Whatever happened to..?

Point being that it isn't really the politics and the political topics that are the problem. Relating to hunting, fishing and public lands, the goal of an outdoorsman and steward of the land has nothing to do with being red or blue because what we would want or favor doesn't align with either party. Yet it is amazing recently how quickly a thread has posts with a heavy blame towards one side. I just don't see how that helps the discussion and deters myself from wanting to even contribute anymore to what might have been a valuable discussion.
I suspect most of us do not see that the problems faced by public lands is an equal-blame, 2-sided issue.
Since my entry in 2009, I recall the seasoned Cuervo of political funk! Haha! While many certainly disagreed and just as many agreed (typical trench elections 50/50 split), he was sure a blast to read! Vocally hostile and blunt as heck!
Nothing new here folks... every State/'Federal cycle. Life. This forum along with one other that is not outdoor related, are the only two I frequent. Randy/Mods hold this place well above the garbage I've viewed when some person comments about a post over at XYZ hunt/outdoor forum.

I don't know of another outdoor, politically engaged, conservation forum that exists. Politics are ALWAYS at the forefront of conservation, public lands, yadda, yadda, yadda. IMO, don't like a thread title - engage yourself to not open the thread. If you happen to open and find it not fitting your taste, close it and move on. If you do engage in the thread... well, hold on - you're likely in for a ride. This country is a 50/50 nation of disagreement.

BTW, political platforms are present for a reason. Politicians stump upon political identification to gain the majority of votes. Politics are going to play one side or the other. Politics are a fabric of our lives as a republic of this great country.
I have a genuine goal to make people laugh out loud. I feel we all need more laughter in our lives. I try and help people out whenever I can. I usually won’t give honey holes out unless it’s for kids. However, that usually does not go well…but it dosent make me stop trying.

I do almost everything I can to avoid the politics. I come to HT to read about hunts/hunting, learn a few thing, pass on as much as I can, and laugh a bit.

Stay safe and good luck to everybody in the next round of applications.
I admit I’ve been contemplating abandoning the forum all together. I think the reason I find it less and less valuable is two-fold.

1. There are very few hunting threads anymore, or fun threads. And even innocuous subjects or people sharing their hunts rapidly devolve into politics, snark, personal attacks and ridicule.

2. A larger and larger proportion of members seem to be unable to participate in virtually any discussion at all without belittling, name-calling and ridiculing. When it feels like a large chunk of the membership is here just to troll and tear others down, what’s the point? This forum used to make me laugh and feel like a bunch of friends ribbing each other and cutting up. Now more often than not I just close the browser because the overall tone of so many threads just feels mean-spirited and confrontational. Not the vibe it used to have, and not one I really enjoy participating in anymore.
I love this place warts and all and it's still head and shoulders above any hunting forum out there IMO. There's certain people I don't agree with and some I plain can't stand on here but I have no interest in shutting them out (ignore button) or quitting altogether. My life and worldview would just be smaller. Sometimes things definitely aren't handled the right way but who among us always handles a situation correctly? I know I don't.
I love this place warts and all and it's still head and shoulders above any hunting forum out there IMO. There's certain people I don't agree with and some I plain can't stand on here but I have no interest in shutting them out (ignore button) or quitting altogether. My life and worldview would just be smaller. Sometimes things definitely aren't handled the right way but who among us always handles a situation correctly? I know I don't.
I’ve almost blocked a couple people. I didn’t for the same reasons. I feel like some of the threads on here would be hard to navigate with having people blocked
I’ve almost blocked a couple people. I didn’t for the same reasons. I feel like some of the threads on here would be hard to navigate with having people blocked
No way I am ignoring anyone. I just ignore what they have to say after I read it. mtmuley And I bet it is reciprocal.
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I love this place warts and all and it's still head and shoulders above any hunting forum out there IMO. There's certain people I don't agree with and some I plain can't stand on here but I have no interest in shutting them out (ignore button) or quitting altogether.
A larger and larger proportion of members seem to be unable to participate in virtually any discussion at all without belittling, name-calling and ridiculing. When it feels like a large chunk of the membership is here just to troll and tear others down, what’s the point?
and this.

I believe when the cheers - thumbs up and laughter icons for posts was implemented on Hunt Talk, this changed the dynamics to a much more notable level, the school yard bully mentality. It's great for every other aspect of posts though the snarky personal attacks - school yard bully mentalities thrive on getting their followers to cheer on their hostile swipe and that further encourages that behavior along with his/her followers to advance with their own swipes.

The bully mentality is the downfall of any discussion. It's not, per say, the "politics" rather disdain for another person's opinion, thus go after the person him/herself.
I think the number of members who contribute in a positive manner far outweighs the blowhards huffing.
Many annoying threads still offer perspective, a barometer of how people are thinking in this very diverse climate of the US. I check out when opinions become righteous, but as WildWill commented we all slip up now and again.
I do feel a loss when well known Montana members hit the exit.
I don’t feel the change that others feel here. It’s a real bummer when valuable people leave, but I can go back and read threads from 15 years ago and they seem just as potentially toxic and negative, albeit with less moderation - there was generally a thicker community skin then.

I bet I pay attention to less than 10% of the threads here. Sometimes the title of a thread or at the very least the OP lets me know whether or not I want to follow along.

That said, I don’t know where I would go for multiple perspectives on various issues that I care about if not for this place, and for every 100 threads that are just bullshit(many of which I participate in) a hunt story pops up that sparks my imagination, makes me wanna push myself, makes me smile, etc. Like so much of the World Wide Web, it takes a bit of effort to find the value, and the value one person may find in a place may not be there for another on-net.

I don’t blame folks for leaving if they don’t feel it serves them. Doesn’t mean there’s anything really wrong with the place if they do, though either. Who here doesn’t feel the friction of the Internet on their brain and often wonder if the best lubrication for that wear and tear would simply be to unplug. I wonder that - all the time.

So many of you reading this have made my life better.
I don’t feel the change that others feel here. It’s a real bummer when valuable people leave, but I can go back and read threads from 15 years ago and they seem just as potentially toxic and negative, albeit with less moderation - there was generally a thicker community skin then.

I bet I pay attention to less than 10% of the threads here. Sometimes the title of a thread or at the very least the OP lets me know whether or not I want to follow along.

That said, I don’t know where I would go for multiple perspectives on various issues that I care about if not for this place, and for every 100 threads that are just bullshit(many of which I participate in) a hunt story pops up that sparks my imagination, makes me wanna push myself, makes me smile, etc. Like so much of the World Wide Web, it takes a bit of effort to find the value, and the value one person may find in a place may not be there for another on-net.

I don’t blame folks for leaving if they don’t feel it serves them. Doesn’t mean there’s anything really wrong with the place if they do, though either. Who here doesn’t feel the friction of the Internet on their brain and often wonder if the best lubrication for that wear and tear would simply be to unplug. I wonder that - all the time.

So many of you reading this have made my life better.
I always read this poster, and pretty much always feel better about being on this site for it . . .

and this.

I believe when the cheers - thumbs up and laughter icons for posts was implemented on Hunt Talk, this changed the dynamics to a much more notable level, the school yard bully mentality. It's great for every other aspect of posts though the snarky personal attacks - school yard bully mentalities thrive on getting their followers to cheer on their hostile swipe and that further encourages that behavior along with his/her followers to advance with their own swipes.

The bully mentality is the downfall of any discussion. It's not, per se, the "politics" rather disdain for another person's opinion, thus go after the person him/herself.
Exactly. There are a select few that certainly go out of their way to shake their finger at your story or photo or NOT congratulate you but when something comes up they can troll you on, that’s when you’ll see their comment on your thread. It’s not government politics, it’s HT politics.

Even the guys I’ve gotten into it with, I try to congratulate them on their success and engage with their story. Just because we may not see eye to eye does not mean we cannot appreciate the accomplishments of our peers. If you’re not the kind of person that enjoys seeing even the ugliest person find love, the dumbest squirrel find a nut, maybe you should have your account deleted. Nobody likes negativity ALL the time. I appreciate Randy for the forum and I appreciate all the members.

-Edit and delete. Sorry I’m petty
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This is the only outdoors forum I'm on.
Was on several others. Other types too.
Not anymore.
YT,spotify,netflix,amacon. About to delete them all.

HT is what I start my early morning with.
I don't read them all,actually few. I don't bird hunt nor fish anymore.
Elk & deer are my thing still.

I met Randy 12-15 years ago. Have gotten together a few times since.
I consider him a friend now. I don't have many.
I'm about to hit 70.
Battling age & cancer has cut my public land hunts.
Not my love of Our Public Lands.

But if I called Randy today, he would pick up or call back.

Another year/season upon us.
If I wind up with some LO tags this year another local who treated me decent or a HTer who did not not draw might wind up with a chance.

But I'm still a dick, ask anyone.

Dotti & HT made me laugh again this morning.
I started this one genuinely curious to what’s happened to some of the old forum contributors. I totally understand people getting tired of it and bolting.

That said- what I don’t get, and wish would happen is all the thin skinned crybaby little bitches that frequently push the “my hurt feelings” button - yet don’t just disappear?
Caribou Gear

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