What would you do.....

Had he SHOWN you the public land spots, I would be all in with Wapitibob. He didn't. You found them, on your own, and because of your own effort. Did access through the ranch enable to you to find them? Sure. But you're not using the ranch to access them now, AND you offered the area to your buddy who wanted no part of it.

Because of that, I am firmly of the opinion that you found a spot, found a way to access it that didn't infringe upon the area where you were taken as a guest, and therefore have no obligation to your buddy. You already attempted to share it with him. Further, I see absolutely nothing wrong with you taking another friend in there. Had you gone to the ranch and gotten permission on your own, circumventing the original hunting partner, I would think it was a chicken shit move. Given how you did it, I wouldn't lose one bit of sleep over it.

Have lunch with him and clear the air, but I wouldn't back down one iota, and I would call him on his bullshit allegations that you OWE him anything.
Had he SHOWN you the public land spots, I would be all in with Wapitibob. He didn't. You found them, on your own, and because of your own effort. Did access through the ranch enable to you to find them? Sure. But you're not using the ranch to access them now, AND you offered the area to your buddy who wanted no part of it.

Because of that, I am firmly of the opinion that you found a spot, found a way to access it that didn't infringe upon the area where you were taken as a guest, and therefore have no obligation to your buddy. You already attempted to share it with him. Further, I see absolutely nothing wrong with you taking another friend in there. Had you gone to the ranch and gotten permission on your own, circumventing the original hunting partner, I would think it was a chicken shit move. Given how you did it, I wouldn't lose one bit of sleep over it.

Have lunch with him and clear the air, but I wouldn't back down one iota, and I would call him on his bullshit allegations that you OWE him anything.

Thank you. I wouldn't DREAM of asking for permission to trespass across the ranch to get to the public as it wasn't my spot let a lone ask to hunt it. As for the public land I told him the dates I was going to be hunting and that I would try to stay out of his way....its a pretty big piece of ground. And without the ranch in play to cross through Im doubting he will hunt it anyway. Im sure not going to leave the entire UNIT as he has asked......:)
As you said, you should attempt to meet him for lunch (invite him), and leave it up to him to attend or not. If he accepts, then while you are at lunch, invite him to come hunt with you again on the Public land. That way you are giving him the chance to admit he really doesn't want to work as hard as you to get an Elk. He should see the error in his ways.
I agree with JLS that you should take the guy to lunch and try to clear the air. I was going to say that you should invite him to go along, but I think your last post provides some context that is pretty important. If he continually has problems with people, in an easy hunting location, then I would be concerned with inviting him up to go to a location you have scouted.

I disagree with Bob that you crossed a line. You didnt cross anything and you did already talk to him about going to the area by inviting him to go in. If he had a real problem he would have expressed it when you invited him to go with you.

Now, there are two sides to each story and perhaps he has some details wrong on where you took your bull and thinks you went behind his back and worked with the land owner. There are a limitless amount of explanations for him being so upset. In the end, if he doesnt want to change his stance I wouldn't lose sleep over it. If he can't be mature about it then he isnt worth worrying about.
You guys were hunting public land and did nothing wrong. He's just pissed because you guys put in the work and got lucky with two nice elk on public ground and he lost the ranch he "had" permission to hunt, sucks to be him. He doesn't own the public ground so he can go get bent!
This is in a way why I'm very particular who I hunt with. Hunt styles really do matter. People get possessive about spots when they are lazy and incapable of figuring out a new honey pot.

It would probably help to clear the air since they guy is running on second hand information, but I also wouldn't lose sleep over dumping his contact info and moving on with life either.
You crossed the line in my opinion. You know that spot because he invited you there.
Should have asked first.

You have done absoutely nothing wrong.
He's just pissed because he knows he won't be able to hunt where you do because he is too lazy and out of shape to get there and doesn't want you to have success. Delete him from your phone and move on with no guilt whatsoever.
You owe that guy nothing. Not lunch, not a phone call, nothing. Keep hunting it and killing bulls. mtmuley
You worry too much. You offered to help him. He declined. Piss on him. Move on and continue to hunt hard. Public is public.
Thanks again guys. I think a lot of you are correct and that I shouldnt worry. I have explained the entire situation to our mutual friend and he totally agrees that I didn't do anything out of line. And last year i DID send him a text before our rifle hunt and asked how he had done on his archery hunt. So he fully knew my plans and said nothing. I think the ranch sale is really what is driving this. Like I said....I would feel terrible inside if I screwed someone over or crossed a line. I knew this site was the perfect place to get it all out there. To be honest....I have zero problems apologizing to someone if I had done something out of line. I think I will just move on and I hope he gets over it. :confused:
Based on your side of the story it sounds like "old man" is jealous. I can't think of a reason that I would be pissed off if one of the guys I hunt with went on a hunt without me on public ground that I introduced them to. I kind of see it as an honor to show my friends and family places that mean something to me and encourage them to go find meaning for themselves in the same places. Hell, I've even lent out my GPS complete with paths and way-points to people going hunting in "my" spots.
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