What would you buy...

Make sure to put part of the $ for something for your wife. Makes mine much more tolerable when boxes from Cabelas show up and there is something for her as well.

^ Most important!!! Sometimes a cutesie pink camo shirt is worth the $30 if it makes her ok with the big purchase.
I'd sell it and turn it into cash, and put it in my hunting fund... $1500 would by me a lot of flight time in a super cub.

I quit spending a lot of money on gear/guns a while back. I'd rather spend my money on a hunt than wasting it on crap I don't really need.

wise man
bargain cave, then used Weatherby MarkV's then if still nothing I wanted I would be buying reloading and camping supplies. I would have a bunch of powder, brass, primers, mountain houses, new sleeping bag, that big dutchoven, maybe a new tripod, its really not that hard to spend $1500 there...
I'd go hunting boots, hunting clothes, shells If you need them. then what's left on fun hunting. Or try starting a new method of hunting. or fishing gear. Is a good problem to have.
I think i just found out a game changer. You can redeem gift cards for Cabela's outdoor adventures. So i could use it to pay for part of a hunt. I think i figured out what i want
Not sure on which hunt. I will either use it on a waterfowl hunt, possibly sea ducks. Or put it toward a moose hunt. Either way it will be a good time
Caribou Gear

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