What would you do if you saw a kidnapping?

Great find Bill...

I already know what I would do, I wonder how many even on this board would be the type to walk on by not wanting to get involved in such a situation.

I'm assuming a larger percentage of people here would do some thing, but as the tape stated, these guys did this for quite a while before some one even took action, even some thing as small as utilizing their cell phones...

Pretty disgusting and pathetic indeed....
I saw that clip when it first aired on TV and was shocked that nobody responded. I admire the two gents that finally did something and approached the kidnapper.... I wish everyone would step up and take action but somehow I don't think kidnappings are that flagrant.
Thats a Tough one..... Although I'm quick to stop on the road to help someone and quick to help out anyone, Kids are crazy. My Co-worker has a Kid with Fragil-X (SP?) and there are kids that Freak out for no reason. He has had alot of people butt in telling him he should control his Retarded kid. Some times kids that are normal also make stuff up and whatever. I would be quick to listen to a conversation though to see how it went. Any type of Comotion deserves an ear to see what to do next.......
I think the guy should have had his ass kicked. If he was indeed the father, then so be it. I would rather get in a little hot water for that than to see another child disappear.

I can see where it might be a problem with a little old lady who knows if she butts in she is gonna get a whooping, and by the time she pulls out her cell to call the cops and they get there it will be too late, so she opts to pull out her GLOCK and shoot the SOB in the head. She would be a hero if it was a kidnapping, but what would the press and society do to her if he was the father?

It is sad to think that our society is so messed up that they just kept walking by, not doing a thing about it, and even turn around and do a double take. I would have at least tried to do something for the sake of a child, even if it was wrong or I got my ass kicked. Doing something is far better than doing nothing, and doing nothing, you have to live with that the rest of your life.
I have told people not to strike that child when they are on my bus. IF they do it again, I will notify the authorities. Don't get me wrong, a child needs corporal punishment from time to time, but there is a time, a place, and a reason. A good arm squeeze, a harsh word in the ear, a smack on the ass will work with most kids. But when they start hitting them on the head or punching them, thats when I say something. After the toddler stage, I don't remember ever spanking my boys. I always grabbed them by their shirt, or whispered dire threats to them, and that always took care of the problem. Neither one has ever used drugs, or been arrested.
Oooh this one hits home for me. Slightly different scenario but still makes you think. Just a few nights ago I was in Albuquerque. It was about 2:00 in the morning and it was NOT the good part of town. I was alone when I saw this guy heading down the street fairly fast on one of those motorized razor type scooters. He rounded a corner sharp and plowed into the pavement.

I just froze. All of a sudden I was rationalizing all over the place. I'm a girl, alone, bad neighborhood, It's only a scooter it couldn't be that bad, and when I saw a car coming towards us I just decided to let that person deal with the situation.

I felt like a royal ass! That's not the person I want to be. The guy was fine but he could have had a concussion or whatever I didn't know. Still really pisses me off.
I think you did the right thing Mojave. They do that kind of stuff to get you to see if they are OK and then all hell brakes loose. Its hard to say what you would do tell you are put in that situation you don't know. I would sure like to think I could do something about it. If nothing else I would call and fallow them tell the cops got them.
Whiskers said:
Mojave, what you doing in the bad section of town, drugs, hookers, or hooking? LOL

Hey hey now, it's called escorting.;)

Actually, funny enough I was camping... sort of. We had been backcountry tenting our way through Spring Break but I decided I wanted a shower that night. Enter the good ole' KOA. I'm guessing that was once the edge of town, but now the KOA is located in the heart of seriously low-rent district ABQ.

Now that I think of it, is there a "good" part of town in Albuquerque? :rolleyes:

Totally off topic, on an upnote for any of you ABQ locals, heard they got that slime cop killer this morning. Y'all want to talk pathetic, that's what I call pathetic! Punk shot a cop point-blank in the face. He was on the FBI's most wanted yesterday, today he's behind bars. Three cheers for the kick ass job they did bringing him down!
First thing is to call 911... get the law on your side... then intervene... keep the 911 operator on the line ... walk out with your pistol held behind you [ in case] then start talking to the perp and find out W.T.F. is going on.... No way could i live with myself if that kid ended up dead.... each situation is differant....be carefull.... but always try to have the law backing you up.... even in road rage ass kickings.. it works.
I would not take action.... I would find someone to help me and call 911.... I would ALWAYS rather Call and find out its a false alarm then let someone get hurt!!!!!!!!!!I actually have a Tazor thing in my car..... I can always use that!
I'm inclined to agree with Moosie. The way some kids act now you have to be careful jumping in too soon. I believe I would have taken a minute to review the situation before stepping in.

It is a tough thing with the way kids will make stuff up now and again, a guy could get himself in a bit of hot water if he happens to be on the side of a kid who's lieing and a father who's being honest. I know what I would do in the situation, and I'd rather explain my actions to the father and maybe a judge at a later date than see another kid on a milk box container.

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