It is not about being unsure of anything or digging deep for the answers. Game carts aren't allowed in federally designated wilderness areas. If you want to break the law that is up to you. Just be sure to throw a chain saw and a mountain bike in your game cart.FYI: Wilderness Preservation System (NWPS) is co-managed by the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), US Fish & Game Service, and US Forest Service. Each federal agency manages several individual wilderness units that differ in size and geography. The US agencies work hand in hand with corresponding state agencies. If you are planning to hunt any unit or area which you are unsure of, contact your local state agency. Folks, as a Park Ranger for a NM park and wildlife refuge, I worked hand-in-hand with the NM state F&G, so I know something about this stuff. Simply spouting answers off the top of your head doesn't mean your right. You've got to do your own homework and dig deep for the answers.