What were dealing with in WA


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013

Great article on the recent study coming out regarding the problems with mainly our fish and wildlife commission in Wa State. The study found they are dysfunctional which is the least that can be said. There is so much fighting over agenda of anti-hunting its not funny.

Gofigure the advocacy director of Washington Wildlife first, dont le the name fool you they are anti-hunting and the biggest pushers of turing washington into a preservationist state. He is qouted as saying he is disapointed in th ereport that says that animal rights groups have an outsized influence on the commission. Thats because they do and they let them talk more than others by flooding the commission with out of state over the phone and webs speaking times.

Personally as one helping the fight on this, I find this article and research a huge step forward. As someone that grew up in WA you never had to worry about the commission because they were always on the side of managing for hunting and fishing. They had your back as a sportsman. Then within the last 5 years they have absolutely turned 180 degrees and we have to be at every meeting fighting to keep things like bear and cougar hunting alive. This is the same commission that did away with spring bear even with all the WDFW scientists saying that if anything the number of permits should have been increased.

Give it a read and watch out in your state its a widespread process being inacted to take your hunting priveldges away by those who only want you to agree with their way of thinking.