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what would you do?

You've gotten a lot of great input on this. But I agree with Cali and Muscrat the most. If he cant do some sort of extra credit to bring the grade up, then over the summer, have him do a research project of some sort as if he were in school and do a report on it for you. I think it will be easier to make a decision once you meet with the teacher and fiqure out why the grade fell.
Well guys there has been some great advice here, and I thank all of you. I don't know that I could go without him, it just wouldn't be the same. I will let him go, but he will not get out of this deal scott free. I still think school is the most important thing in his life right now, and I don't want him thinking it is alright to break deals he has made. Thanks again for all the advice.
Tier,, you are harsh... a research project over the summer... I'm glad you didn't know my folks when I was in school....

I've taken my son for 2 years in Colorado, cant beat the out of state tag price, and I have watched him harvest 2 bull elk. Priceless. Take your son. He will learn more about life in an elk camp than he could ever at school.
Research paper? How about an essay on his elk hunt, then you have something to keep for memories.
Take the kid hunting. If you don't , you may be the one learning the lesson. That lesson would be one of regret. Don't kick yourself for the rest of your life. But let the kid know that you have lost sleep agonizing over this and requested the advice of many "experts".
gar man: I have found over the years that rewarding the positive means more and has a greater motivational affect. Secondly, an elk hunt is about "fathering", having a deep experience with one's child, a father teaching his son type thing. It is about teaching character, ethics, manners, being with men, and all those important things that schools don't teach. It is your time to be with your son as much as it is his time to be with you. I would not pass that up for anything! "That's your job"
I've always had a little different approach to school and grades. I only asked my kids to do their best! If at that particular time a C+ was his/her best, then so be it. We've all had failures when we had given our best! -memtb
You go steve, Hunting with the ole man is worth alot more than a silly C, it is not like an F, Stuff happens. The lessons learned from a camp fire and elk hunt cannot even be considered to be the same as in school. The boy needs to be with his daddy in the woods. Not sitting at home because of a C ( a passing grade) If this is the worst he ever disapoints you, YOU are a lucky man. We all mess up, But one thing, if my two boys came home from school with straight F's, They would still be going elk hunting, They may not have a ass left or any 4 wheelers, or access to dads trucks anymore, But they would be going hunting. Hunting is a way of life. A code of ethics we teach our children. IMO hunting is as valuable a lesson in life as school is anyday, Think back to the first time you and your ole man saw that first Bull Elk, WOULD YOU THROW THAT MEMORY AWAY FOR A "C" PROBALY NOT. Please do not get me wrong school is very important but so is spending time in the woods with DAD. Know what I mean,
i agree with elkslayer54 i dont have any kids of my own but the times i spent with my father on the mountain i will remember more than anything i learned in any classroom.
It sounds like the kid was trying. As long as he has done the best that he could do it shows that he cares. I say let him go.