka .308, but I'm planning to learn reloading with a yet to be purchased 7mm-08. I'm leaning toward a Remington 700 at this point. Also, I think the longer barrel might give the handloader a few more things they could do with powder loads, but my knowledge of the subject is entirely theoretical at this point.

The new Tikka mags that come with the 6.5CM T3X Lite are longer. Something to look into.
I'm interested in buying a long range rifle. A few of us have enjoyed shooting our hunting rifles out to 500 yards or so and I'm looking to stretch that out a bit more. I don't know if I'd ever care to shoot an animal at these long distances, but it's fun to do at the range. Anyway, I've been looking into the Remington 700 Long Range and the Savage Long Range Hunter. Has anyone shot either of those and what are you opinions on them? Should I be looking at another brand? I want to stay under $1,000 for the rifle (not including scope). Also, I'm thinking I want the rifle chambered in 300 Win Mag. Is that a good choice?

I have the Remington 700 Long Range in 30-06. Its a fantastic rifle and for the price cant be beat. 30-06 shouldn't be overlooked either... I'm shooting a 165gr Sierra boat tail at 2860 fps. All hand loads. I used it to take an antelope and deer in Wyoming this year. A little on the heavy side for hunting but I can deal with an extra pound for accuracy like this:

And she sure is a beauty...
My brother hand loads 200 gr accubonds for me. He loads them to barely fit in the mag. I’ll agree with others that is somewhat of a hindrance. It shoots sub moa with these loads so I’ve no need for anything different. However, I don’t think you could shoot a much longer/heavier bullet without making it a single shot
I've got the Savage LRH in 6.5x284. Shoots great at the range out to 750 (haven't tried farther yet) and I've taken several animals from lopes to deer to elk to mtn goat between 450 and 585. I did have the brake cut off the barrel and need for a brake on that caliber. I'm more than happy with the LRH models...
Check out the savage model 10t-sr. It is a cabelas exclusive. I purchased one for my wife and it flat shoots. I like it so much I ordered one for myself[even though i already have a semi custom 6.5]. Also ordered the same rifle chambered in 300 wm.

Also, look at the ballistics on a 6.5 and a 300wm side by side... you'll probably be surprised. You'd have to load that 300 with 210s to get much of an edge on the 6.5 especially at range.

Anyways, just something to check out. I love both calibers. Killed lots of critters with both.
I don't think you will even get close to finding more gun for your buck than with a Bergara B14 HMR. We get to shoot a large variety of rifles and it is just hard to compare with them in the features for your cost arena. After shooting one and watching others shoot last summer, I saw nothing, even customs at twice to three times the cost that could shoot with it. It will have all the features you need to get into the LR game straight out of the box. Saw one down at the Fort Store for a bit under a grand two weeks ago. Stick an SWFA on it and go have a ball. My boys had no problem with p-dogs and rocks out at 800 yards the day we got to test one out in .308.
This is exactly why I'm finding myself steering away from a Tikka for my next rifle. That detachable mag is tight and I believe would limit what one could do with the seating depth of a handload. I love my Tikka .308, but I'm planning to learn reloading with a yet to be purchased 7mm-08. I'm leaning toward a Remington 700 at this point. Also, I think the longer barrel might give the handloader a few more things they could do with powder loads, but my knowledge of the subject is entirely theoretical at this point.

i have the same problem. So I just leave the mag in the gun and use it as a single shot as my hand loads are too long for the mag. Someone on here mentioned a while back they took a dremmel to their tikka plastic mag and were able to fit the handloads in there. Been meaning to try it but had not gotten around to it. So far, hunting with it as a single shot hasn't proven to be a problem. Prob because it shoots really well.
I don't think you will even get close to finding more gun for your buck than with a Bergara B14 HMR. We get to shoot a large variety of rifles and it is just hard to compare with them in the features for your cost arena. After shooting one and watching others shoot last summer, I saw nothing, even customs at twice to three times the cost that could shoot with it. It will have all the features you need to get into the LR game straight out of the box. Saw one down at the Fort Store for a bit under a grand two weeks ago. Stick an SWFA on it and go have a ball. My boys had no problem with p-dogs and rocks out at 800 yards the day we got to test one out in .308.

what is your MOA on the bergara ar the range?
Im thinking about purchasing the Tikka T3X CTR in .260. Is there anyone with experience that would steer me away from this rifle? I already shoot a .260 so thinking about sticking with that caliber and reloading for both rifles. Am I missing out on something by not considering another manufacturer in this price range? I have experience with Remington 700, Savage 110, Sako AV (safe queen), and Tikka T3s. As a shooter my favorite was the Tikka t3 in .308 but of course sold it. I have no experience with Bergara. Thanks you any input. This will be a range gun and "backup" hunting rifle when I loan out my other .260 to my brother.
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