Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

What lengths will a fella go to

I sorta like sheister's method! A midnight attack on the competitions camp! Maybe a few rattle snakes and definately the ex-lax in the coffee! I have a problem with the skunk idea! That could back fire!!
I think you have must have read the Thumper's book on "The poor man's James Bond"
Or my other best seller "Don't get mad, just smile and knock em out when they aint looking"

He who dares wins!! Life is short so Play hard !

All in fun!




Yup I'd scare those bulls right to you at first light all except the really big one which I'm afraid I'd have invite home with me
I've been super busy lately with work and art. Got a new bear print coming out in the next week or two. This is the time of year where I'm between fall hunting season and bear/turkey season. I actually try to get some artwork done at this time of year so it doesn't leave much time for playing on the net. Been meaning to ask you bcat how are those mule deer surviving down your way? I hear it's been a tough winter.
They seem to be making so far on our side of the hill. On the Baggs side, I have heard some conflicting reports. I heard they all died over there and then I heard that someone was blowing smoke up my butt! So I couldnt tell ya about the Baggs side. I would say there may be a few die off over there, but not as bad as some of the folks have portrayed. I am sure we will lose a few, but it wont be as bad as it looked, unless when the green grass hits they could die off then, but hopefully it wont be too bad. Winter isnt over yet tho!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage
bcat, with all due respect, to me it boils down to the quality of the hunt or just making a kill. You can do both if you are willing to be patient and know what you are doing. Especially if you are a local or know the country you are hunting.
Zoo-With all due respect I think I know what I am doing!!! What would be wrong with the quality of the hunt? Who is to say those other folks would even go after them? Still dont see any name tags on the elk!!!! If there were 50 people watching thats one thing but this is a big country, and tough and I for one would go get em. I think quality of the hunt comes from more than walking in the woods carrying a gun!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage
Bcat I am going to slip right among those elk, have breakfeast with them and then say my howdy doo's to the leader of the pack. All this while the hunter (city slickers maybe hey) are watching all of us chow down together. If that don't work I'll call a taxi and go to a place down the road, so to start all over again.
Bcat, Terry & I also have had an exprience like that. We have scouted several local areas and figured out just what we were going to do. Terry starts looking over the regulations the day they come out. We know a great location 10 min. from home, but every year more and more people seem to find out about this place. But then agaian it is also the same spot the deer decoy was at. Anyway, last year they seemrd to wack the deer right out from underneth him. Oh well , it happens.

Mrs. Coydog
Mrs Coydog-Dont matter where a fella hunts anymore, it is hard to find a spot where there is NOBODY anymore......... Gets worse every year and if ya run and hide every time ya see another hunter there is no use being on a hunting trip, because its ineveitable in this day and age. On public ground anyway. I have had em shot out from ubnderneath me and had em shot out from underneath clients and its not any fun!!!! Dont happen often but it does happen. How are you and Terry doing, long time no hear from? bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage