What mount are you lacking ?

a much bigger shiras moose over my fireplace, a nice new pretty studly pronghorn, a giant bull elk with a shorthair cape, maybe a couple gigantic mule deer..
if you get the right cow you can get the 4H Grand Champion Ribbon to go next to the SCI trophy sheet
Here is one that buddy of mine got that I would like to have also...

If you do get one, and you want a mount, make sure you cut along the backbone when you are caping it so that your taxidermist can do a good body mount, especially if it is going to be standing.
See my response to the "Most Exotic critter on your list" thread. :)

Seriously I don't have many mounts. I have a muley and a couple sheep and an antelope but I'd like more muleys. A whole bunch of them. And a lion. And of course more sheep.
Ive shot several, but never mounted a pronghorn yet .... need one.
Cougars are awesome mounts .... need one.
Always said I'd do a full mount whitetail if I kill something 160 or better ... need one.
Full mount wolves look awesome ...... need one.
Would love to have a buffalo head ..... need one.
A big northern pike looks cool ...... need one.
Hope to put a BIG muley on the wall this fall ..... need one.

Got a 5x6 elk to pick up at the taxidermist any day. He called yesterday and said it's done.
Still waiting on the Grizz although did get the moose, caribou, black bear, and wolf all on the same hunt. Guess it gives me another reason to go back up to Alaska this time it will not be for as long.
I see this is a old topic, but as a newby here, I thought I'd post this pic in response to Moosie's wish. I shot him on a hunt in 2004 in Canada's NW Territories. I was originally going to do a shoulder mount but a taxidermist in camp (who didn't do the mount) talked me into a full mount. I'm really glad he did.

As to the taxidermy that I'm lacking, I'd like the 20 animals of mine from Africa and Montana that my taxidermist has had for up to 4 years.:(
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Very nice Ox! A taxi in Twin Falls, ID was working on one of those when I took my Sitka BT in and I have to say they are WAY cool.
I have always wanted the Az Big Ten. Now that I have a Desert Bighorn Sheep tag in my pocket. It is getting closer to being obtainable. If all goes well this Dec. than I am going to either have rugs or mounts done of each.
If the Rams goes down, than I am down to a lion and a buffalo. I think if I get into the population management pool for buffalo, that will happen in the next couple of years. I have glassed up 3 lions in the last 3 years and have the hair off the back of one stuck in a 7MM Rem. case. Next time it will be a rug for the wall, Take Care, JLG.
I'm w/brymoore...I'd like a nice tiger rug if that were possible....or about anything else mentioned...lol.
I've got some 'very nice' WT but sheep are my alltime want so any/all of them would be my biggies.
lindsey would be a great mount :hump:...just to remind her what a @#)(# (pheasant) is really like...:D
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The ones on the top of my list are a full body mountain goat, shoulder mounted dall sheep and a full body bear, either black of grizzly.
Already have a nice mule deer and whitetail shoulder mount, and a bear rug done with another being worked on.
Others that I'd really like are a good antelope shoulder mount, 320+ elk skull, bigger muley with a late season cape and a full body lion done by Soucy.
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