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What Sidearm While Hunting?


Sep 3, 2013
Eastern, OK
I'm interested to find out what kind of sidearm you guys carry in the field. I only have 3 pistols and none of them really are suited for the job in my opinion.

1-Ruger SR-22. I love the size and weight but obviously under-powered
2-Ruger 357 New Model Blackhawk Somewhat bulky and larger than what is comfortable. Single-action and only six shots.
3-Ruger SR1911 Sweet gun and plenty of power but way too big and bulky to carry all day comfortably with all my other gear. Plus I really don't want to beat it up. By far the nicest handgun I own.

I'm looking for something smaller, lighter and durable enough to handle the elements encountered while hunting while packing enough punch to knock down a hog or a bear in the event the need arises.
Look at the polymer framed taurus judge, it's small enough and light to carry. Personally I dont carry a side arm as the areas I hunt dont have many bears. Plus I'm primarly a rifle guy and figure 300wsm would handle a bear incase. Also to note some states allow carry during archery but require a CHL (conciled handgun licence).

I looked at that judge before and almost bought it, but since it was polymer framed i dont feel like it would stand up to normal range time. In a life or death scerino I think it would suit the needs. Then again I have a decent selection of pistols to carry into the field if need be.
My one and only sidearm - Xds .45 acp.
I usually don't carry while hunting here in NC, but I was a little uncertain about what critters I could face in Montana, or what idiots I could face on the long drive out there.
You've got some pretty tough requirements, especially in terms of size. If a medium frame SA .357 and a 1911 are both too large, you don't have many options left when it comes to shooting big toothy critters. Consider the bear spray mentioned above.
Oh. And as to your original question. When I carry a sidearm in the field it is either an Old Model Ruger .357 4 5/8" barrel, or a New Model Ruger Bisley .45 LC 5 1/2" barrel.

The right holster and belt make a big difference in comfort. Get that right and life is good.
I would go with the glock 20 in 10mm or the 29 if you want a smaller/lighter pistol...the 10 has ham more knockdown than the 45 which is good for bears and you get a gun thats light and durable with the glock
Taurus 605 357 mag.

Birdshot and soft points in lion/snake country.
Buffalo bore hard casts in grizz country.

I think spray is the right answer in grizz country, but spray + pistol = better.
Hey Sneakypete, that's exactly what I'm saving my nickels for. I've wanted one for over a year, and am getting close!!

I almost never carry a handgun while hunting.
Depends on why you think you might need one.
If your hunting big game with a rifle, the rifle will provide more self defense than any handgun.
For small game, the .22.
For bow hunting, a firearm is usually against the rules.
mmedora, its a sweet gun, when I take it out of my safe. FYI, it doesn't like reloads though. A buddy of mine reloaded me a bunch because I gave him all my brass and they jammed, other than that she shoots great. I've had it probably 10 + yrs.
Going to take more handgun than a guy can carry on his hip to knock a bear down if he wants you. They don't always drop when shot with rifles and a guy would be lucky to clear leather let alone brain/spine one charging. Bear spray will stop one quicker and it's way lighter.

In an auto the glock 20 is nice (I have one) and there are many double action revolvers in .44 and larger (I like the S&W's) Thankfully most bears want nothing to do with you, especially blackies. We see them often bow hunting and carry spray just in case.
Don't carry that often.... when I do, it's the XDS

good luck to all
the dog

Huge fan of the XD .45, its my main carry gun when I'm out and about, but, around here we are allowed to carry in archery season ( not for bears, for Methheads. . .both are dangerous. . .the .45 would do nicely on one of the 2) .:D
Thanks for all the replies and opinions. I did forget to mention I have my CCL so legality (at least in my home state of OK) isn't an issue. I am mainly considering for carry during archery season. As has been stated above, my rifle will do all the damage I need when hunting with it.

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