What states can a 10 Y/O hunt in for BIG GAME ?

Miller, IIRC it was $6 for the class when I took it and $10 to get your card re-issued to you...
guppie, already read that stuff. its a power point slide show with some hooters girls. belongs in the adult section. tried the copy and paste, but that didn't work. if I can't do it with a hammer. pretty much screwed....:BLEEP:
Both my kids tagged along with me till 12 and passed hunters safety and then got tags and hunted themselves with me. I believe 12 was a perfect age and any younger they or any other kid I have met doesn't have the maturity to hunt and I have met a lot from teaching middle school for many many years. On the other hand I have met adults who aren't mature enough to hunt at any age ;) I am sure your kids are special, and feel free to flame me :BLEEP:
From the Texas outdoor annual for hunting, our year is Sept.1 to end of Aug. but you can start mid. Aug. with the new liscense.

Youth hunting liscense (Type 169): $6
Valid for any person, resident or non-resident, under 17 years of age at the date of liscense purchase. Exempt from state stamp requirements. Liscense and state stamp exemptions remain valid for the entire liscense year.
Its over the counter and there are youth drawing public hunts. The liscense covers whitetail, turkey, exotics, birds, varmints. If you ($45 liscense) or the child see a mountain lion and don't shoot it, they'd likely be pissed at you, but ask them on the hunt you go on as the public hunts are more restrictive on that.

You use the computer screen to find out about it.
No problem in New Mexico as long as the kid has a hunter safety card. No minimum age here. both of my kids killed their first bucks in NM at 8 years old.
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