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What lengths will a fella go to



Its the evening before elk season and ya see two monster bulls in your spotting scope. You also see a half a dozen other people watching the elk as the dusk aproaches. You know they are going to make a run on the elk come first light. What do you do to be the lead dog in this case!!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


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Depending on the situation (am I hunting for myself, am I guiding a hunter, how far are we from the elk, what is the likelihood that the elk will still be there in the morning, what is the weather like) I would head back to base camp, get our sleeping bags and some grub and go sleep with the elk. Of course I'd try to stay downwind and far enough away that we would not spook them as we set out our bags. At daylight I'd be set up where I could see the elk and maybe have the other hunters push them to me!! This is in an ideal world of course!

"The worst advice you can give a person with a sour attitude is to be himself"
[email protected]
Pull the 50 from behind the seat....LOL
Bail do to the fact of to many people in the area

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
Bcat, Had a similar situation last year guiding moose hunters here in southern N.H. The day before season opened my buddy and I scouted 2 bulls in different areas in our zone.One was huge.Right off the side of a paved road in a one acre cut with houses on both sides.He had been hanging here for several days.The other was a decent bull way back in a place where only locals wouldknow how to get into it.While I was watching the monster browse I saw at least 5 trucks with hunters in them slow down and watch him too.I made my mind up right there.No way was I going to get into what I knew would be a big mess hunting that big one.It just wasnt worth it.
When my hunters arrived later that day I explained the whole deal to them.These were the same couple from Pa. that had a successful bear hunt with me a month earlier.They agreed with me.We hunted the other bull.
Not so funny thing though.At legal shooting time opening morning we were looking at that decnt bull at 120 yds.Just as my hunter got ready to shoot a shot rang out.Someone else was in a tree stand watching the same bull!!!!He missed but I told my hunter to stand down.We left that area,drove by where the monster was and there were 7 vehicles parked there.
We then went way back in by foot in a remote area where an hour later we took a 550 lb cow.Not the trophy they originally wanted but a nice animal.When my hunters realized the pressure in this zone they decided to take the next adult moose they saw.Probably a very wise choice as hunter success last year was around 60%.
For me it is not worth messing with a crowd.
bcat as you know I have never hunted elk. But a long time ago I made up my mind that I was never going to get in a foot race with somebody just to shoot some animal. I never thought hunting was supposed to be competition anyway. I'd want to go somewhere else.

Opening day 6 other hunters and only 2 elk???
Now if I tried to be the lead dog and got one of them Elk what would I do the rest of the season?????? I think I would find another place to hunt.Theirs got to be more elk and land to look over.

We having fun yet//Tobey
OK guys we are talking MONSTER BULLS here!!! Alot depends on the situations BCA mentioned . When I used to hunt ground that wasnt in the wilderness, this was a common occurance. If they were in fact monster bulls I would do whatever it took to be on em at first light, or be where they were headed if I possibly could. Wouldnt matter whether I had hunters with me or by myself. In this country six other hunters eyeing the bulls would be nothing!! Theres lots of country here, and even if you made an assult on them in the morning your chances of seeing the other six hunters would be about nothing anyway! I said it was dusk , so there wouldnt be enuff time to get sleeping bags and all that stuff ready for a stay overnight. I would acess where the bulls were headed, or if just grazing for the night, and try to figure where I would be at first light if I were a big bull elk and wanted to stay that way. Then I would map out the plan in my head and decide where everybody was going to be placed when it got light. Then I would try to find out if it was locals watching the elk or non-residents. Locals would be more likely to know where the elk go when the sun comes up than the average out of stater. If they were all locals watching the elk, I would know about what they were going to do anyway!!! I would definately make an assult on the elk!!! One in the hand is better than 50 in the bush!!!!!
Ask deadeye2 what we do when we see huge elk!!!!
I forgot something!!!! WHat if the other six huntersa that saw the elk thought the same as some of you do here and opt to go somewhere else???? Those elk would be all by themselves when the sun came up wouldnt they???????? SOmething to think about.... MY MOTTO.......GO GET EM....And ....Dont quit shooting till ya got yer foot on em!!!

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage

[This message has been edited by bcat (edited 02-19-2001).]
Bcat, you've talked yourself into it. I'd still look elsewhere, It's a long season and to me there's more to hunting than your scenario.
If I could figure out a possible escape route into another canyon or drainage I whould head there. If the pressure didn`t do the job, I would already be in position to hunt the rest of the day. If rut is on I would talk to them a little to try and convince them to follow me.
On another post it was talked about how everyone would use the other hunters to their advantage. This would be no different. If you were ahead of the elk at first light you stand a chance of getting Mr. Majestic pushed right to you. If the other hunters thought like you mentioned above, they probably would not even be there and as a result you would be in position to have a good hunt. I agree with bcat and Wall Hangers and go after them.

Elk Hunting 101: Everything You Need To Know About Elk Hunting
Find the high ground with my range finder and a good pair of binos, my favorite rifle and get comfy. Come first light I would be looking north and east to find those critters. Watch for movement and anything that looks like Elk. At first light, elk will tolerate some disturbance. Specially if they haven't been pressured. Wait and watch.

Dan AZ
OK Zoo I will try it again. I think my lkast post to you got deleted accidently, or maybe even on purpose. IF ya dont make the effort , after ya see the Monster bulls, and hope to see another one, you may never get an elk let alaone a big bull. I respect your opinion, on looking elsewhere, but I think you may have trouble finding yourself an elk that someone else hasnt already looked over, if ya hunt on your own on public ground. In most areas anyway. One elk in the spotting scope is worth 50 ya havent sen yet or may not see!!! I still gotta say i would go get em at least at first light. I would have just as good a chance at them as the next guy if not better. bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage
You guys are looking at this all wrong! What you need to do is eliminate the competition. I would think this is why you keep a wild skunk in a cage somewhere, hopefully sleeping. Just slip into their camp and leave them a present at night. Better yet, slip into their camp and slip some exlax into the coffeepot. I don't know very many elk hunters that don't have a cup of coffee in the morning before the hunt. They'll be plenty busy in the morning- without hunting on their minds. Anybody ever see "Dumb and Dumber"? LOL- Sheister
Bcat, I agree with you except for one thing. I know you said it was dusk...... so what? I have done lots of riding in the dark and it would not be the first time I unrolled by bag under a tree. You are right about hunting public ground, if you see a bull like this, you better get after him! Besides, you would be amazed at how clients would enjoy an "adventure" like this, even if they didn't get the elk!

"The worst advice you can give a person with a sour attitude is to be himself"
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by Bear Creek Adventures (edited 02-21-2001).]
BCA-I have ridden in the dark many a time and dont mind it. However, I have watched the headlight briggade go in three or four hours before daaylght and scare several bunches of elk out of the country, before they could even see, on their wat to where they wanted to hunt. I am very cautious anymore about slipping around in the dark, fir this reason. I would however do it in this case because of the size of the bulls. I wouldnt get too close or for sure not upwind from them, but would be within 800 yards of where they were when the sun came up. Depends on who I had with me. Some of the older fellas that go with me wouldnt enjoy the roughing it type of sleeping situation that this would create. If the weather was just right and everything else worked out, thats what I would do tho is camp out fairly close. Have you ever watched the flashlight brigade scare big herds of elk out of the country, on opening day that were there the night before season? I have and it pisses me off every time. bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage
Yup Bcat, sure have! It is amusing hearing their story later on when they can't figure out why they did not see elk! LOL It usually goes something like this, "We got up at 3:00 this morning so we could beat the crowd up here, but the elk we watched last night must have moved! I think another hunter spooked them! Have you seen anything?" My answer is usually, "No, not a thing."

"The worst advice you can give a person with a sour attitude is to be himself"
[email protected]
Bcat good topic.
Myself I would just hunt somewhere else, Ive been in this situations a few times elk hunting in washington state. the first bull I shot was a little 4x5(huge to me I was 16) , The bull walked about 50 yards and dropped. When it was laying there I started walking over the to it. It was about 200 yards away and I heard 3 shots very close. then this whole damn group of hunters came to me when I just walked up and was gloating over the bull. These fools claimed the shot it while it was sleeping. After about 20 mins of arguing and getting to the point of shooting all three of them I just said F-it and walked off.
Now I hunt only where there are very few people and where they may be only 3-50 tags in one area. Most of the time I hunt alone . If I was with other people things might have changed a little. but fools that want to claim someelse's elk or deer and cause a big rucuss where you think they might shoot you is not worth it.

I saw this happen about 10 years ago here in az. I was scouting for bear and watched a bull come over this rise. I pulled the video camera out and was talking pics. about that time I hear 5-6 shots from different directions. the bull bolted into the canyon wounded.(I was sitting next to my truck on the road). 3 different groups claimed this bull game and fish was there with a pair of calipers to check the bullet size. when it was pulled out. I kinda felt sorry for the game and fish guy. He was like a ref in a football game. as it turned out the guy with a 30-06 got the bull. the other 2 were using .338's. he took the first and second shot. there was one .338 slug in its butt. The guys with the .338's were wanting to sue over this. and yes game and fish did look at the tape but couldnt see much. other than it being hit 2 times

I don't know, bcat. It sounds to me like you're describing a normal hunt N.E. of moran junction over by Jackson. When I used to go there you couldn't hardly look anywhere without seeing other hunters. That's why I stopped hunting the Jackson area.

Deacon-There are areas in the state that are like this. I just dont see the PASSIVE aproach when it comes to BIG BULLS!!!!! I didnt see any names written on any bull I ever killed!!!!!! Furthermore, it gives me great satisfaction outsmarting other hunters as much as outsmarting the elk!!!!! Now ya know LUCK plays a big role in it, but giving up on the elk because somebody else sees them too just dont fit my Job description!!!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


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