Kenetrek Boots

What is your Trophy taxidermy protocol?

More lope in my room.
Archery B&C buck 2001 MT.
AZ muzzleloader buck- 16”
Trailer trash buck - MT, 16”
Ron Jeremy - MT buck 16+ archery 2010 I believe.
My highest scoring buck - 85+ gross, 84+ net. MT, 2009. Almost had him during archery & he would have tied state record.
If that’s not impressive, then nothing is. Don’t see a lot of 82”+ antelope as Euros. World class lineup @Greenhorn.

My taxidermy experience ended quickly. Took my first pronghorn buck and first 6pt bull to a guy. A while later he’s gone and moved to Mexico, never got it back. My fault.

For now my stuff is all mostly just skull capped sitting in a pile. A true wall hanger would be fast tracked to a shoulder mount.
Damn Greenhorn! That is truly impressive and an amazing collection. Antelope are some of my favorite mounts/euros. Congrats on a lifetime of success.
and I was thinking of posting some pics ..... not now, thanks to @Greenhorn :)
Great/impressive collection! I must ask .... who dusts all that?
And I love the skull eyeglasses holder, great idea!
Throwback Friday; back in the Moosie's HT day this place attracted the random braggart troll....the sort who would saunter in with blusterous insults and braggadocio. They'd eventually post a decent critter pic thinking it a bona fide to the swagger.

Greenhorn would hang a few pages of ridiculous bone & they'd either call a truce...or call it quits.
Throwback Friday; back in the Moosie's HT day this place attracted the random braggart troll....the sort who would saunter in with blusterous insults and braggadocio. They'd eventually post a decent critter pic thinking it a bona fide to the swagger.

Greenhorn would hang a few pages of ridiculous bone & they'd either call a truce...or call it quits.
Yep. On a different site I found out. Long time ago. GH didn't gut me on the open forum. Got some pms that I still think about today. #1 on the list of guys I'd like to sit and have a Hopzone or three with. mtmuley
Guess I’m the lucky guy. After reading some of the “my wife won’t let hang deer in the house”, I shake my head.
We had just started a house when we left for Africa. As I was taking critters, the wife was deciding which room they would go in. The bedroom has 2 zebras, I’m sitting here looking at 4 WT euros, a kudu, a waterbuck and an impala. We ever have a bear bathroom and a wildebeest in the foyer.
Maybe it helps that I built her the log home that she dreamed of!
Guess I’m the lucky guy. After reading some of the “my wife won’t let hang deer in the house”, I shake my head.
We had just started a house when we left for Africa. As I was taking critters, the wife was deciding which room they would go in. The bedroom has 2 zebras, I’m sitting here looking at 4 WT euros, a kudu, a waterbuck and an impala. We ever have a bear bathroom and a wildebeest in the foyer.
Maybe it helps that I built her the log home that she dreamed of!
We are the lucky ones. My wife and I both had a house when we were making plans to get married and we decided to live in her house and sell mine. She moved all my taxidermy in before we got married. I knew I was marrying the right girl when she asked if she could go ahead and put my mounts in our house. 5 years later I don’t have a man cave. Just a living room full of mounts that we share with our 2 kids and I’m good with that.
I’m thinking the only part we haven’t seen of greenhorns place is the bar? Saving the best for last?
The first game animal trophy that I hung on my wall was the 5" spike antlers of my first deer that I shot and hung on my bedroom wall when I was in college. After that I did a modified euro mount of my first 6x6 bull elk antlers. Unfortunately, I did those more than half a century ago and I no longer have either.

My first taxidermy mount was a black bear that I had done on a rug mount. That is still my only bear mount. I also had my first pronghorn antelope mounted, and as the years went by I thought those animals looked so unique and pretty that I finally stopped mounting them at number 7. Now I purposefully shoot a small buck or doe so I won't be tempted to have another one mounted.

I was luck enough to have moved to Montana when we had a good chance of drawing "Big Three" tags, and I have had all of those animals that I have shot mounted, and if I am ever lucky enough to shoot another one of them, I will have him mounted.

In 1977 I was lucky enough to shoot a 375" bull elk on a DIY public land hunt, and of course I had him mounted. A few years later I shot a pretty 340" bull elk on another DIY public land hunt, and I later had him mounted, so since then my elk antlers just get hung on the garage rafters and my elk trophies are the little white packages in my freezer.

In 1989 I built a 1000 square foot Trophy Room addition to my house and I never dreamed that I would ever fill it. In the past 20 years I have been fortunate enough to have made multiple international hunts. I have been able to take some fantastic trophies on these hunts and my basic philosophy has been to only mount animals that are either unique or signifyingly larger than animals that I already have mounted.

Even with that philosophy, I have now filled the walls in my Trophy Room, just about filled the walls in my Living Room, and almost filled all of the available floor space with pedestal mounts.

It's looking like another re-modeling project in my future.
Deer- All deer will be euro mounts. A fun and simple DIY process that will allow you to relive your hunt for a couple more days while you handle your antlers.
Bear- I've only harvested one bear and I did the euro mount myself. The hide is being tanned as a rug is very expensive and would eat into the hunting fund!
Antelope- I am planning an antelope hunt with my brother-in-law next fall. Pronghorn is the only animal I'm pleading with my wife to have a shoulder mount.
My wife has a 2 mount rule for our public spaces. I currently have a muley and my first bear skull on display.

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